Let’s talk about City Gate

The City Gate project may have receded from the headlines, but a couple of upcoming events aim to get people talking about the controversial rehabilitation of Valletta’s entrance.

Elise Billiard’s lecture will discuss the idea of public spaces in light of the City Gate project.
Elise Billiard’s lecture will discuss the idea of public spaces in light of the City Gate project.

First in line will be a screening of Bettina Hutschek's documentary City Gate - a diary of demolition. Commissioned by the Architecture Project, the 'experimental' documentary aims to get at how the public perception of this familiar structure has changed throughout the course of the City Gate project, between the building, the public, and Valletta itself.

The documentary - which will be screened at 4, Sappers Street, Valletta between March 2 and 16 - will show the removal of the old gate from various angles, with the aim of presenting a subjective take on the city's relationship to its past and present.

"Each time change takes place, the correct balance between past and future, permanence and transience is at stake, transforming the city and its architecture into a placeholder for collective dreams and memories and a container for contemporary myths," was how the Architecture Project described the film's ethos.

Then, on 8 March, a lecture by the anthropologist Elise Billiard will employ the City Gate project to expand upon the idea of public spaces - their use and relevance in a contemporary society which seems to have lost a sense of community.

Billiard's lecture will ask: "Where space is mostly private or restricted, is there a place where a sense of community can proliferate within a framework of public space?"

The lecture - which will take place at Europa House, 254 St Paul's Street, Valletta at 6pm -will further expand on the role of urbanists and architects in designing public spaces which would "encourage local democracy and a sense of common good".

Attendance to the lecture is by reservation only, through [email protected]. For more information, log on to: http://transitproject.tumblr.com/ and www.ap.com.mt/.


How can you call it city gate when there is no gate except for those digusting two slabs of so called ?????
" Let`s talk about City Gate "....x 'GATE' huwa ? Mela ser jaghmlu wiehed ? Jaqaw indunaw li ser jaghmlu froga, ghax daqs kemm ma tistax taghmel dar bla bieb, daqshekk iehor ma tistax taghmel BELT suppost fortifikata bla bieb. Nixtieq nissugerixxi sabiex taht il parlament il gdid jinbnew garaxxijiet sabiex id delettanti tal karnival ikollhom fejn jahdmu il karrijiet....xejn ,xejn ikun hemm karnival fuq u iehor isfel.