Tailor your weight loss programme to your body type

If you’ve ever been frustrated by the body shape life handed you and think there’s nothing you can do about it, you’re wrong. Breakthrough science, based on targeting specific types of body fat, can help you lose inches in the most stubborn areas, namely your butt or your gut. Here are the revolutionary diet and exercise tips designed to help you reshape your body for life. While you’re working on losing those pounds, learn the style secrets that will help you fake it until you make it.

Body type: 

Big bottom

If you fall into this category, the first secret to slimming down is to understand what type of body fat you’re fighting. Those with big bottoms are carrying around extra subcutaneous fat. This fat that appears just below your skin is actually healthier than belly fat. Unfortunately, it is also harder to get rid of. Subcutaneous fat is associated with healthy cholesterol levels and fewer heart attacks, but it also has less blood flow and holds onto calories, which makes it tough to burn off.

Diet plan: Eat a low-fat diet

Research shows that a low-fat diet actually helps break down stubborn fat cells in your bottom region.

Step 1: Cut back on saturated fats

To get on track with a low-fat diet, begin by cutting down on saturated fats, including animal sources such as high-fat dairy and red meats. Eliminate hidden saturated fats such as hydrogenated oils found in processed foods.

Step 2: Include low-fat dairy in every meal

You don’t have to cut out dairy entirely. Studies demonstrate that calcium helps to regulate the way fat cells store, build up and break down fat. Subsequently, low-fat dairy sources such as milk, yoghurt and cottage cheese help promote weight loss. Choose low-fat (2%), not no-fat dairy.

Meal sampler:

  • Butt-blasting breakfast: Low-fat Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and granola 
  • Lunch: Low-fat cottage cheese with tomatoes, cucumbers and grilled chicken 
  • Snack:  Low-fat milk with dark chocolate cocoa 
  • Dinner: Lean turkey burger with steamed vegetables 

Workout: Curtsy squats & rows

To work off a big-bottom area, do resistance training and get a cardio workout at the same time by using something called “complexes.” Complexes are a type of circuit training consisting of body sculpting moves, done back to back in a circuit format. Pears should combine curtsy squats and rows. You can do this routine with a resistance band or by holding milk cartons or cans. Start by doing a curtsy. Then, lean forward with your hips and go right into a rowing motion with your arms. Do as many as you can with good form in 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise 2-3 times. You’ll increase lean body tissue, boost your metabolism, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Calcium rich foods

Everyone knows dairy products are rich in calcium, however they are also high in animal fats. Here is a list of foods that crank up the calcium levels without the added saturated fat.

  • Dried herbs – Although almost never eaten in large quantities adding an extra pinch or two of dried herbs to sauces will increase calcium intake. Celery seeds, dried thyme, dried marjoram and dried rosemary.
  • Sesame seeds – these provide the most calcium when roasted with 99% DV in a 100g serving. Sesame butter, or tahini paste provides about half the amount of calcium with 43% DV in 100g. 
  • Tofu – Fried tofu provides 37% DV per 100g. Tofu prepared with calcium sulphate will naturally provide much higher levels of calcium. 
  • Almonds – Almonds are a great source of calcium, whether dry roasted or made into butter, with 27% DV per 100g serving. 
  • Brazil nuts – Similarly Brazil nuts are also rich in calcium with 16% DV in a 100g serving.  
  • Green leafy vegetables – Dark green leafy vegetables are a great source of calcium, whether raw or cooked. Dandelion greens provide 19% DV in a 100g serving, kale, 9% and mustard greens, 6%. 

Body type: 

Big belly

If you’re struggling to get rid of a big middle, you’re battling visceral fat, the fat located in your abdominal region that surrounds vital organs. While this fat is easier to get rid of than subcutaneous fat, it is also worse for you. Excess visceral fat has been linked to type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. People with big middles tend to have higher levels of cortisol, the body’s key stress hormone. Too much cortisol slows your metabolism and also breaks down muscle, making you hard-wired to store fat.

Diet plan: Avoid spikes in blood sugar

Step 1: Avoid refined carbohydrates

First, avoid refined carbs like white bread, pasta and rice that are low in fat and spike blood sugar, which can increase stress and make you hungrier. 

Step 2: Eat anti-inflammatory foods

Replace simple carbs with anti-inflammatory foods such as barley, buckwheat and amaranth. These whole grains stabilize blood sugar and help control cortisol surges. Go for other healthy anti-inflammatory fats, too, like olive oil, avocado, sea bass and salmon.

Workout: Metabolic disturbance training

To shave off your big middle, you want to practice interval training that involves sudden bursts of high-intensity movement alternated with lower intensity movement. Using an exercise stepper, begin by stepping up and down at a moderate pace for two to five minutes. Then crank up the pace for 30 seconds to one minute, until you can feel your heart rate has increased and you’re slightly out of breath. Then go back to the more moderate pace. Repeat throughout the workout. This method boosts both your aerobic and anaerobic systems to speed metabolism and burn belly fat. 

Anti-inflammatory foods  

Some anti-inflammatory foods that not only reduce inflammation and promote healing but also aid weight loss 

  • Kelp
  • Turmeric
  • Wild seafood, particularly salmon
  • Shittake mushrooms
  • Green tea
  • Papaya
  • Blueberry
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet potato
  • Avocado