‘No’ movement unhappy with JPO ‘spiritual terrorism’ comment

Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju has condemned divorce bill promoter Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s description of Church efforts to influence the divorce vote as “spiritual terrorism”.

In a statement, the anti-divorce movement said it felt the description was “in bad taste”. Pullicino Orlando was referring to efforts by the Church to influence the vote through pastorals, statements made during the Easter celebrations, and even questions made to students during their religion ‘O’ level.

“This was, yet again, another bullying tactic solely intended to intimidate and discourage those who had a different opinion than that of the promoter of the no-fault divorce,” the no movement said.

“The bullying approach was a hallmark of some of the promoters of the Moviment IVA, during which amongst other inappropriate adjectives, those opposing divorce were labeled as sharing the Nazi principles.”

The movement added that the Nationalist MP’s comments were disrespectful and “only intended only to spark unnecessary resentment between those involved in the respective Movements.”

Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju said MPs had to promote freedom of expression and tolerance for differing views. “Notwithstanding being branded as ‘terrorists’, the Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju re-iterates and underlines its respect for those who have a different opinion and hopes that in the last hours of the campaign, dignity and maturity prevail in the interest of the substance of the debate and also to set a good example on how divergent views can co-exist without the fear of ‘terrorized’ labels.”

Jason what about the massacre of american indians by the christians conquistadors, the convert or have your head chopped off by the crusaders on the muslims, the thousands killed by catholic waring popes, the inquisitions. I am glad my God is not a catholic god.
@ Wenzu - u ħallina! Ġej bil-"just read". Mela x'il-mniefaħ qrajt, xi fuljett ta' erba' paġni! Insejt li l-agħar qtil sar taħt reġimi atei: in-Nażiżmu u l-Komuniżmu per eżempju. Insejt l-istraġi fl-Albanija, il-Killing Fields tal-Kambodja u fil-Korea ta' Fuq! Mhux għax ir-reliġjonijiet m'għamlux żbalji u ħsara li tħammar wiċċ min jemmen, tafx. Imma sweeping statements bħal tiegħek narahom bla sens.
Just read the history of Christianity, or any other religion. They all reek of terrorism. That is the church's main weapon.
What is Terrorism??? - during the times of the French Revolution i.e. during the reign of Terror, Maximilien Robespierre defined terror as "Terror is nothing but justice, prompt, SEVERE & INFLEXIBLE therefore AN EMANATION OF VIRTUE!!!' - looks quite interesting vis-a-vis the church eh!!! Another very interesting definition is the following: This is the US Dept. of Defense Definition: 'Terrorism is the calculated use of unlawful violence to inculcate FEAR, INTENDED TO COERCE OR TO INTIMATE GOVERNMENTS OR SOCIETIES, IN PURSUIT OF GOALS,THAT ARE GENERALLY POLITICAL; RELIGIOUS OR IDEOLOGICAL!!!' - Another parallelism with the Catholic Church in Malta's scaremongering tactics These definitions actually prove JPO very much right - he really succeeded to hit the nail on the head!!!
Truth hurts!
How on earth can you call SELF-DEFENCE a bullying tactic? That accusation is the true bully's ultimate weapon, isn’t it?. . Are they saying we are not allowed to defend ourselves? Sorry No Movement, I can't sort it for you. GOOD-BYE.
They have been scaring everybody spiritually from day one. Log on: https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/05/26/min-verament-ha-jmur-l-infern/
Iva it-theddid spiritwali ilu ghaddej. Jien lili l-knisja serqitli lil ommi (missieri) jifhem izjed is-sitwazzjoni). Illum ghandhom iz-zmien u qed tibza li tmut u titlef ruha. Werwrithom, specjalment b'dak li qal l-isqof Grech, meta wara kollox ir-referendum mhux x'jghamlu kottolci prattikanti izda li lil min ma jhaddanx il-knisja kattolka ghandu jithalla jghamel u jiddeciedi skond il-kuxjenza tieghu. Jien inhossni imhawwad u irrabjat dwar dan u izjed ma jkun hemm separazzjoni malajr bejn il-knisja u l-istat izjed ikun ahjar ghall kulhadd inkluz l-istess knisja. Anzi illum hawn il-mezzi ta komunikazzjoni li dawlu hafna inhuh u ghalkemm tista tintilef l-battalja minhabba l-ingann u it-terrorismu spiritwali kif qal JPO il-battalja ghad tintrebah zgur. Iz-zwieg tieghi sfaxxa mhux minhabba fedelta jew ragunijiet bazwija li ilni nisma' f'din il-kampanja, u s-separajt wara tantattivi twal biex jitrangaw l-affarijiet. Tfal m'ghandix. Nixteiq divorzju biex nghalaq kapitlu ta' hajti xejn izjed ghax ghalkemm ili separat 9 snin inhossni ghadni mxekkel bil-passat. L-annullament idardarni u jkexkixni ghax irid nipprova li fla-ahhar mill-ahhar kont qed nghix gidba, haga li tweggani hafna izjed min divorzju ghax kont provajt min kollox izda ma rnexxilix nsalva iz-zwieg. Ta' dan tlabt mahfra lil Alla talli ma rnexxjetx fil-hajja mizzewga u hassejt certu paci.... nahseb li Kristu lili mhux ser jiggudikani ghax ma iggudikax nies b'dan il mod 2000 sena ilu, ghalkemm ghal kattolci Maltin ghalija ma jidirx li hemm mahfra. Ta ZdD imisshom jisthu bil-kampanja qarrieqa li mxew biha.
"Pullicino Orlando was referring to efforts by the Church to influence the vote through pastorals, statements made during the Easter celebrations, and even questions made to students during their religion ‘O’ level." . I don't, for a minute, think that that was all he was referring to. I'm sure that he was also referring to people being denied Holy Communion and absolution - during confession - if they so much as indicated their plan to vote YES. He was referring to all the scaremongering and the mention of mortal sin in association with voting YES for what is the introduction of a simple civil right which in no way affects sacramental marriage. He was referring to people being called "wolves in sheep's clothing" and others being called "purcinelli" during Holy Mass. He was referring to the lot. . Then these people have the gall to mention "bullying"?
Ian George Walker
A terrorist is someone who tries to get others to act (or not act) in a certain way through the use of terror and fear. I couldn't think of a better description of the NO campaign and most of its exponents JPO hit the nail on the head. If the NO camp wants the campaign to end with "dignity and maturity" they should start by apologising for their persistent and deceitful use of the deliberately misleading phrase "Żwieġ bla Raġinu".