Lija needs a Pollution consultant, says Cycling Group

The Bicycle Advocacy Group also called for a walking commissioner and a cycling commissioner, which the group says it has been requesting for the past seven years.

The helm trees, some of which were over a 100 years old, were all cut down  cut down to make way for an additional south-bound carriageway
The helm trees, some of which were over a 100 years old, were all cut down cut down to make way for an additional south-bound carriageway

The Bicycle Advocacy Group have called on Transport Malta to engage a pollution consultant and a cycling consultant.

Transport Malta has already employed a biodiversity consultant to advise for the removal of two remaining mature Lija trees.

The decision drew ire from Maltese environmentalists and NGOs.

The authority recently stated that trees will be replanted “where possible, unlikely in the growing season, and that saplings will be planted in other areas”.

BAG has come out criticising Transport Malta, arguing that new trees will not serve as carbon sinks if planted 50m away from the original layout. They are therefore asking for the whereabouts of the new plantings, which, they hope, will serve as pollution buffer zones.

The NGO also noted that TM needs to plant more trees along the Lija roads to make up for increased emissions. 

The employment of a cycling commissioner and a walking commissioner have also been called for. The group notes that they have been calling for a cycling representative at Transport Malta for the past seven years.

“Lija residents are already feeling the effects of this as more traffic is finding its way onto the quiet villages residential streets,” the BAG said. “Lija needs a pollution consultant or at least a consultant on liveable cities to protect its quintessential value”.