Coleiro-Preca won’t contest elections

Anti-divorce campaigner and Labour MP Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca said she will not contest the next general elections.

“I informed Labour leader Joseph Muscat on 31 May that I won’t be contesting the next elections… I’m coming out in public on this so that there is no misinterpretation of my intentions. It’s a decision I have taken in the best interests of Labour. I expected nobody takes advantage of my decision,” she said in a statement today.

Coleiro-Preca was a former secretary-general of Labour and a candidate for the party leadership in the last elections that saw Joseph Muscat elected leader.

“I have been active 36 years in the party and I never benefited from my political activism personally… I’m leaving politics with less than I ever started because I gave my time, strength, and my family’s wealth to serve people.”

As one of Labour’s anti-divorce MPs, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca was a supporter of the referendum. “I feel this is an issue that the people must give us MPs a mandate for us to decide according to their wishes… This is a matter of conscience, but I cannot impose it upon others without a mandate from the people. And it should be an informed decision by the people... I believe in a discussion that is well-informed, that goes beyond crusades and fanaticism, but I’ve been disappointed so far.”

Kull meta miet papa dejjem lehaq iehor.
Patricia Marsh
Ms. Mary Louise Coleiro......................... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease dont go, dont go away, pleeeeeeeeeeeese dont go. Make up your mind again. You're going to miss one of the best labour era. You must rest assure that the absoulte majority of labour supporters are goooooooona missss you. You have much to contribute to the future LP government. I am one of many that are still hoping and wating for you to announce a comeback.
Mikegold, just ignore l-aħrax/mazzun, as I do. He only comes here to plug his silly little blog which nobody would read otherwise. I only visited his site once and it was more than enough.
Malta l-ewwel, it took you 3 hours to go to Gozo to vote. So you're one of the ..ahem..."cunning" persons who live in Malta but are registered in Gozo to avoid paying the full ferry ticket. Hekk hu, Malta l-ewwel ukoll ! Għax ma tgħidx "jien l-ewwel"?
@l-ahrax?mazzun/sekulari???? u tal pl fejn qeda? Hi skuzani li din il-websajt tal-pl imma under cover
For a good laugh on MPs conscience look at this table:
sorry but she did not say that she received threats and intimidation from within the party,and what conscience,It took me from 3pm to 7pm to go from malta to gozo to vote IVA and follow the party line and now because of her conscience she resign.well the party needs people who b...s .GOOD RIDDINCE
I don't know how you expect to "Save Gozo" with such silly comments but perhaps you might want to compare how Pullicino Orlando and Coleiro Preca have been treated by their respective parties. I cannot recall one single occasion when Pullicino Orlando "complained about threats and intimidation" to quote Coleiro Preca herself.
Antoine Vella Mela issa Gonzi li inti tant thobb ser jkollu jbiddel fehemtu mhux ghax jrid ghax hekk gie mgieghel mill poplu Malti u b`hekk jkun progressiv Dak hu l Progressivi u l moderati sur Vella
Robin Huud, the PL is not only not weeding out the extremist elements but is actually attracting them. Ħeqq, Moderates' and Progressives' Movement, hux?
Jidher car li ghazilna hazin meta morna ghal leadership. Naturalment dan dejjem rebah u min hu bhali nhalluh jirbah..naturalment minghajrna..prosit ML..nafek fi zmien KBM meta l-partit kien immexxi b'serjeta..jiddispjacini li qed nitilfu ghandek xejn hazin
It seems that Honourable Mrs Coleiro has had enough of the bullying and threats she has been receiving. The Labour Party has still to weed out the extremists in its ranks if it wants to Govern after the next election. You don't have cwiec electors any more.
Well said CitizenX. 100% agree.
Thank you for making the right choice. If you are not comfortable executing the will of the people than you should do something else. I therefore have a lot of respect for you - because that is exactly what you did. Other politician go around behaving like the country cannot function without them and have behaved in a despicable manner. They are corrupt and have cost this country its future wealth and its present dignity. In particular I am talking about you AUSTIN GATT. Time to resign and may God do the justice to your soul than you denied others when in office. I feel nothing but contempt for you.
As I stated in another blog the question of voting for Divorce in Parliament can be easily avoided and no one will be in an embarrassing situation of voting against. Since the question of Divorce was dicided by the referendum there is no real need for a vote in parliament so if the PM and Opposition leader jointly propose a motion of acceptance of the final version and this is accepted by the majority then the divorce bill would pass unanimously!!! The the Hon Marie Coleiro Preca will not need to vote against her conscience and so not contest the next election, We NEED people like her in the party! By the way since the party did not take a stand for or against Divorce but left all to free vote any member of the opposition can vote No or abstain. The problem is on the Government side as their party has declared itself against. Why confuse the whole picture this would only give the PN a chance to breath and confuse the Maltese people even more
to: aleo2: Dr. Joseph Muscat has kept consistent with his and the party's stand on the divorce issue. He gave a " free vote " not just to Labour MPs but also to all PL voters in the referendum. The Hon. matie Louise Coleiro Preca has made it clear that Dr. Muscat had kept his word. If any criticism was directed at MLCP, this didn't come from Dr. Muscat or the party, but from individuals and certain columnists. So please, don't try to involve Dr. Muscat at a time when it is Dr. Gonzi who has to set the example in parliament, BY VOTING 'YES', in order tyo show that he respects the will of the people !
Prosit tassew MLCP. Ara gonzipn, dak ta par idejn sodi, lanqas ghandu bocci tal-lahaam biex jaghmel bhalek. Qiesu vavu zghir, jibza u jahrab mill-verita u jipprova jistahba taht xi coqqa.
duncan abela
Am I wrong or am I right that Joe Muscat as the official line of his party gave MP's the right to abstain or vote yes. It is essential that JM confirms the true line of his party and whether he is placing a whip to vote yes. If he hasn't changed the official position of the PL he has the duty to defend the stance of MLC. I hope this is not an instsnce of pretending to appear liberal in public while putting pressure behind closed doors. If this is the case he can say goodbye to the possibility of attracting liberals to his party.
Leader Konsistenti huwa dak il bniedem li fil-mument tal-prova ma jibzax jiehu pozizzjoni minkejja li jista' jitlef biha. Int trid taghmel li hu sewwa u tiddikkjara l-principji tieghek lin-nies inkella tfalli. Ma tridx tuza l-politika ghar-rebh tal-voti kif qed jipruvaw jghamlu xi bloggers ta GonziPN fuq dan is sit u anka lin News taghhom li ha jallega bmod falz li hemm xi qsim fil PL ghax Mary Loiuse mhux ha tohrog ghal l-elezzjoni. Hbieb u huti nazzjonalisti uzaw largumenti taghkom ghas-sewwa sabiex in-nies ikunu jafu fejn huma qeghdin u mhux blargumenti foloz. Ghax ftakru Is Sewwa jerbah zgur u in nies qeghdin jaraw min huwa konsistenti fl-argumenti.Tqisuwiex ga rbahtu l-elezzjoni generali ghax mhux hierga Mary Louise ghax naf fic cert li hawn minn qed jinterpreta hekk. Iz zmien itina parir u ma nahsibx li Adrian Vassalo biss ha jivvota LE. JALLA ma jkun hemm hadd li jmur kontra rieda tal- maggorraza ghax ghalhekk nghixu go pajjiz demokratiku izda kollox possibli f'dan il pajjiz! Grazzi Joseph Muscat tal gid li qieghed tghamel ghal Malta taghna.
@ Human Torch Jien nixtieq li l-elezzjoni tkun ghada halli nsollvu l-problemi kollha. Wahda gewwa ghax i-d-divorzju ser issolvi kollox u wara jkollna l-hajja torhos, ilma w dawl bl-irhis, fuels qisna Dubai. parlamentari bil paga minima u zieda tajjba hafna fil-pagi tal haddiema w hafna aktar. Il-problema li din holma ser tibqa ghax issa l-iskuza tkun li hemm il-kaxxa vojta u allura hemm bzonn nissikaw ic-cintorin. Jiena jekk joseph ittini garanzija li l-hajja torhos u l-pagi jghollew u taxxi jitbaxxew il-vot nista intighulu f'idejh
Bir rispett kollu Sur Imhallef. Daqshekk iehor ghanda turi rispett L'Onorevoli Coleiro Preca lejn il Konstitwenti taghha w nahseb il fehmiet ta' hafna hawn huma korretti li ghanda tirrezenja issa w mhux sejntejn ohra jekk qed issiba iebsa biex tahdem fil parlament f'dawn ic circustanzi.
Luke Camilleri
The lady knows when to bow out and is certainly not glued to any seat! Her Contribution to the local Political Scene has made it certainly richer as she is certainly one Politician with a very Big heart..... a heart that certainly was in the right place for her costituents for for Malta. Wish her and her family the best of health and good times and stll feel that Marie Louise wil continue to be a Women of the people and always with us with all her heart and spirit!
Rayman Jumbo
Ms Coleiro Preca gave her energy to the PL for a long time and we must respect her decision. 36 years in politics are a lifetime and very few of us, if any, in this day and age, would dream of going for a political career like she did. The majority have spoken in favour of Divorce and we are expecting that decision to be respected, the least we can do now, is respect Marylouise and THANK her for the service she renderd to our Country.
Nixtieq nappella lil bosta mill-kummentaturi dwar id-decizjoni li hadet Marie Louise Coleiro. Il-bniedem razzjonali f'socjeta' imhallta b'diversi fehmiet juri l-kobor tieghu meta jaghraf jirrispetta l-ghazliet ta' haddiehor. Aktar ma jkun qawwi dan ir-rispett, ir-rebha tar-referendum takkwista valur oghla u tissarraf f'impenn ghall-akkwisti ohra fil-futur ghall-harsien tad-drittijiet tal-minoranzi. B'responsabilita' u minghajr tkasbir lejn min ihaddan opinjonijiet differenti. Jien kapaci nifhem l-ghazla li ghamlet is-Sinjura Coleiro u minn hawn, apparti li nirringrazzjaha ghal hidma sfiqa fi hdan il-Partit u versu l-kostitwenti numeruzi taghha, nawguralha l-gejjieni kif joghgobha tfasslu hi, ghaliha u ghal-familja taghha.
It is your prerogative not to contest next election. After 36 years in politics, however, you will have to carry the burden of going against the will of the same people who elected you. To abstain in order to represent those who did not vote in the referendum is so unfounded and illogical because it is democracy in this country that shields those that did not vote. The soon to be divorce law is not an imposition but a choice. I believe that you have taken the right decision and hope you stick to it.
This is what I say a change in local politics. This decision is in line with what European politicians do. I hope that the government take notice and I hope those PN MP's so fervent and fanatic about their religious belief, wpould make way for other Nationalist moderate candidates. Even the PM should resign and call early elections. This would be in line with the EU, the place where he and his predesor are so proud of.Now it's time for action and not nice words. Come on dear PM shows what type of European mentality you have! The people have shown to all the parliament that they don't want anybody, especially the roman catholic church , to mess around with their civil rights. You must learn your lesson, and that from now onwards things are not going to be the same in local politics.
@lifeislife...nahseb ma kont tajjeb fil matematika siehbi int. Dejjem tehel kont zgur....L-elezzjoni ta siehbek Gonziisdead jekk tiehu sa l-ahhar fadalla SENA U 11IL XAHAR. Nispera li diga taf li ser tiehdu tkaxkira kbira u dawn in nies li ma jirrispettawx id decizjoni tal poplu...mghandnix bzonnon madwarna!!!!!! Game Over GONZIPN!!!
vincent carbonaro
I'm sure 3 years down the line she'll still contest. Wait and see.
As she intends to abstain she should stand down NOW, not after the next General Elections.
All those MPs (from BOTH sides of the House) who do not intend to bow to the will of the majority should follow the example set for by MLC and leave - the sooner the better, really. Last Saturday the people spoke and democracy dictates that their wish is upheld.
Very good decision.. It is time for new politics. At least she was honest and consistent with her decision. I really hope that some of the PN MPs who were so against Divorce (including the PM) follow suit!!
Best thing that could happen to a moderate & progressive party. Any MP who does not relish the privilege that the electorate had bestowed upon them should follow suit. The dinosaurs with a medieval mentality need to make way for new ideas to cope with today's changing society. ASTA LA VISTA MLCP.
Good decision. Now she should urge those PL MPs who are against divorce to the the same. As I stressed before this a question of principle. The party's principles were always rooted in social justice and solidarity especially with those on the margin of society. The right if divorce forms part of this. Ergo no PL MP or official should have any qualms about social and civil justice. Divorce was a small victory and there are tougher battles ahead. I wish that the PL would be in the forefront of these battles. But I am afraid it won't because in the Party few real socialists but is full of political careerists. The Party has lost its soul, it is now a product on the market.
Yikes...again!..that C-word !! It's plastered all over the sites and papers! "This is a matter of CONSCIENCE"...the poor word..overkilled. Definitely on the top of my buzzword-list of the year.
A loss to the LP - Coleiro Preca is one of the better elements. I hope this is just a bad dream and when I wake up I find she is staying and Adrian Vassallo is the one leaving. (Of course, as long as she is still an MP, she still has a clear obligation to vote YES for the Divorce Bill - abstaining is not acceptable)