11 fool-proof ways to engage and retain customers through social media

By Miriana Micallef

Did you know that the most common reason people unlike or unfollow a business on social media is uninteresting posts? This shouldn’t surprise you at all but there are still many marketing professionals nowadays who don’t give much thought to having a cohesive and well-thought out social media strategy.

With this in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to include some tips and tricks that should serve as the foundation for a simple social media strategy; tips that do not take up a significant amount of time to implement but may attract valuable leads.

Know your audience

What makes a post uninteresting is usually not the content itself, but the receiver – who is not attracted by the post. It is important you target your content to your client’s needs and interests. If your audience is interested in sports, post videos of athletes/sports gear or share information on the next Olympic Games. You can also deviate a little and go into healthy recipes or current sports issues.

Decide which social media channel to use

Some brands try to be active on all trending social media channels such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and countless others. Don't waste your time on such channels. Be actively present on 2-3 channels you know can generate positive results for your brand. In Malta, the most popular channels are Facebook and LinkedIn. LinkedIn targets business professionals so it is especially suited to B2B companies.

Content is King

Be sure to use content effectively. Try to post informative yet interesting articles that address typical problems your customers are likely to face. The posts don’t have to be technical, especially if your audience is not. Most importantly, use links wisely to drive interest in your business (e.g. your official website).

An interesting example is from one of our partners, Qlikview, where they tweet about their product and its use. Note the use of hashtags linking to specific keywords which attract their target audience and the link to their website to generate website traffic.

The right material on the right channel

Make sure that you understand the benefits of specific social media channels. For example, LinkedIn is a powerful way to connect with your current and potential business partners. You should use this as an opportunity to share mainly industry or business-related material. If you are using Twitter on the other hand, make sure your posts include the right hashtags to attract attention and interest.

Don’t be static

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words – do use images and videos to your advantage. It is a known fact that people are more interested in a short video or in a visually pleasing image such as infographic rather than large chunks of text. Make sure they are simple to understand and have a decent resolution.

Be Positive

Do post about current issues affecting your audience as such content will have the highest chance of grabbing your audience’s attention. However, try to adopt a positive twist. Be careful not to create discussions that might go out-of-hand and potentially damage your brand.

Call to Action!

Always include an effective Call-To-Action - whether it is a link to your company page or to a specific event. This will create multi-channel engagement and thus increase the possibility of conversion.

Automated posts

For increased efficiency, set up a buffer (queue) with the posts you wish to publish throughout the week. This will save you time and give you the ability to set up a consistent social media plan.

Post in a timely manner

Be aware that trying too hard may drive your audience away. Get to know the best time that your audience is most likely to engage. If you are targeting customers in an office, working standard office hours, this will most likely to be during workdays between 12pm and 2pm, where most take a break from work and check out their social media profiles. For international companies, keep in mind the different time-zones especially if they are more than a few hours apart.

Create relationships

It is useless posting on every social media channel and not replying to comments. Keep your eyes peeled for any queries or problems that might have risen with a product or service you offer and provide the necessary support. When faced with a negative comment or review make sure to provide an immediate cordial reply online and aim to take the rest of the conversation offline.


Social media is mostly free and an informal way of connecting to your clients and partners but it should still be done strategically. It is important to measure ROI (Return on Investment). To do this, social media analytics and monitoring platforms are available to provide invaluable insight on how well your social media efforts are performing.

One such tool is Socionomix Analytics, that allows you to measure the effectiveness of your social media efforts by having unparalleled insight into your own social media activity as well as your competitors’.

Moreover, iMovo has also just launched Socionomix Monitor which allows you to discover how your brand is being perceived on social media and be alerted when your brand/company are mentioned online.

For more information about how Socionomix Analytics and Socionomix Monitor can help your business have a look at the Socionomix website.