Posidonia meadows stand in the way of Qala project

Ecologist Alan Deidun warns of huge ecological impact for proposed yacht marina and cruise liner terminal at is-Simar, which forms part of a Marine Protection Area and boasts of cleanest bating water in the islands.

The area identified for a yacht marina and a cruise liner terminal includes posidonia meadows, a habitat protected by EU legislation. EU law forbids the destruction of posidonia meadows.

The government can only justify any development harming this habitat if it proves that the project is in the national interest.

The proposed yacht marina and cruise liner terminal accompanied by residential development in the Simar quarry in Qala could have a massive impact on one of Malta’s 5 Marine Protection Areas. The area identified for this project also lies in a Marine Protection Area which includes the north east of Malta, Comino and the eastern coast of Gozo.

Contacted by MaltaToday marine biologist Alan Deidun warned that the project’s greatest impact could be on the marine environment in what is Malta’s cleanest bathing water as confirmed by EU studies assessing the quality of various beaches.

He warned that the marine environment could be affected by construction works which would require land reclamation and by the use of anti fouling agents by visiting yachts. According to Deidun the area is characterised by strong currents which could spread the impact of any contamination to surrounding areas including Hondoq ir-Rummien and Comino.

Another major impact according to Deidun is light pollution which will have an impact on sea bird populations. He also observed that this area is presently isolated from any surrounding development. Deidun also warned that the project may require new roads on surrounding agricultural land because the only access to the existing quarry is through a 3 meter pathway.

The site earmarked for the project also include a stretch of shoreline between the quarry and the sea which would be obiliterated by the project.