Alfred Sant to publish book on euro

Topping off a prolific year, Alfred Sant sees the publication of yet another book – this time a non-fiction expose of that topical and beleaguered currency: the euro

Alfred Sant
Alfred Sant

What gave rise to the euro crisis? How will it affect us? As the months passed, people in Malta who had been tempted to ignore it increasingly became concerned. They began to understand that as Malta's currency, the euro has an impact on the life of all citizens, their families and their jobs. Suddenly there arose a flush of queries. What's going to happen to the euro? 

A new book by Alfred Sant - Malta u l-ewro/& the euro - sets out to record the roots and causes of the current eurozone crisis, by examining the euro's history to provide a full picture of the current European economic landscape. How did the euro take off? What were the aims of its sponsors? How did Malta come to introduce the euro? What were the problems which faced Malta and other European countries because of the euro? What triggered the crises in Greece, Ireland, Portugal and other countries in the eurozone?

The book parses through this complex subject in clear, accessible language, covering political, economic and social angles while providing an overview of most countries involved in the euro crisis - from Greece to Germany - and relates them to the Maltese situation, gradually building up a picture of the crucial events, month by month, as they happened, up to December 2011.

Malta u l-ewro/& the euro will be available in bookstores and stationers from January 9.

Kif nghidu bil-Malti: " Iz-zejt dejjem jitla fill-wicc". U hekk qed jigri lid-dhul tal-ewro. Din il-munita unika mill-bidunett taghha kellha ghan ewlieni POLITIKU u mhux ghan ekonomiku. L-ghan li tisforza lill-pajjizi membri fl-UE biex jintegraw kompletament anki POLITIAMENT. U billi dan huwa impossibbli li jsir, minhabba li l-popli dan ma jaccettawhx, l-ewro illum jew ghada bilfors se tfalli! dan qaluh l-aqwa ekonomisti.
Little by little I think everyone will realize that this man was right on many aspects when it comes to EU or Euro. He had advised on many occasions to be cautious and now see what is happening around us!
@ Thor It is probably beyond their intellectual capability They introduced the Euro, therefore it is a godsend, and that's final.
Knowing Alfred Sant, it must be a down-to-earth book worth reading. Looking forward to it.
Somebody do gonzi and tonio fenech a good deed and send them a copy.