Poor attendance for PN parliamentary group meeting

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi presided over a poorly attended PN parliamentary group that discussed the way forward through the second reading of the divorce bill.

PN sources reported that a few ministers and MPs attended the meeting at Dar Centrali earlier this afternoon, and agreed on the procedure towards the final vote.

MaltaToday was told that the meeting was “uneventful”.  

What a waist of time. Our representatives get paid to stay away. Its a good thing an election is close. I can already see them comming to our doorsteps.
Perhaps one Minister decided to retrweat to Gozo and went for a tour by bus round malta to see how long it takes to arrive to Gozo (perhaps he will be mistaken for a foreigner and discriminated in price. Perhaps others did not care less, and yet others do not wish to waste time
@Ha Ha SCABS, as you call them, refer to people who step in during a strike. There IS no strike at Arriva, it is a case of people simply not turning up for work. ANY company faced with a similar dilemma would rectify the problem very much the same way.
Mhux ser tigik wahda tajba Wenz....Int zmienek ghadda u ghalhekk mhux ser jkollok serhan tal mohh!! L'unika triq hija wahda...Ghajjat Elezzjoni Generali biex tehles min dan it trouble kollu...ghax mhux ser jitlaq l'hemm qabel maz zul INT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
briffy@maltanet the foreign drivers are SCABS. That is what strike breakers are called. Obsequious lackey Government allows foreign workers to undermine Maltese workers.
@GYK Talking about Arriva..it seems that things are moving since Arriva brought over drivers, managers and marshalls from overseas. This evening there were no less than 14 buses running through Msida, Gzira, Sliema St Julian's in both directions in the space of an hour. It's seems that foreign marshalls have taken over from their Maltese counterparts. I noticed their presence on at least 6 of these buses. Things are pointing to the source of the chaos. It's not in the interest of the driver/owners of the old buses that the new service runs smoothly. That is why Arriva were wise enough to insert a clause that they can resort to foreign drivers, marshalls, managers in case of unexplained difficulties. The chaos reigning in the first 4 days does not seem to have been sheer coincidence.
Paul Sammut
It was to be expected. The ministers and MPs had decided to travel by bus but Arriva did not show up.
Iz-Zewg Bullies cioe Austin U George kienu prezenti jew? Nahseb il Cowboy Arrigo attenda ...??..ghax issa hekk il membri tal gvern bil Laqam,,,,, @Furjaniz,,,mela dak bahnan bhall Sant, ma tarax dak sa l-ahhar jibqa jirda lill Poplu malti
Lawrence kun sport u ghajjat elezzjoni. Issa dardartuna.
Thanks to our Gods that the end of this evil regime is in sight.
Aktar nahseb iddejqu jisimghu l-istess qrid u skuzi banali ta' kif ser jivvutaw.
U mela f`din is shana kollha ser joghqodu jigu jinqaflu gewwa ghar riha ta gharaq jew.......Ahjar hdejn il bahar, jilghaqu xi gelat, u ilestu ghal B.B.Q. Fuq kollox issa mhux li hemm, hemm.........Tridu u ma tridux, taqblu jew ma taqblux, emmnu, jew temmnux. f`Malta ser ikollna id divorzju.
Nahseb li ddejqu jaraw ucuh imdejqin u ghamlu kif jaghmlu s-soltu fil-parlament ma jmorru xejn u halew kollox f'par idejn sodi. Ha, ha, haaaa!