Deborah Schembri's surprise announcement leaves PN speechless

The IVA movement chairman decides to accept an invitation to stand with the Labour party in the next general election and will stand on the 12 district and possibly the 11 district

Peppi Azzopardi could not hold his shock and surprise when Deborah Schembri announced that she would stand with the Labour party.  A meeting with Labour leader Joseph Muscat led to Schembri's decision.  

Schembri a family lawyer who comes from a staunch Nationalist family was relatively unknown to politics until she was invited to join the IVA movement by Nationalist backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.  She turned out to be a calm, eloquent and decisive speaker.  And she is credited with the landslide decision of 53% in favour of divorce. 

The news will be seen as an achievement by Muscat who is riding on a wave after last Sunday's referendum result.

Her decision will come as a shock for the Nationalist party who were hoping to convince her to stand with them. Schembri said she as not approached by the Nationalist Party, but she told Radju Malta's Ghandi Xi Nghid that she would have picked the Labour ticket had she been presented with a choice.

Schembri said that she felt she had much to offer and that politics would be one way of helping people. 

Late last night blogger and Nationalist apologist Daphne Caruana Galizia criticised the Nationalist party for not having poached Schembri before Labour.  But later she removed her comment from the blog.

Her decision to stand was known to her close collaborators in the IVA movement.  One leading member of the IVA movement told MaltaToday that he was delighted with her decision.  "She has great potential and I am sure she will go places," and adding,"... if she had joined GonziPN she would be used and then stifled from expressing her opinion."

She was denied representation in front of the Church tribunal after her public role with IVA. The news that she was excluded from representing clients at the tribunal contributed to raising her public profile.

Cannot be trusted before the referendum she said she had no political agenda and now? If you want to use your vote in the right way vote for the AD
She moved too soon to reap her reward for the referendum. If this happened to PN - no surprises there, we know what a bunch of conniving scum bags they are. PL are doing their best to remind us that they too are a bunch of conniving scumbags and that nothing will changes in this country except the names of politicians raping our future.
Merhba kbira lil Dr. Deborah Schembri mal PL! Agur li l-poplu ghandu bzonn nies bi principji sodi biex imexxuh!! Rigward M'Louise kull min hadem maghha jaf kemm din il-mara hija genwina u hadmet tul is-snin ghal gid tal-poplu specjalment ghal min hu batut. Id-decizjoni li hadet dwar dan il-vot ghalkemm ma naqbilx maghha nemmen li l-karriera politika taghha m'ghandiex titkejjel biss fuq dan il-vot ghax din hija mara li ghamlet hafna gid u ghandna bzonnha fil-politika. Nappella lil M'Louise biex terga' tikkonsidra d-decizjoni taghha u nappella wkoll biex il-PL jaghmel dak kollu possibli biex ihajjarha terga tikkontesta l-elezzjoni li jmiss. Nies genwini bhal M'Louise ftit hemm fiz-zewg partiti u ghalhekk il-poplu nahseb li ghandu bzonn nies bhal dawn.
I think she should have waited until after the vote. Many nationalist voted for divorce as well, but I don't think we will be running to the labour camp. The PN better starts making some damage control if it wants to be elected or not lose by much. As for some of the comments about women, there are many PN women who have made it.
Does the PN really want to strengthen the family? For an answer read this:
duncan abela
A great star signing for the PL team. On my part However I would have preferred if she remained independent at least until the divorce law was steered to its successful conclusion. She will of course find our strongly partisan and byzantine party system very different to a focussed single issue campaign and may soon realise that she will have to compromise her independent mind and some of her ideals in the name of party loyalty. However if she manages to make the transition to politics successfully and of course convince the PL electorate to adopt her, she shows all the qualities and promise of a great political future at the very top of the PL leadership .
@bejn il-linji. L-ewwel nett urina minn int halli naraw dil-imhabba kollha li ghandek ghall-PL minn fejn gejja. It-tieni, tista' tghidli lil minn baghat il-barra l-partit? L-anqas lid-dinosawr Dr Adrian Vassallo ma tkecca. Hadd ma telaq l-anqas u hadd ma hu ser ikun sforzat jitlaq, l-anqas Dr Vassallo. Issa jekk iridx jikkontesta l-elezzjoni li jmiss dak jarah hu. Jien nahseb li posta mhux fil-PL. Ridward Marie Louise, ibqa' cert li kif ghamel Debono Grech, la kollox jikkalma, tara kif tbiddel id-decizjoni ghax Marie Louise wahda li qalba kienet u tibqa' fil-PL.
Paul Sammut
@ bejn il-linji : Int ahna jew? Dejjem thawwad u tghejd il-hmerijiet. Anqas haqq li qed iddahhaq in-nies. Uffi ma, xii qrusa!
Well done Dr Schembri,throughout the referendum campaign you have shown strength dignity logic and intelligence and that's what Malta needs to progress and move ahead .Wishing you the very best in your political career.
iz-zejt tiela pl jibghat l barra lil min ma jaqbelx mieghu bhal zmien fredu...billi jitlef vot jew tnejn bhal tieghi ma hu ser ihoss xejn...tajjeb wiehed jistaqsi din jekk ivvotatx pl jew pn fl-ahhar elezzjoni la qalet li anke kieku baghat ghaliha gonzi ma kienetx ser tmur...tghid gonzi rasu ma hix fuq
Okay then, SOCIAL PROGRESSIVE PARTY (PSP). . Jejune - what web of deceit did the IVA campaign 'manufacture'? Please enlighten me.
No surprise! Labour is the natural home for progressives! How could anyone expect Debbie to join the PN, the antithesis of what she fought for! Prosit u awguri, titla' zgur tohrog fejn tohrog!
I don't know why all this fuss. Everyone is entitled to his opinion. However, judging by the web of deceit that the IVA maufactured during the referendum campaign I would never trust any of them not even in the party I vote for.
I don't understand why sensible people from ALL parties don't form a NEW LIBERAL DEMCRATIC PARTY whose manifesto is to (i) fully separate church from state (ii) clearly state a civil rights agenda which allows for the incorporation of ALL belief systems (unity through diversity) and all sexual orientations etc. etc.. (iii) revamp the current constitution if necessary. PN & LP are neither here nor there. An all-embracing party should prove to be a winner.
Paul Sammut
@ Nina Hanina Dear, a blogger is not a columnist A columnist is one who writes in papers. A blogger does not have to be a columnist. A blogger can be any Tom, Dick, Harry or Maggie May.
Welcome on board Dr Schembri and good luck!
I find it unbecoming for a newspaper to use its news section to label a columnist an "apologist". If you are so sure she is an apologist then either do your readers a favor by not quoting her, or else simply describe her as a PN-leaning columnist who endorsed divorce. Facts not name-calling, no matter who it is.
dear Dr Schembri, welcome on board. Given the latest developments, the PN could never invite you to join. Maybe, just maybe, we are heading in the right direction as a country with valid people joining in to give their contribution to the nation, irrespective of which side they are on. And you certainly are one !
@Fumarole Jiena qatt ma semmejt 'l Coleiro Preca. @Astrolux boy Tagħmel sens jekk Muscat qal: "The Labour Party is the home of liberal-minded people,” u ġol-partit ikun hemm xi ħadd li m'hu liberali xejn, li ħa jivvota KONTRA rieda demokratika tal-poplu u li jaħseb li m'għandux ikun hemm porn ġol-lukandi? Issa jew ħa jgħid li hu partit liberali jew le, ma tistax tkun it-tnejn biex tipprova togħġob 'l kulħadd; ma tistax tkun liberali u konservattiv fl-istess ħin. Il-P.N. nafu lkoll li m'humiex liberali, ma nafx x'se jagħmlu dawk il-membri parlamentari tal-P.N. li huma liberali imma huwa ovvju illi l-P.N. ma jridx jaqdef fid-direzzjoni tagħhom. Il-P.N. partit konservattivissimu. Issa l-P.L. iddikjara li hu d-dar ta' min hu liberali, mela xi ħadd bħal Adrian Vassallo nista' nsaqsi x'inhu jagħmel hemm? Kif ma qabadx u telaq hu minn jeddu jekk Muscat qal dawk il-kliem u hu jaf li m'hu liberali xejn?
It was no surprise to me that Debbie choose the PL over the PN. I would not imagine GonziPN would have invited her after being embarassed and humiliated - because of their stand of Divorce - to be part of the party. They are turning away so many people from the party, including me, with their arrogance. They need to be taught a good lesson in the next GE !!!
well done dr muscat for convincing her, he is a leader wich convince the people that choosing labour is the best way, and well done to debbie, she is brave, smart, and intelligent. she would attract loads of floating voters, and young people
PN Speechless??? That's weird!!! Normally they excel in blabbing away to their hearts' content!!! They should have been speechless had she decided to contest general elections with an ultra-conservative, wahhabi style political party, having to work with ghonnella women such as giovanna debono and dolores cristina!!! Well done Dr. Schembri!!! Proud that you have decided to enter the political arena!! You got what it takes - courage, decency, calmness, brains, charisma, and a secular loving attitude!!! We need more women like you in all parties.
WISE DECISION ! A very warm welcome to the Labour movement and what a privilige to have you aboard! You got all what it takes to a successfull political carrier. You have a superb ability to motivate others and a unique way in expressing your views to others and very convincing in what you say. Good luck and all the very best for the future. Prosit u MERHBA!!
Well done Dr Schembri for the excellent campaign. We definately need you for the comming election. Hope that our electorate is wise enough to choose you with their votes.PROSIT once again.
PN left speechless..............ahseb u ara wara l elezzjoni kemm se jasru lumi
Paul Sammut
Now the liberal minded have a stronger voice. Three Cheers to Deborah. She is a winner, she is honest and she's smart.
Prosit Deborah, merhba fil familja kbira Laburista. Pero nghid prosit mill qalb lill Evarist Bartolo, konvincenti, jahdem bil galbu, jaf jizrgha fil hin tajjeb halli mbghad jahsad.
Jien ma nafx kif xi ħadd jista' jippretendi li l-PN jistiednu lill Dr Deborah Schembri biex toħroġ magħhom jekk huwa partit li ma riedx id-divorzju. Possibbli li s-saħħara tal-Bidnija taħseb li qatt xi darba Gonzi kien se jistieden li Dr Schembri biex tissieħeb magħhom? DCG eżatt xi tfisser? Tghid D = Devil in C = Charge of G = Gonzi
"PN speechless" . See? She's already having a beneficial effect on society :D
The PN was left speechless last Sunday, this is simply another nail in the coffin. I am not at all surprised that JM was quick to act and net a very promising candidate for the PL. How could DCG in her wildest dreams expect Debbie to join the PN? Apparently, her beloved GonziPN is very busy desperately trying to fill in the ever evident cracks in this archaic party.
Welcome Dr Schembri. Malta needs you. PL needs you. You will be an asset to both of them. Well done Joseph you are getting the best of the best. Only one thing bothers me. Unfortunately Dr Schembri is not contesting my district because I would have voted for her. Regarding MLCP decision. I respect her decision and thank her for what she gave to the PL and Malta. Any comments on Dr Austin Gatt's similar decision please?
Prosit Dr Schembri for your decision and this goes also to Dr Muscat who with his convincing arguments is managing to convince PN activists who comes from a staunch Nationalist family to help built again this lovely country of ours . Let`s look ahead
Patricia Marsh
Welcome on Board Ms. Deborah Schembri. Credit goes to Dr. Joseph Muscat who waisted no time to make her an invitation to join this progressive movement. Irrelevant from which background Deborah is coming, Labour is her natural home. As for Ms. Mary Louise Coleiro, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease dont go, dont go away, pleeeeeeeeeeeese dont go. Make up your mind again. You're going to miss one of the best labour era. You must rest assure that the absoulte majority of labour supporters are goooooooona missss you. You have much to contribute to the future LP government. I am one of many that are still hoping and wating for you to announce a comeback.
At last labour is starting to field the right people. People with no baggage and no shady past. A woman who has proved that she can hang on in there without the theatrics and produce results. A poised orator that has put some older and thought to be more experienced individuals to sit to the edge of their seat. One thing I ask from Dr. Schembri is not to fall in the same rut as all other politicians. Ideally you enter politics to serve. And not get rich off the peoples monies and give yourself pats on the backs and fat pay checks. I am a man that has never voted Labour and had the opportunity a while ago to tell Dr. Muscat personally that I have not yet been convinced to vote labour. This is one very good step for me in that direction.
It would have been better to have had both Deborah and ML Coleiro in the team. But both have taken their decision, and who am i (and certain other bloggers, for that matter?) to come to the conclusion that Deborah has replaced MLC? What i cannot understand is why MLC has announced her decision now, at a time when Joseph Muscat has entrusted her with more important matters which seemed to augur well for her future political career.
Prosit Debbie and welcome to labour. You'll be a big asset to the party.
loves this comment by thorny: " ... The P.N. will have to do with the likes of Eileen Montesin and DCG ! To each his own!"
Prosit Deborah. You'll be an asset to any party. It's the PNs loss. Read this:
Take note PL and think well. Do not dispose of other Good assets to the party. Many floaters about who think with their brains and not passionate from the heart. The window of opportunity could not be greater than now.......
Nixtieq minn qalbi nifrah lillhek ghal din id decizzjoni li inti hadt li tohrog ghal pulitika ma PL. nemmen li ghamilt decizzjoni tajba hafna.nisa bhalhekk hemm bzonnohm fil parlament.minn qalbi nghidlhekk Prosett tad decizzjoni tieghek.
Well good thing that Debbie is coming in the Political arena. I do not mind whether for Labour or PN what interests me is the person and that he or she is honest and genuine. My perception of her is just that and i hope i am right. A breath of fresh air at last on my district.
Jien nahseb li JPO jmissu jaqsam it-triq u jinghaqad mal-PL. Nahseb li jiffittja hafna aktar hemmhekk milli mal-PN.
The PN HQ just hit the panic button with a sledge hammer!
Awguri Debbie , Malta ghandna bzonn politici bhalek, dawk li huma ippokreti ma fadalx spazju ghalijhom, il-Malti... Dr Gonzi ma ghadux Mazzun u bahnan bhall ma kien fiz-zmen L-Arch Gonzi ( Iz-ziju ) ...imma imnalla kien il-poplu ghax kont ser titfana 50 sena lura....u jekk xi hadd min l-ghorrief ta madwarek tak xi parir biextaghti palata u tkun fuq in-naha tal-knisja fir referendum , biex meta tiegi bzonn imbghad jghinuk huma (Knisja) keccieh ghax tak parir hazin hafna !
Awguri Deborah! Tohrog ma' liema partit tohrog kont se tghollilu l-livell!.
Manquareiel de Caveden.Certi kliem ma jaghmel gid lil HADD. Il-partit ma jqaccat lil HADD. Il-votanti BISS jiddeciedu l-futur tal-kandidati. U hemm fejn tidhol il-maturita' jew in-nuqqas taghha, Jien nivvota lil persuna ghall abbiltajiet taghha u ghal dak li tkun ghamlet u li kien ta' gid ghan-nies ingenerali. Jien min qieghed fil-parlament biex isahhan is-siggu ma jistenniex vot minn ghandi, anki jekk inkun tajtu l-ewwel preferenza. U din nghidilhom f'wicchom. Wara kollox nivvotaw darba f'hames snin, u jkollna cans niggudikaw il-kapacitajiet tal-individwi. Kap ta' partit irid joqghod attentissmu kif jagixxi ghax wara kull deputat jew kandidat hemm il-kostitwenti, u lil dawn id-deputati jafuhom u mhux il-Kap !. Wara kollox issa ilna nghidu li l-PL huwa partit ta' kulhadd, u b'din ghandi nifhem li hu partit VERU ta' kulhadd. Jekk jidhol biss dubju li mhux hekk allura l-kredibilita' taqa' bhal mazz karti. Min irid jersaq jersaq u min irid iwarrab, iwarrab, Hadd ma jista' jorbot lil hadd. Kulhadd affarih. Hemm bzonnli naqtghu il-paroli fil-vojt u nirriflettu qabel inpacpcu. Nistaqsi: Xi hadd min-naha tal-PN qed jattakka lil Dr.DeMarco jew lil Dr.Franco Debono jew lil David Agius u l-ohrajn li ddikjaraw li ser jivvotaw favur il-ligi tad-divorzju ?. Forsi ssemmu lil Dr Pullicino Orlando. Veru dan qalghulu li ghandu u li m'ghandux, imma hu ha riskju u issa jrid jiffaccja l-konsegwenzi. Marie Louise hekk ghamlet u ddecidiet kif hasbet li kellha tiddeciedi. Stop. Irridu nirrispettaw id-decizzjoni. Ma nahsibx li ghamlet li ghamlet bla ma hasbet. Huwa facli li takkuza imma hadd mhu qieghed ma hadd. Jekk m'ahniex ser nammettu u naccettaw id-diversitra' fil-partit, allura ser nibqghu fejn ahna. Ejjew nikbru u nirrispettaw l-idejat ta' haddiehor. Dr. Coleiro Preca ghamlet li ghamlet minhabba n-nuqqas ta' maturita' taghna li nkunu pronti niggudikaw. Mela nsejna kemm xbajna nikkwotaw il-Bibbja biex ma niggudikawx?. Dr.Coleiro Preca giet imgieghla tiehu decizzjoni. Issa rridu nirrispettawha. Jien ma qbiltx maghha, ghax inhoss li din hi forma ta' dghufija, pero darba hadet decizzjoni ,issa affari taghha u ta' hadd izjed. Jien iddispjacieni li ser nitilfu pilastru. imma min jien jien biex minn bilqeghda noqghod nghaddi gudizzju fuq id-decizzjoni li hadet ?. Grazzi Marie Louise. U merhba lil Dr.Deborah Schembri. Ipprepara ruhek ghat-tfiegh ta' kull materjal lejk. Kun soda ghax dak li habbatt wiccek mieghu matul il-kampanja referendarja mhu xejn hdejn dak li ghad trid tiffaccja. Awhuri mill-qalb.
lose one win one
Luke Camilleri
The LP is the natural choice for Dr. Deborah Schembri and will surely be made welcome in a movement that looks forward , a movement with the National interest at heart! The P.N. will have to do with the likes of Eileen Montesin and DCG ! To each his own!
Joseph Sant
Yesterday I wrote that when the qualities of competence and approachability coincide in the same person they make for a good politician. Here is one wonderful example of that exquisite combination. . I'm not even going to wish you good luck Dr Schembri - you have enough good qualities to be able to dispense with luck. What I do wish you is a tough skin - that yes, since once you enter politics your adversaries will do everything in their power to tear you to bits, plus some. Just stay focused as you have always shown yourself to be.
Happy for Deborah. I think Labour is heading in the right direction. i hope the upcoming years will be years of progressive policies that will radically redefine the centre ground.
L-istorja tirrepeti ruħha, did-darna kontra l-PN:
@ Manqareiel de Caveden. Il-Partit taghna tal-Labour jizbalja bil-kbir jekk ikecci lil xi hadd minn hdanu ahna mhux inkeccu rridu imma nigbru lin-naghag li ghad fadal mitlufa. Fil-partit kullhadd ghandu d-dritt ta' l-opinjoni tieghu u nizbaljaw bil-kbir jekk ahna ninponu fuq haddiehor. Imbaghad min ma jaqbilx ma l-istrategija tal-Partit jara hu x'jaghmel jekk jibqax maghna jew le.
@ Skocciz, Jiena ma naqbilx mieghek li Marie Louise Coleiro tilfit il-kreditu ta' dak li ghamlet tajjeb f'dawn l-ahhar 36 sena ghax it-tajjeb dejjem tajeb jibqa u l-kreditu dejem jibqa jiehdu min ghamlu. Naqbel mieghek pero' li ma kienx il-mument opportun li thabbar li mhix se terga tikkontesta fl-elezzjoni li jmiss, din l-ahbar kienet tkun akatar ta' gid kemm ghal partit (li jiena perswaz li hija thobb u tghozz) u aktar ghaliha. Jien ghalija (ghalkemm ma nafiex u qatt ma ltqajt maghha) Marie Louise Coleiro hija wahda mill-kolonni tal-Partit u qatt ma tasal biex taghmel hsara lil Partit jiena nahseb li llumm anke hi tghid li zbaljat li habbret l-ahbar issa ghax nahsebli indunat li tat biha l-PN ha palata, ghalkemm bhalissa l-PN ghandu bzonn miraklu biex jirkupra mid-disfatti li ghamel dawn l-ahhar snin u li b'din il-kwistjoni tad-divorzju hu stess ( ghax Gonzi kien il-percimes li ried referendum meta kien jaf li fil-parlament id-divorzju ma kienx jghaddi) pogga c-cirasa fuq il-cake. It-tbaqbieq li hemm fil-vulkan tal-PN ghadu ma zbruffax imma minn hin ghall-iehor mistenni li jisplodi.nistennew u naraw. Lil Marie Louise Coleiro nghidilha proset talli dejjem kienet lejali u soda fit-tkabbir tal-Partit u nawguralha futur mill-isbah. Forsi l-quddiem il-Partit ghad ipattilha ta' xogholha b'xi hatra gholja f'pajjizna. Grazzi Marie Louise.
Issa mhux aħjar iqaċċtu 'l barra 'l Mr. No Porn No Divorce?
Most welcome Dr Schembri. You will surely get my vote if you would be in my district. You certainly deserve all the good luck in the world.
@Mark Navarro Biex inkompli fuq dak li ghidt, u nsostni dak li jien semmejt bnadi ohra, id-decizjoni ta' Marie Louise Coleiro ma kienetx f'waqta. M'hemm xejn hazin fid-decizjoni li hadet li tirtira mill-politika ghax wiehed jippretendi li wara li hadmet daqstant mal-kamp tal-le, u li ma rnexxiliex teghleb lil Joe Muscat ghal leadership, bilfors jibqgha xi ftit ta' sour grapes. Imma l-hin li ghazlet biex ixxandar id-decizjoni taghha kien fil-waqt li Gonzi deher konfus ghalhekk bli ghamlet tat palata sew lill-Gvern. Ghalija tilfet il-gid kollu li ghamlet fis-36 sena xoghol lill-Labour.
Possibbli li l-PN ma kellhomx il-kuragg javvicinaw persuna bhal din. Persuna li taf xi trid u tiggieled ghal dak li temmen fih. PN please tkomplux titilfu l-aqwa nies li jistghu jaghmlu l-bidla fil-PN.
Courage and honesty are the first human qualities because it is these that guarantees all others. Thank you Deborah; your qualities are a guarantee that the Liberals will feel at home within the new progressive and liberal Maltese movement.
Dr Deborah Schembri verament kapaci tistma lin-nies u taghmilha man-nies. Cert li ha taghmel hafna gid fil- politika u ha tghin lill batut .Nghati Prosit lil Dr Muscat li qed jghati l-opportunita lin nies validi u GENWINI bhal Deborah jidhlu fil- politika. Nassigurak li Joseph Muscat ma kecciex lil Mary Louise Coleiro anzi kienet wega kbira ghalih. Marie Louise Colerio hija mara valida hafna u hatt ma keccieja anzi harget stqarrija mil PL u li fiha kien hemm li qeghdin jitolbuwa biex tirrevoka id decizjoni taghha. Ma jkunx fair fuq Dr Joseph Muscat largument li qed jgibu dawk in nies li joboduh personali li mil l-ewwel qed jghajruh insensitiv u opportunist u gabuwa li biex jghamel replacement ta Marie Louise. Dawn in nies li qeghdin jghajruh personali (PNbgloggers)mhumiex Genwini anzi qeghdin jghamlu min kollox biex nibqghu taht Gvern nazzjonalista ghal dejjem. Welcome HOME Debbie
Krista Sullivan
welcome home deborah
Welcome to the PL .You will surely be an asset to all of Malta and Gozo. You always had convincing arguments The LE movement never managed to convince me especially when they were changing their figure heads everyday . Keep on this way and always be sincere like you were.
Rayman Jumbo
I am delighted to hear the news irrespective of the party she chose. Politics is a tough matter and Deborah showed that she has all the qualities to argue and debate issues. I suggest that fresh from her achievment - she adopts a stand to represent minorities and minority rights in a civil european society of which we are members for more than 7 years but still legging behind/
sorry guys this comment is not related here but i have to say it.Did you know that buffoon Tonio Fenech said that water supply to l-gholia tal helsien has been suspended due to water rates were not paid?who is paying for the water rates for that stupid fountain in front of parliament house?Tonio you have really gone too far now, no Madonna is going to save your stupid face from our anger.
musical chairs out mlcp and in ds.....keep it up old labour no more place in pl..thanks to all old mates...
Thank you Dr. Schembri you are a truly remarkable person,welcome onboard.
Great news ! Welcome HOME Debbie !! You have shown the maltese people what Maltese women can achieve when they set their mind on a goal ! Thanks a million for all you have done for seperated people and their childrfen ! Eddy Privitera