Gonzi accuses Muscat and l-Orizzont of publishing false information

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi spoke this morning about the increase in women working full time thanks to the Nationalist government and accused the Opposition leader for not apologising for false information published.

During a meeting at the PN office in Gozo, PM Gonzi said that an increase of 2,600 women are now working in full-time employment thanks to government measures to increase employment and the number of full-time workers rose by 3,200 over a one year period, whilst 700 failed to register their employment.

The PM said that the government had managed to improve the employment situation in a short span of time and can be proved by the Labour Force Survey and employment records held by the Employment and Training Centre even when the PL had consistently attacked the government's abilities to improve the situation.

Plenty of work still has to be done, according to Gonzi, who said there are still individuals working in precarious jobs and suffering from exploitation and bad working conditions.

“The government is managing to create work and achieve goals because PN is in government. It would be disastrous if the Labour Party were to be in government,” said Gonzi.

Gonzi criticised Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat for allowing newspaper l-Orizzont to publish articles containing false information about cabinet meetings which were never held whilst Gonzi was abroad.

Within this article, l-Orizzont had published parts of the discussion held during an alleged cabinet meeting where a formal warning was given by ECOFIN and the European Central Bank on Malta’s financial situation.

Gonzi claimed none of what was published was true and the government never received any such communications about this issue or any of the other accusations made in the articles.

“Nobody had the courage to publish an apology for the mistakes made or of such imagined stories because both Muscat and l-Orizzont know that none of it was true,” said Gonzi.

L-Orizzont has lied in this case. Obviously. How many other times has it lied? . This was not a case of a genuine mistake or of some small detail being misreported. THEY MADE UP AN ENTIRE STORY and the Fools Anonymous commenting on this page would have believed them had things not turned out as they have.
insejtu zminek Pinocchio. Your days are counted.
Dawn dejjem iridu l-ħaddieħor jiżkuza ruħu u huma dejjem kasti u puri. Kompli daħħaqna ta' onorevoli!!
Whilst I always augur that what is reported by all the media as news should always be factual, reliable and correct, one must not forget the 'independent pn media' with its hidden octopus tentacles. Some of them have their own notebook commentary web sites and others use the permanent blogs of the on line sites. Their duty is to cover up and glorify the pn and demonize its adversaries by extreme and sensational reportage and poor journalistic etiquette. By the PMs own logic, he and the pn strategists seems to be behind these contributors and their dirty maneuvers.
Does this mean that Lawrence Gonzi is taking personal responsibility for whatever is published in In-Nazzjon and Il-Mument - to say nothing of The Times and The Interdependent?
Dear Peppi X You couldn't hit harder! This is the Pinocchio show and since he is counting his days he prefers to try and put others in bad light. Il- _ahba milli jkollha ttik. If you want to confirm just look at is-sahhar tal-bidnija Vs Ms Abela Garret. The latter is a "hamalla" about the way she spoke her mind about Dr Gut. But her darling son could use as many bad language as he likes.........sakemm kontra xi laburist!!
Mela l-orizzont hsibtha t-times sur prim ministru?
Igor P. Shuvalov
Is Gonzi suggesting that Muscat intervenes in what newspapers which do not belong to PL report? Does this indirectly mean that Gonzi in some way controls the media which usually supports his party?