Catholics must vote in line with Church teachings – Archbishop

Catholic believers’ voting decision must be consistent with their beliefs and the teachings of the Church, says Archbishop Paul Cremona.

Cremona was speaking following a meeting with the Moviment Zwieg bla Divorzju in his Attard residence on Thursday.

Cremona stressed how Catholics cannot separate their civic duties from their beliefs.  “The expression of one’s civic duty has to be consistent with one’s Catholic beliefs.” He said that the Church’s teachings spell out that divorce is not part of God’s plan or Christ’s teachings, and that the Church has always opposed the introduction of divorce legislation in many other countries.

“The church cannot be silent on this. It would mean that it is abdicating on its duty and responsibility towards its mission and towards families,” he said. He called on Catholics to ask themselves if they can do their part in God’s mission, and vote accordingly.

He added that the Church is also “justified in calling on laymen by being active in the socio-economic arena,” referring to those who are active within the divorce debate. “I do not want the Church do conduct crusades,” Cremona said. Describing crusades as personal attacks on an individual basis, “I hope that nobody in the Church is conducting themselves in this way.”

Cremona also said that “whatever the referendum result, the Church will keep doing its part in working towards the strengthening of the family.”

Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju proponent Andre Camilleri pushed the line that divorce would create “a new type of poverty” where divorced breadwinners would have to subsidise both their first and second families due to alimony.

“We aim to inform people of what divorce means and the impact of its introduction into Maltese society,” Camilleri said. “We are not motivated by religion or religious beliefs,” he added. “We are a secular movement.”

He said the movement also made it one of its aims to direct its message to those who might hold different beliefs as well.

Camilleri also reiterated the lobby’s previous position that divorce will not solve the issue of domestic violence, and neither would it lead to a decrease in the rate of cohabitation.

He added that the referendum question is misleading in that “maintenance cannot be guaranteed”, pointing to figures that 2010 court figures showed that, separated spouses were not paying their due alimony and maintenance.

He also expressed the movement’s wish to see a coalition of political, civil, and Church ‘stakeholders’ who can work towards holistic new policies that promote family stability.  

“Where possible, the state should create structures not only to ensure that couples and spouses go out to work, but also helps them do this by reducing tensions on the family, citing child care support. “Those couples who are also looking to have children should be helped to make decisions that do not lead to increasing burdens and tensions upon the family,” Camilleri said. “Those structures are currently lacking.”

He said the Church would have a very valid role within this coalition.

Camilleri was accompanied by Arthur Galea Salomone, the chairman of the Malta Stock Exchange.

Questions by the media were not taken, despite the protests of several reporters. Fr Charles Tabone, the Curia's PRO, justified this by saying that "this is a press event, not a press coverage, so there is no question time." He invited the media to send in any questions by email or phone following the press event.

U mhux ahjar kieku l-papiet, l-isqfijiet u l-klerici kollha jibdew jimxu fuq it-taghlim ta' Kristu meta qal: Hallu kollox u iemxu warajja? Jew lil S Gesu' Kristu tikkwotawh fejn jaqbel lilkom biss?
Helenio Galea
Wow, fehma w vuci very clever argument. Read a book about something and, abracadabra, it becomes truth. Fantastic. You're just as bad as bible quoters.
@CITIZEN X1 In reference to your queries about Christ and Joseph, I suggest you read the book THE HOLY KINGDOM by Adrian Gilbert that would explain everything and how devious the Roman Catholic Church has been in it's teachings. This book has the family tree of Jesus. Not only was Christ married to Mary Madgelene and had 3 children TAMAR a girl, JESUS and JOSEPH but also MARY his mother was married twice to JOSEPH and then to JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA for that is why Jesus had brothers and sisters which are referred to in the bible. Joseph of Arimathea was the father of James and the rest of the family. Getting back to the divorce issue, let no one forget that marriages and annulments generate a lot of money for the catholic chuch and in case you have forgotten, His Excellency the Arch bishop is entitled 6% commission from all the funds that his diocese generates. Of course His Excellency is against divorce. Wouldn't you be if you were getting less money on your job. Didnt you complain because you only got 1.6 euros raise? Except that the Archbishop can use the teachings of St. Paul and use his church for his arguments. Let them express their opinions, just don't be a fool and believe them. DIVORCE & MARRIAGE HAS BEEN AROUND BEFORE JESUS WAS BORN and has never been an issue in the jewish faith where Jesus was raised and taught his principles.
Din mhix glieda religjuza. Din glieda tal-poter ekklezjastiku fuq il-poter civili. Glieda ghall-poter BISS. Issa sta ghall-poplu li jiddeciedi jekk iridx jibqa' jigi mmexxi minn imniehru mill-knisja li fil-poter ikollha kelb tal-but (PN) jew inkella jkollna veru stat lajk li jahseb verament fil-bzonnijiet tal-poplu u jhalli lill-Knisja tiehu hsieb l-affarijiet tat-twemmin nisrani u ma tindahalx fl-affarijiet civili. Hemm bzonn nehilsu darb'ghal dejjem mid-dittatura ekklezjastika. Pero diga qeghdin jidhru sinjali li l-hemm resqin Ghadna kemm rajna li bejn Jannar u April, zwigijiet bil-knisja saru 92 u zwigijiet civili saru 97 !!. Mhux idoqqilkom l-allarm monsinjuri ??. U jekk ser tibqghu iddahhlu mnehirkom f'dak li hu civil, ser tkomplu thaffru l-qabar taghkom. Qed iggibu dan b'idejkom. Id-divorzju huwa dritt moghti mic-civil ghal min hu mizzewweg bic-civil Jekk hemm min hu mizzewweg bil-knisja u jrid juzah affarih. Imma l-gvern, b'din il-ligi ma hu ser jgieghel lil HADD jiddivorzja. Lanqas lill-istess nies li jizzewgu bic-civil mhu ser jimponi li jiddivorzjaw. Daqs kemm il-Knisja ma ggieghel li HADD jannulla jew jissepara. Min jaghmel hekk ghax irid hu. Hadd ma qieghed igieghel lil hadd. Fl-2010 kien hemm 2725 zwigijiet. Minnhom 1740 saru fil-Knisja ,777 saru bic-civil u 10 b'religjonijiet ohra. Tal-knisja jistghu jannullaw u jisseparaw u qisu ma jigri xejn, ghalkemm bl-annullament it-tfal lanqas biss jissemmew, u min ikollu l-kustodja taghhom ikollu jiftah kawza civili biex jirbah il-manteniment !!. Hekk trid il-knisja?. Daqshekk jimpurtaha mit-tfal ?. Fejn hi l-konsistenza ?. U ghaliex dawk is-777 li zzewgu bic-cival u l-eluf l-ohra hekk mizzewgin, ghandhom inqas drittijiet minn dawk mizzewgin bil-knisja ?. Min jannulla jista' jerga jizzewweg. Ghaliex min izzewweg bic-civil m'ghandux ikollu c-cans jerga' jizzewweg billi jkollu soluzjoni tad-divorzju ?. U dan wara li jkun evidenti li ma jkunx hemm cans ta' rikonciljazzjoni u wara li jkunu ghaddew 4 snin mifrudin ?. Wild ta' xi hadd suppost importanti hawn Malta ha zewg annullament fi zmien 3 snin !!. X'ghandu dan iltar minn min hu mizzewweg bic-civil u jixtieq jibda hajja gdid wara t-tifrik tal-ewwel zwieg ?. Dawn dejjem isemmu x'qal Kristu,"Dak li ghaqqad ALLA ma jhassru HADD". Hadd ma jidhol ghaz-zwieg biex jinfired, allura kif tigi l-Knisja u thassar dak li ghaqqad ALLA ?. Mela dawn qed jahsbu li lahqu allat ?. Mela x-xoghol qed taghmel il-knisja qabel izzewweg lin-nies?. Skond il-kanoni taz-zwieg il-kappillan suppost jaghmel stharrig intens fuq il-koppja qabel izewwighom biex jara li dawn dehlin ghaz-zwieg minghajr impediment. Jekk wara jaslu jaghtuhom l-annullament ifisser li l-knisja mhix taqdi dmira sewwa !. U llum nafu x'qieghed jigri fl-annullamenti. Il-koppja taqbel f'kollox basta tehles u tkun libera li taghmel li trid. Fejn hi s-serjeta tat-tribunal ekklezjastiku?. Tista' tispjegalna Mons Said Pullicino ?. Diga rajna li fl-ewwel 4 xhur tas-sena gew registrati 191 divorzju f'Malta !!. X'ghandhom iktar dawn l-individwi minn ohrajn li jridu l-istess dritt u ma jistghux jottjenuh ghax ma jistghux ihallsu biex jghixu 6 xhur barra ?. Din DISKRIMINAZZJONI u jien nipproponi li jinfetah fond biex nifthu kaz quddiem il-Qorti Ewropeja tad-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem halli naqtghuha darba ghal-dejjem. Jew inkella xi hadd jitlob lill-Gvern ihallaslu biex imur u jkun jista' jgib id-divorzju minn barra.Jekk il-gvern jirrifjuta, tinfetah kawza fil-Qorti Ewropeja. Jien ser nivvota IVA u bilqalb biex neqred darb'ghal dejjem l-ipokresija li hawn f'dan il-pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse. Tal-movimemnt "LE" ma jridux jaccettaw mistoqsijiet minghand il-media. Ghaliex tghid?. Tant jafu li m'ghandhomx bazi soda u jafu li kull argument li qed igibu jitwaqqa' facilment, li ma jridux jaqghu ghan-nej quddiem il-poplu. Jiena cert li anke kieku kellhom jistiednu tifel/tifla minn familja fejn hlief glied u swat ma jarawx, u jhalluh/a taghmel mistoqsijiet, ukoll ikollhom risposti li jwaqqghulhom wicchom l-art. Jien ghamilt zmien ma tfal bhal dawn u naf kif jahsbuha. Hafna hafna kienu d-drabi li kienu jghiduli,"Ahjar kont int missieri", u dan waqt li jibku , jirrabjaw u jishtu l-mument li gew f'dik il-familja. Kemm iltqajt ma' nisa jibku !!. Hekk triduhom lin-nisa u lit-tfal, monsinjuri u ipokriti tal-LE ?. Hbieb, ghall-bzonnijiet tat-tfal u n-nisa msawta ohorgu u vvutaw IVA u thallux qabda bazokki mmuffati jimpressjonawkom bil-paroli u bil-babaw.
One other thing. Where exactly does Christ say he was against divorce. I recall him saying "Give onto Caesar what is Caesar's" which i would interpret as Christ agreeing with a Secular State. Christ also clearly said that he was not a king or wanted a kingdom - yet here we are running down the street with a statue of 'Christ the King' (maybe they meant Elvis Style King - who knows!) And why did Christ himself not marry? One other question i have and i really hope that someone can direct me to an answer ... where was Joseph when Christ was brought down from the cross? We see statues of Maria holding the body of Christ - should not Joseph be in that picture as well? What happened to Joseph, was he dead, had he left? Surely this is a pertinent question consider that Cremona derives his supposed authority from what went one in those faithfuls days thousands of years ago.
To download another copy of this teaching, Click Antoine vella, ghall-informazzjoni tieghe u tal-page li tajt int stess, qed jghidlek jekk tridx taghmel download copu. U jien ma bdilt xejn milli hemm miktub. U dik is-site mhux tieghek. immisek ikkontradejt ghalmenu fuq li hemm miktub, jekk tridha ta xi PRO tal-knisja int :)
Like on so many issues Cremona is wrong. Christians should not make of the divorce option once this becomes available to them - if they so choose to follow the church teachings. With that I am fine. What Cremona is suggesting, however is forcing people to his view and to subotage the process of a democratically elected state. He also presumes to force his views on the many people that don't agree or care for what he represents. Does Cremona thing that democracy is a joke and we should revert to fascism and medieval kings - maybe with torture chambers and public executions for those who do not agree - church has enough blood on it hands already. I would also take the opportunity to ask Cremona why he found it so hard to climb down 4 stairs, cross a road and report the child abuse that went on within his church - or does something in the church teachings approves of sexually molesting children? And where does Cremona stand on the corruption, abuse of power and the suffering that his business partner Gonzi has caused to Maltese Families. Cremona is also conspicuously silent on the gambling, money laundering, pornography and prostitution that so many PN business man benefit from and for which GonziPN has turned this country into a safe haven. Maybe this is also condoned by church teachings.
Ma nafx ghaliex, hawn min kull cans li jkollu jdawwar kwistjoni flok jargumenta favur jew kontra jigi jdahhal il-knisja u min imexxiha. Jekk jien li ma jien xejn nista nghid dak li nahseb, nifhem li nies bhal l-arcisqof ghandu jghid u jmexxi dak li ghandu jkun it-twemmin. Possibli ma nsibux xi nghid ghala ghandna nivvottaw le jew iva... Veru li din bhal kull ligi ohra kellha tghaddi mill-parliament u mhux jitfugha ghand ic-cittadin...imma lanqas hu rispett li flok nghidu argumenti noqghodu nitfghu it-tajn u hdura kontra il-knisja..nispera li qed nifhem hazin...
tkunx injurant antoine vella. dak li nikteb mhux li nemmen fih- izda sabiex, natghi ftit ghajnuna lil min qed jahseb jew almenu jemmen li l-knsija kattolika rumana ghnada ragun.
Falzonsilvio, when you are quoting massive blocks of text it is customary to cite the source (in this case as otherwise you might be accused of plagiarism. . Not that it would matter to you, I suppose.
GOD protect me from your followers.
God hates divorce, but Himself divorced and remarried. It seems that even God is not good enough to sing at her church and lead in your organization, as even He who hates divorce, went ahead and divorced Israel because of her evil ways, and married another, the gentiles. Even God has enough sense to reject evil. Not until God raptures His church, and Israel repents at our Lord's second coming will God take her back, and marry her again, and then only those who repent. Jeremiah 3; Zechariah 12-14. My friend forgave this evil man for years, pouring out her Spirit of Grace, and was ready to forgive again and again, but he would not repent. I guess you expected her to have more power than God and do more than God could or would do. Christ says "Depart from me you evil doer!" While Christ died for us while we were yet sinners, and He woos us to Him by His grace, it does not benefit us until we repent to enter into Covenant with God. Marital love is Covenant love, requiring both parties to submit to one another. Unconditional love implies that no matter how your spouse treats you, abuses you, or corrupts you and your family, whether by legal or illegal means, you are to "love" them. Essentially, we have been taught that "unconditional" love is a love without moral boundaries. While Jesus loved us and allowed himself to be abused and terrorized for our sin, He did so before we married Him, but only those who repent, and respond in deep regret, love and gratitude to Him are accepted and benefit in a marriage relationship with Him forever. Others who claim to know Him are warned and told He never knew them. To know Him means intimate love, marital love, and for the evil doer to depart from Him. Jesus is indeed our bridegroom and we are His bride. But even Jesus will divorce many forever and send them to hell, because they never committed to Him in the first place. --Sorry Jesus, according to my friend's church and your organization, "You" are not qualified to lead your church either. Matthew 7. How sad that the church has not learned that divorce in and of itself is not sin, and under certain circumstances is a righteous act, as God did so Himself, and Christ Himself will do so when He separates the goat from the sheep.
Rayman Jumbo
Dear Archbishop, watching the news coverage on the TV it confirmed many people's theory that you are being managed by Cardinal Gouder. How can a leader sit pretty on a chair and allowing a Don Gouder to dictate what you are to do or say???? Since you addressed the press, you should have had the decency to tell them yourself that you did not want to answer ad hoc questions!!!
There is not a lot of difference between this dictator and all the other dictators before him. The catholic church is here to be despised.
The thing* for me is * , not the church, but the toleration of the majority of the maltese people.
if one looks well, he is not smiling, That was tension coming out ,than express it as a smile. they are spending thousands of euro in this campaign. That's why they are doing all they can to stop divorce. The thing is for me , not the church, but the tolerationof the majority of the maltese people. Why (which I hope not) the majority of the maltese people, will vote NO to divorce? You know how many foreigners comes hereallready divorced and re-married? we talk to them we help them and we smile at them. But why NO to a fellow maltese citizen? Why NO to him/her? From since I was young , I used to hear this saying all over Malta, in the streets , workplaces , everywhere, "The maltese are good with the foreigners, but between them not good (Lanzit). Why is this so? let's take some politicians, which we all knew are against divorce, so thye do not tolerate divorced people. Hmmm see them when they are abroad, you see them smiling , drinking attending ceremonies with them. and they DON"T DARE speaking that they are against divorce(so in one word against divorced people cause it's immoral according to them). But in Malta, they are totally different, Is it possible that they still think that the MAJORITY of the maltese people are all fools? Is it because so many people don't read or even care , to see and know what is happening in the same world that they are living? Open the window and look outside, there is a large place there , waiting for you to explore, It's just outside ..
So what about the Catholic Church's supposed belief in religious freedom? Are Catholics being expected to respect the rights of others who have a different version of Christianity? And that includes Anglicans? What about those who are agnostics or atheists? What hypocrisy! Words, words, words from the smiling archbishop which mean absolutely nothing but the same old crap in different wrapping.
Anton Portelli
i wld like to hear what the church tjnks abt the cohabitation law - they kept too long mum abt it
Here’s my 5 cents worth of how the RC church operates. 1. It’s no use asking church dignitaries any questions. You may ask until you are blue in the face. They do not budge. They do not do dialogue. It’s a one way system. 2. They’re not bothered at all if they are hated. They know they are especially by those who aren’t fooled by their ecclesiastical babble. I’m definitely not suggesting you hate them. Best to save your energies. Life's too short. 3. They want to be feared so that they can keep people under control. There's more ...
falzonsilvio You feel allergic to priests? That's very mild compared to what I feel. Thanks for your posts. I enjoy reading them.
For one that signs under the name of Silent Citizen you have the cheek and dare to preach to others. This issue is not only a political ball because of the dear ex president Fenech Adami, but it has now been tuned into a crusade. Ppl like Silent Citizen have been given the right to blow their trumpets and to impose their views on others. Yes impose, cause if this issue was treated with the sensitivity that it required without all this hulaboo about damnation, hell and what not, then we would have shown maturity, both politically and religious. But alas, while saying that a crusade will not be embarked on, the archbishop is now trying to twist that statement. Why doesn't the archbishop tell us the real reasons behind all this mobilisation? Maybe it has to do with power and money?
Cremona also said that “whatever the referendum result, the Church will keep doing its part in working towards the strengthening of the family.” If that's the case, Sur Qaddiies Cremona, why don't you get married yourself and start a family, huh? Didn't Gonzi say the other day that society must bow to the family? That means you must bow to the needs of family including (and especially) in situations where a marriage contract needs to be dissolved.
Dearest Archbishop. I am still awaiting your reply re: 1. Overseas divorces acknowledged and accepted by your friend Gonzipn. 2. Whether the Church is in favour of the co-habitation bill/law . 3. The deprivation by Gonzipn in respect of some 130,000 euros intended for charity by Joseph Muscat. 4. The miraculous apparition of the Madonna to Minister Tonio Fenech. Dearest Archbishop it is pointless that you try to impose on us Catholics what to do in respect of civil matters. So please try to find some time to answer my blog.
@Silent Citizen, First and foremost we don't need your advice save your advice for the brainwashed and the hypocrites which are in abundance !!the church can preach to its own congregation but not to the whole population ! all the church wants is to keep the annulments going it is crystal clear and since we or shall i say some of us have seen through their arrogance lies and scaremongering we refuse to be SHEEP! it is your choice if that what you prefer to be but that does not go for the whole population of Malta!il the Catholic Church in Malta needs to take a long hard look at itself and ask the heavens for forgiveness for the abuse of all the innocents before it pretends to preach Christs teaching for its own gain! HYPOCRITES!!.
Sur silent citizen, il-pariri tieghek zommon ghalik. Min garrab fis sittinijiet la jista jahfer u lanqas jinsa. Ahna Kattolici ghax bil-fors. Meta titwieled jamduk minghajr ma titlob.
Billi toqghodu s-semmu s-sittinijiet m'inthomx se tbezzghu l-Knisja milli tghid lilna l-Kattolici x'ghandna naghmlu. Dan taghkom kollu paroli fil-vojt. Min hu kattoliku jisma' x'ghandha tghid il-Knisja u dan taghmlu bid-dritt kollu. Min, qed jghid, li m'ghadux Kattoliku jaghmel hu. IL-PARIR TIEGHI HU LI MIN MA JRIDX ID-DIVORZJU JIDHOL F'MALTA JMUR U JIVVOTA "LE", U MHUX JASTIENI.
IL-knisja ser terga` taghmel l-istess zball ta` l-imghoddi, imma sur arcisqof issa tergax tigi biex titlob mahfra , u jekk joghgbok tista tispjegali kif qassis jista` johrog u jizzewweg , dan kienx marbut bis sagrament ukoll , tista tispjegali kif knejjes ohra Kristjani bhalna jaccettaw id-divorzju f certi okkazzjonijiet , u dawn ghandhom l-istess bibbja taghna , ghaliex ... spjegalna ahjar ghax mghdx ghandna fiducja fil knisja u specjalment fil Qassisin
Ghaddew 60 sena u l-Knisja f'Malta ghada ma tghallmitx mill-izbalji tas -sittinijiet.Se thajjar aktar nies jitbeghdu minna.
What has happened before is happening again.The consequences of 50 years ago are still felt today and not just by those that were present then, but also by those who came after. This is just as serious and bites deeper.Neither the Church nor those leading the movement against divorce have learnt nothing.
eh? mataghmilx sens ta , Mela l-bnidem , pjanta ?hahaahaahaaaaaaa jekk nitkelmu fuq affarijiet hekk, nahseb jien ,li practice makes pefect:) u leeeee tkelmet bil-mohh taghha hux hekk :) kulhadd jitellem bil-mohh tieghu. ghalhekk hallweha f'idjn il-poplu , halli kulhad djivvota bl-opinjoni tieghu. kollu tort tal- PM dan , dak ruganar eh lollll Ara din min go xi qiegh, fejn taf min xiex ghadda haddiehor.
Ghadu kemm gie f'idejja leaflet tal 'IVA' 'Give Love a second Chance': Fl-opinjoni tieghi mimli banalitajiet. Halli Nispjega ruhi - Qalulna 'Id-divorzju jkisser iz-zwigijiet?? Ir risposta hi Tajjeb li tkisser knisja biex tibni kappella?? Dritt ghal manteniment... Anke minghajr divorzju xorta wahda hawn dan id-dritt. Kulhadd ikollu jiddivorzja jekk jidhol id-divorzju?? Kulhadd jaf li hawn hafna droga ghal bejh imma b'dana kollu mhux kulhadd jixtriha. X'differenza ser jaghmel id-dhul tad-divorzju f'Malta?? Smajt anzjana, min-naha t'isfel ta' Malta, tghid BHAL TA' L-EWWEL LA TIZRA' U LANQAS THEWWEL, (naturalment qalet 'thewwel' bid-djalett taghha). Tamin jahseb fuqha din!!
No questions allowed? Reminds me of cathechism classes.
Cocco: Inti taf x'int tgħid? Tirrealizza li l-argument tiegħek ma jagħmilx sens fuq din id-dinja?
Morality centres wholly on the freedom of choosing, rather than on what is chosen. Moral decision-making is a lonely, intuitive and wholly individual business and not a collective one. However, no matter how you veil your true intentions, the safeguarding clerical power, privilages and authority at the cost of maintaining civic and political backwardness, is what remains behind your claims...
Kull min qieghed jghid li Mons. Cremona (f'isem il-Knisja) ma ghadnux jindahal ghax qed nitkellmu fuq divorzju u zwieg civili sejjer zbaljat l-ahwa. Tinsewx li min irid li jizzewweg bil-Knisja (li kif nafu hawn hafna) ma jistax ma jizzewwigx bic-civil - koppja tista tizzewweg bic-civil u mhux bil-Knisja, imma mhux bil-kontra. Allura awtomatikament jekk jidhol id-divorzju dan ser jaffetwa lil kull min izzewweg jew ser jizzewweg bil-Knisja wkoll (apparti dawk kollha li zzewgu jew ser jizzewgu bic-civil biss). Ghalhekk il-Knisja bilfors trid tghid taghha ghax dan ser jolqot istituzzjoni taghha. Il-Knisja ma kienx ikollha dritt titkellem jew tindahal kieku tista tizzewweg bil-Knisja biss......LOL
Igor P. Shuvalov
“Those couples who are also looking to have children should be helped to make decisions that do not lead to increasing burdens and tensions upon the family,” Mr Camilleri Mr Camilleri, what do your really mean by this? Advising couples not to burden themselves with children? Is this in accordance with the Church's teaching? “I hope that nobody in the Church is conducting themselves in this way.” Mons Cremona. Wouldn't it be more appropriate that instead of just 'hoping', you take all the necessary steps that this does not happen? 'Questions by the media were not taken...' Ghandhom hafna qniepen, imma semmghulna ta' naha wahda biss!!!!!
Imma tista ma tindahalx? This is a Civil marriage Divorce, your beloved church is not in question. Now time will tell us how you will react when the cohabitation law is passed [??????] TINDAHALX ghaliex qieghad tkecci aktar nies mil knsija Maltija.
Eccellenza, tista' tghidilna wkoll jekk inthom inthomx kontra d-divorzju imma favur il-pogguti u l-ligi tal-pogguti li jrid jaghmel Gonzipn?
Eccellenza, kif qallek tonfatso fejn inti qieghed quddiem dawn il-hnizrijiet kollha li qed jitwettqu mill-Gvern ta' Gonzipn? Infakkrek li l-Knisja ta' Malta kienet xi darba tikkmanda u l-fidili jobdu b'ghajnejhom maghluqa, imma bdiet mis-snin sittin fejn 51,000 injorawha u ivvotaw lill-Partit Laburista. Daik il-figura kompliet tikber fl-elezzjoni ta' wara ghal 61,000. Illum dik il-figura se tisplodi ghax in-nies m'ghadhomx fidili iżjed. Kien hemm min staqsa jekk qassis jista' johrog u jizzewweg u b'hekk ikun qieghed jikser il-weghda li kien ta qabel meta dan huwa sagrament daqs is-sagrament taz-zwieg, x'differenza hemm bejn is-sagramenti biex wiehed tista' tiksru u l-iehor ma tistax? U kif tista' tiehu s-sagramenti kollha barra li tizzewweg u tkun qassis ukoll fl-istess hin?
Ghaziz Eccellenza fejn kont u qieghed issa meta Gonzipn siehebek accetta il-fuq minn 700 mitt divorzju minn barra ? Ghalfejn l-agha kolla propju issa ? X'se taghmel il-Knisja jew int meta tersaq il-ligi tal-coabitazzjoni ? Il-Knisja favur din il-ligi ? X'se taghmel il-Knisja jew int rigward dawk il-flejjes ta' xejn inqas minn 130,000 euros li siehbek Gonzipn cahhad lil dawk fil-bzonn ? X'se taghmel il-Knisja meta tisma li Ministru cucmalti Fenech deheritlu il-Madonna u qaltlu li hi mnikkta ? Dan il-miraklu se tivverifikawh jew le ? Din il-kwistjoni hi haga civili u izjed ma tindahhlu izjed qed taghmlu hsara lilkom u lil- Knisja. Pero ghaziz Arcisqof nitolbok li tirrispondini.
Naqra ohra l-Arcisqof daqt jigi jghidilna li mhux vera kien hemm Patri Ivan Scicluna mill-knisja tal-Fgura li ma riedx iqarben lil mara ghax qaltlu li ha tivvotta IVA ghad-Divorzju. U dan biex ma nsemmuhx il-mijiet ta' kazijiet ohra li graw ma' Malta u Ghawdex kollhu fejn ma jinghatax tqarbin, qrar, assoluzzjoni, tberik, etc. U l-Hnizrija li grat fil-purcissjoni tad-Duluri. Dawn ghall-Arcisqof mhux Krucjata!!!
For some, may be a sizeable portion of the electorate, the referendum is not about divorce anymore. It is for/against the separation between Church and State. That's why the PL is duty bound to do its part. As things stand, we could do without it.
Krista Sullivan
THE STONES CRY OUT The Response of Churches in the UK to Victims of Sexual Abuse Perpetrated by Clergy, Religious and other Church Officials Anne Lawrence, Chair of MACSAS The findings of the MACSAS Survey conducted throughout 2010 are shocking: victims reported that cases of sexual abuse are still being ignored and disregarded, no actions or ineffective actions are being taken against clergy and religious who remain in ministry in some cases with multiple allegations of and/or conviction for child sexual abuse. Victims are left unsupported, their allegations not determined and with no acknowledgement of or redress for the harm caused to them. These Survey findings were placed in the context of what is known about the sexual abuse of children and adults within Churches, both in the UK and internationally. Personally I am alergic to priests jaqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
Dear Archbishop Please keep out of this matter. This is a civil matter and nto a religious one. In Maltese, TINDAHALX FEJN MA JESAKX. Instead I suggest that he goes around the people he is surrounded with and see what they are doing.
Mr.Paul Cremona : Malta: Catholic Bishops intimidating voters POSTED ON MAY 5, 2011 "Christ Yes, Divorce No" The religious establishment in Malta is spending countless thousands of Euros in funding a referendum campaign to prevent the civil right of divorce from entering legislation. Large billboards try to intimidate the Maltese Catholic faithful with the cry of “Christ Yes, Divorce No”. Bishops are issuing pastorals stating that you cannot be a true Catholic and vote for the enactment of divorce legislation. Malta, 5th May 2011
...Taf min jonqos issa jigi f'Malta biex jkomplu jimmanipolaw in nies?...IL PAPA! Jien daqshekk dhalt Knisja. Mghadnix nemmen fil Knisja taghna aktar. Din mhix l-istess religjon li bena Gesu. VOTE FOR THE CHURCH AND ITS HYPOCRITS?....NO DEAL!
Isabelle Borg
Secular movement? My foot
If I were catholic, I would believe that mine is the true religion, if I were a muslim, I will also believe that mine is the true religion. Any faith that you practice, is the faith you believe in, and if you practice it, you surely believe that it is the true religion. Which is the true religion? This of course varies depending on whom you ask. The point is should one religion impose its values on another or should it tolerate it. Catholics, and especially the bishop, should not better and should, by example show that he can tolerate other religions. By pushing the public in Malta to vote against divorce, he would be imposing his values on people that are not part of his congregation and it therefore a grave example of intolerance on his part.
@ falzonsilvio.....You are mixing things up. The two things are separate and distinct.
Mr.Paul Cremona, if you believe in Justice, Tell your Pope, who lives in Vatican City, To make that all priests that are accused of rapes/ and child sexuall abuses, wil be drivem to court of justice, not church courts, But same as all humans. Cause Justice is suppose to be all the same. Declare that , the priests who were and who will be accused of rapes,and sexual abuses on innocent kids, who stole their innocence, will go to court as all other people who are accused go to. The criminal courts of justice, show us , Start from that,
Malta Today should know better than referring to Mons Cremona as 'Cremona'...what lack of etiquette!. The editor should at least show some courtesy and respect for dignitories. He should be referred to as the Archbishop or Mons Cremona. I had a higher opinion of Sav Balzan. By trying to denigrate the Archbishop Sav Balzan is only betraying his humble beginnings and lack of courtesy.
Mark Fenech
Divorce is a civil issue and the Church should not involve itself in this issue. The Church should just give its version and that is that. The Archbishop should never forget Christ's teaching. Give God what is due to God and to Ceasar what is due to Ceasar, and this is just a Ceasar's issue and nothing more. An annulment of a marriage is by far a worse issue than divorce.
Jiena nemmen li Gesu kieku jaghti cans iehor lil min l-ewwel tama ta' familja sabiha u naghquda fallietlu. Ghalhekk ha nivvota iva.
We should adopt a sharia style government according to the Archbishop. Any law has to be vetted and approved by the Curia before it is signed into law by the President. Keep it up dear Archbishop and keep scaring the hell out of your diminishing flock.
Luke Camilleri
What does the Archbishop thing or his views on Dr. Deborah Schembri on her ban to represent clients on the Eclesiastical tribunal? What does the Archbishop think abour Fr. joe Borg requesting personal data of children from broken families to be used in Moviment Zwieg bla Divorzju Campaigns?
“We aim to inform people of what divorce means and the impact of its introduction into Maltese society,” Camilleri said. “We are not motivated by religion or religious beliefs,” he added. “We are a secular movement.” A secular What? lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll i think over 80% of the maltse don't know what is secular state. Divorce: Malta’s big non issue POSTED ON APRIL 3, 2011 While Tunisia and Egypt, our not so far away Mediterranean neighbours, are in turmoil over issues of civil liberties, democracy and corruption, Malta turns inwards to its own hot issues of the day; and on top of the list is divorce. We’ve seen gaffs from politicians (divorce is inevitably a political issue in Malta); and we’ve seen the increasingly fervent ‘Yes to Divorce‘ and No to Divorce movements snipe at each other. That it should be a topic of discussion at all, let alone one to divide a nation, create buzz on the airwaves and online, seems bizarre when the rest of the world has divorce laws, bar one country – the Philippines. It’s not our purpose here to debate the pro and anti movements’ arguments. There are plenty of places to read those online. But, we do have an opinion on the introduction of a divorce law; it would be disingenuous of us not to, although one mainstream media outlet is ensuring its editorial remains bland on the issue. Divorce is not most people’s desired state of affairs and certainly not on wedding day wish lists unless the couple is getting a marriage of convenience. While few of us can say we’re pro divorce, we should be saying we’re pro having a divorce law. After all, what matter is it to us that a couple down the street needs a divorce? States generally promote the concept of marriage and the family unit as desirable, but do not prevent divorce. The two can sit side by side. Full read :
'Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju proponent Andre Camilleri pushed the line that divorce would create “a new type of poverty” where divorced breadwinners would have to subsidise both their first and second families due to alimony.' Does this mean that I can currently leave my wife, co-habit with another woman and therefore disregard my obligations to my first wife and family? I dare say the situation Camilleri stressed already exists with the way things are now.
Did his Grace do his duty and admonish them on their deceit in referring to "Divorzju bla Raġuni"?
Scaremongering and unproven thoughts won't win you any kudos Mr Camilleri.