Shortlist for best Maltese children's books of the year announced

The first edition of the Terramaxka Prize will reward Maltese authors who wrote books aimed at children in 2014

Clare Azzopardi is one of the nominees for the prize • Photo by Virginia Monteforte
Clare Azzopardi is one of the nominees for the prize • Photo by Virginia Monteforte

Terramaxka Prize 2015 is the Prize for books published throughout 2014 and aimed for children and adolescents. Winners of the Terramaxka Prize will be announced a day prior to the Malta Book Festival (4-8 November, Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta) and celebrated on weekday mornings during school visits.

The contenders for the prize in their respective categories are listed below:


Original works: Books for Children (Ages 0-7)

Jisimni Mariah by Doris Schembri (Faraxa Publishing)     

L-ewwel ktieb tal-kuluri by Terence Portelli (Klabb Kotba Maltin)              

L-ewwel ktieb tan-numri by Terence Portelli (Klabb Kotba Maltin)            

L-ewwel ktieb tal-alfabett by Terence Portelli (Klabb Kotba Maltin)         

Kliem minn kullimkien by Terence Portelli (Klabb Kotba Maltin)  


Original works: Books for Children (Ages 8-12)

What? Another Book of Stories? by Roberta Bajada (M.U.T. Publications)            

Jake Cassar irid isalva ir-renji kollha waħdu by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)          

Ir-Re tal-Ġungla u s-Skiet Misterjuż by Therese Pace (Faraxa Publishing)               

Fis-Sena Sittin wara Kristu by Emanuel Curmi (Publikazzjonijiet Preca)

San Pawl li Beka  by Pawlu Mizzi (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

Bieb il-Għarreqin by Pawlu Mizzi (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

Il-Ġebla tal-Ħalfa by Pawlu Mizzi (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

Il-Wegħda tal-Ktajjen by Pawlu Mizzi (Klabb Kotba Maltin)

Valuri biz-Zokkor by Charles Magro (M.U. T. Publications)

Save Samyo City by Sherise Bugeja (Merlin Publishers)

Stampakelma by Trevor Zahra (Merlin Publishers)

Il-Gżira ta’ Wanyama by Claudia Cini (M.U.T. Publications)

Dizzjunarju bil-Malti għat-Tfal by Christopher J. Micallef (Book Distributors Limited)       


Original works: Books for Adolescents (Ages 13-16)

Only in Ħal Biżarr by David Aloisio (Klabb Kotba Maltin) 

Strange Tales by Charles Raymond Coyne (Faraxa Publishing)    

The Legend of Amanda Robins by Corrine Annette Zahra (Faraxa Publishing)      

Il-Misteru tal-Ġgantija by Ivan De Battista (Book Distributors Limited)   

il-baħri  by Charles Casha (Klabb Kotba Maltin)  


Translation: Books translated into Maltese (Ages 0-7)

Aċċu! by Trevor Zahra (Merlin Publishers)           

X’qed ifittex fid-dar tiegħu Gallett? by Terence Portelli (Klabb Kotba Maltin)       

Busy Farm  / Razzett Mimli Tħabrik by Toni Aquilina (Faraxa Publishing) 

Nora, hemm xi lbist? by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)       

Nora ma tiflaħx by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers) 

Il-fabbrika tal-kliem by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)         

Serafin il-prinċep-denfil by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)  

Rosetta Banana, tinten jew tfuħ? By Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)              

Kukku l-kukkudrill kantant by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers              )             

Lupu Lupettu kull kulur  by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)  

Ġimgħa ma’ Gallett by Terence Portelli (Klabb Kotba Maltin)     

Ġurnata ma’ Gallett by Terence Portelli (Klabb Kotba Maltin)    

Milly, Molly u ż-Żerriegħa tal-Qar’aħmar by Frans A. Attard (Uptrend Publishing)             

Milly u Molly bil-Mutur  by Frans A. Attard (Uptrend Publishing)

Milly, Molly u d-Dwejra ta’ Bob by Frans A. Attard (Uptrend Publishing)

Milly u Molly Jgħallmu lil Makk jaqra by Frans A. Attard (Uptrend Publishing)     


Translation: Books translated into Maltese (Ages 8-12)

Il-Misteru tal-Labirint by Rita Saliba (Merlin Publishers) 

Il-Misteru tad-Dniefel tal-Ġebel by Rita Saliba (Merlin Publishers)             

Par widnejn kbar by Loranne Vella (Merlin Publishers)

Kosmos Express: il-Wikkiel tal-Pjaneti by Loranne Vella (Merlin Publishers)          

Merħba fir-rifuġju ta’ Kobikisa! by Loranne Vella (Merlin Publishers)

L-Investigazzjonijiet ta’ Arkimeda Lapsi: Din iċ-ċajta min għamilha? by Loranne Vella (Merlin Publishers)

It-Tifel Dragun: l-ewwel fjamma by Loranne Vella (Merlin Publishers)    

Se jkolli ħijja żgħir? Le grazzi! by Loranne Vella (Merlin Publishers)          


Translation: Books translated into Maltese (Ages 13-16)

Kważi Kważi lil Tamara Nżommuha by Simon Bartolo (Merlin Publishers)