What the Sunday papers say...

A round-up of the newspaper headlines on Sunday.

MaltaToday's headline reads 'Final Countdown'. The front page focuses on Franco Debono's declaration that he will no longer support Lawrence Gonzi, prompting the possibility of early elections. After dedicating last week's edition to Franco Debono, billing him as 'Maverick of the year' this week MaltaToday reports and analyses the cabinet reshuffle and Debono's outburst.  MaltaToday also covers the funeral of one of the victims of New Year's Day double murder, Duncan Zammit. It says that emotions ran high at Zammit's funeral.

Illum reports Franco Debono saying that it is useless for him turning to the Nationalist Party to solve his issue since it is a Constitutional issue. Illum also carries comments on the political crisis by Nationalist MP Jesmond Mugliett and former PN President Frank Portelli.  

The Sunday Times features an interview with the Prime Minister under the heading -  Gonzi: I will not be blackmailed.

The Malta Independent carries a comment by Lawrence Gonzi about Franco Debono saying he should resign.  It also carries a front page picture of the funeral of Duncan Zammit, one of the victims of the New Year's Day double murder.

Il-Mument says the Franco Debono case will be tackled internally within the Nationalist Party structures. It carries a quote by Gonzi saying the problem with Franco Debono is not the country's problem but a problem regarding an MP who wanted to become minister.

KullHadd says the Gonzi government is on the 'edge'.

It-Torca says the 'war' between Franco Debono and Lawrence Gonzi has worsened and says the division is deep as Debono will support anyone but Gonzi as Prime Minister.

IL-MUMENT qal li l-ka ta' Franco Debono se jigi ittakiljat fli strutturi tal-PN.Il-kas ta' Franco Debono hu kas li qed jaffettwa l-governabilita tal-gvern ! Ghalhekk huwa fil-parlament li trid tittiehed id-decizzjoni jekk Gonzi ghandux maggoranza jew le biex ikompli imexxi l-gvern. Jekk jirrizulta b'mod ufficjali li m'ghandux maggoranza, ikollu jsejjeh elezzjoni minnufih. Jekk jonqos jaghmel dan, ikollu jindahal il-President tar-Repubblika u jordna li ssir eòezzjoni jekk ma jsib lil hadd li ghandu maggoranza.
Franco Debono huwa ragel li l Maltin ghandhom jammiraw morru Youtube u tismghu, huwa persuna vera demoktratika.