[LISTEN] New tape of former Sliema mayor Joanna Gonzi released

Former Sliema mayor Joanna Gonzi allegedly heard suggesting warden should fine “owner’s association” for garbage placed outside, irrespective of who paced it there.

Former Sliema mayor Joanna Gonzi
Former Sliema mayor Joanna Gonzi

In a recording released today, allegedly of the former Sliema mayor, Joanna Gonzi is heard suggesting a warden should fine the "owner's association" for garbage placed outside a block of apartments.

"I suggest that a warden issues a fine. He doesn't need to go and stand outside the door. But he should go ahead and issue a fine if he sees that a garbage bag is dumped where it shouldn't be," Gonzi is heard saying.

When she is asked who should be fined, Gonzi says "the owner's association".

She goes on to add, "then those of the block can be left fighting among themselves".

Asked what would happen if someone else from another block places the garbage outside the apartment block, Gonzi says: "I find it very hard to believe."

This is the third recording to be released of Gonzi. Yesterday evening, after the release of a second tape in which Gonzi allegedly is heard saying she wished Labour councillor Martin Debono's mother died of a heart attack, the former Sliema mayor said that the recording was "false".

"I have reasons to suspect that this is a case of falsification and manipulation of a recording, made for political purposes in order to undermine my integrity," Gonzi said, warning that she could also take legal action.

One News replied the recordings were authentic.

Attempts by MaltaToday to contact Gonzi have so far proven futile.


Dan JGalea jaf x'qed jikteb jew jinsab sturdut bit-tahwid li ghandu l-PN? Qalilna li r-recording 'frameup'. Jekk tant hu dan hu bravu ghax ma jqabbadtx avukat lill-Anestesista halli jaghmel libell. Dik hi lvera solidarjeta sur JGalea. U mela toqghod iddeffes lill-Bambin fin-nofs. Int milli jidher familjari sew mal-Vengeli u taf li l-'Bambin' kien isejjah lil bosta OQBRA MBAJDA!. Perswaz li INT mintix wiehed minn dawn l-OQBRA MBAJDA. Hallina JG!
Mr .andregrech ,you should note that from the words that the Mayor Dr.Joanna Gonzi said ,it is very easy to establish where the garbage is . As for that person/s who made those recordings and you described him/them as ridiculous person/s , you couldn't be more wrong because if it wasn't for him/them ,the sentiments expressed by Dr.Joanna Gonzi towards the other persons could have remained unknown .
Well Jo'anna she runs a country She runs in Durban and the Transvaal She makes a few of her people happy, oh She don't care about the rest at all She's got a system they call apartheid It keeps a brother in a subjection But maybe pressure will make Jo'anna see How everybody could a live as one (Chorus:) Gimme hope, Jo'anna Hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna 'Fore the morning come Gimme hope, Jo'anna Hope, Jo'anna Hope before the morning come I hear she makes all the golden money To buy new weapons, any shape of guns While every mother in black Soweto fears The killing of another son Sneakin' across all the neighbours' borders Now and again having little fun She doesn't care if the fun and games she play Is dang'rous to ev'ryone (Chorus:) Gimme hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna 'Fore the morning come Gimme hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna Hope before the morning come She got supporters in high up places Who turn their heads to the city sun Jo'anna give them the fancy money Oh to tempt anyone who'd come She even knows how to swing opinion In every magazine and the journals For every bad move that this Jo'anna makes They got a good explanation (Chorus:) Gimme hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna 'Fore the morning come Gimme hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna Hope before the morning come Even the preacher who works for Jesus The Archbishop who's a peaceful man Together say that the freedom fighters Will overcome the very strong I wanna know if you're blind Jo'anna If you wanna hear the sound of drum Can't you see that the tide is turning Oh don't make me wait till the morning come (Chorus:) Do give hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna 'Fore the morning come Gimme hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna Hope before the morning come Gimme hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna 'Fore the morning come Gimme hope, Jo'anna Gimme hope, Jo'anna Hope before the morning come
Integrity! What integrity Dr Joanna Gonzi? No one undermines your integrity better than you and your big and foul mouth! And if the tapes are false and manipulated what are waiting for to start libel procedures? I am smelling a chicken.
Sur F.D. Bl-istess argument tieghek li skont int ir-residenti ta' dak il-blokk ghandhom joqghodu attenti huma ghal min jitfalhom il-boroz taz-zibel wara biebhom , kemm ghandu ghalxiex joqghod attent il-warden , halli jara hu min qed jitfa dawk il-boroz biz-zibel wara bieb haddiehor. Wara kollox il-warden li jkun imqabbad mil-kunsill responsabbli hu li jara min hu responsabbli ta' dan u mhux iwahhal fin nies tal-blokk kollu. Bli qalet,is-sinjura(?)Sindku Joanna Gonzi wriet kemm hi persuna(?)arroganti u vili .
Luke Camilleri
Some good news though.....Dr. Gonzi Joanna will not be contesting local elections...which might just curb the Gonzi Phobia that has spread in Sliema....and not amongst LP Supporters but amongst Owner's / Residents Association! Fejn hemm il-Firda kien hemm Dr. Joanna GONZI ...u s-silenzju ta' DR. LAWRENCE GONZI!
Luke Camilleri
Oh Joanna, Dr. Joanna, you sure made it more than clear where my vote will be going..... I have a PHOBIA for warden's fines! Especially since I have no buddies at the Small Claims Tribunal! Gonzi's silence, Lawrence Gonzi's silence is deafening!
Luke Camilleri
Oh Joanna, Dr. Joanna, you sure made it more than clear where my vote will be going..... I have a PHOBIA for warden's fines! Especially since I have no buddies at the Small Claims Tribunal! Gonzi's silence, Lawrence Gonzi's silence is deafening!
Luke Camilleri
Oh Joanna, Dr. Joanna, you sure made it more than clear where my vote will be going..... I have a PHOBIA for warden's fines! Especially since I have no buddies at the Small Claims Tribunal! Gonzi's silence, Lawrence Gonzi's silence is deafening!
Luke Camilleri
Oh Joanna, Dr. Joanna, you sure made it more than clear where my vote will be going..... I have a PHOBIA for warden's fines! Especially since I have no buddies at the Small Claims Tribunal! Gonzi's silence, Lawrence Gonzi's silence is deafening!
Luke Camilleri
Oh Joanna, Dr. Joanna, you sure made it more than clear where my vote will be going..... I have a PHOBIA for warden's fines! Especially since I have no buddies at the Small Claims Tribunal! Gonzi's silence, Lawrence Gonzi's silence is deafening!
Luke Camilleri
Oh Joanna, Dr. Joanna, you sure made it more than clear where my vote will be going..... I have a PHOBIA for warden's fines! Especially since I have no buddies at the Small Claims Tribunal! Gonzi's silence, Lawrence Gonzi's silence is deafening!
Luke Camilleri
Oh Joanna, Dr. Joanna, you sure made it more than clear where my vote will be going..... I have a PHOBIA for warden's fines! Especially since I have no buddies at the Small Claims Tribunal! Gonzi's silence, Lawrence Gonzi's silence is deafening!
Luke Camilleri
Oh Joanna, Dr. Joanna, you sure made it more than clear where my vote will be going..... I have a PHOBIA for warden's fines! Especially since I have no buddies at the Small Claims Tribunal! Gonzi's silence, Lawrence Gonzi's silence is deafening!
Luke Camilleri
Oh Joanna, Dr. Joanna, you sure made it more than clear where my vote will be going..... I have a PHOBIA for warden's fines! Especially since I have no buddies at the Small Claims Tribunal! Gonzi's silence, Lawrence Gonzi's silence is deafening!
Luke Camilleri
Oh Joanna, Dr. Joanna, you sure made it more than clear where my vote will be going..... I have a PHOBIA for warden's fines! Especially since I have no buddies at the Small Claims Tribunal! Gonzi's silence, Lawrence Gonzi's silence is deafening!
Luke Camilleri
Oh Joanna, Dr. Joanna, you sure made it more than clear where my vote will be going..... I have a PHOBIA for warden's fines! Especially since I have no buddies at the Small Claims Tribunal! Gonzi's silence, Lawrence Gonzi's silence is deafening!
Jeffrey Vella
Dan frameup. Frameup aghar minn dak ta Pietru Pawl Busuttil. Dr. Gonzi, u Mr. Galea tinkwetawx. Il Bambin jghinkom. Nitolbu ghalikom. Nitolbu biex il Bambin jerga jirregalana rebha ikbar. Il PN dejjem kien fuq in nahha tas sewwa. Ghalhekk il PN huwa dejjem rebbih. Ghal dejjem.
Wardens should stay outside doors where garbage are left by residents. But wardens in Malta are wasting time fining drivers. If though Idon't agree with letting the residents fight each other I understand the frustration of seeing Sliema full of garbage 24 hours a day. Having said all this I wish to know who is the ridiculous person who recorded the meetings with the intention to use them later. Labour party. Grow up. When you kept your mouths shut you were gaining votes. It seems you did not change. You're using the same strategy that kept you in opposition for 25 years. What a pity!!
U b’daqshekk x’qalet hazin ? Jekk tal-blokk flats ikollhom iz-zibel ta’ haddiehor wara biebom joqghodu attenti ghal min ikun waddabulom hemm. Kullhadd responsabbli ta’ hwejgu. Thanks Cyrus.
Go on JOanna if you have nothing to fear, the ball is in your side of the court take all the legal actions you need.Tonio Fenech failed to take action against Rainbow contractors are you as gutless as he is?
Sur Zorro , Dnub li ghazilt l-isem ta' Zorro biex ghamilt il-kumment tieghek, ghax bhall ma taf int, skont il-legenda Zorro kien jiggieled l-ingustizzi u mhux jiggustifikom jew inkella tiskanta li dawn id-diskusati jigu rrekordjati. Jekk persuna ma jkolliex ghalfejn tahbi jew tisthi,ma ghandiex ghalfejn ikollha ebda diffikulta li id-diskors taghha jkun irrekordjat. Haga wahda jmissek ghidt, li Dr.Goanna Gonzi bir-ragun li ma haditx gost li dawn ir-rekordings hargu fil-berah, ghax verament ghanda min xiex tisthi u lanqas biss ghanda tidher quddiem in-nies . Veru persuna baxxa, vili u arroganti.
Ghalxejn qed tipprova ddahhal id-dubju GONZINA, zgur li HADD mhu se jemmen li kliemek kien imbaghbas. Tant hu hekk li fuq l-ewwel kliem li kixfulek, int ghidt li kien " out of context" izda meta t-Times talbitek tispjega bqajt m'ghidtilhom xejn ! U la ma stahajtx tghid il-kliem " I want them dead, all of them ", zgur li ma skruplajtx tghid li tixtieq omm Martin Debono MEJTA !!! INT DIZUNUR GHAL PROFESSJONI MEDIKA MALTIJA !!!
Anyone foolish enough to think of "selling" their vote (as has been allegedly done in the past) - by using a mobile phone camera to record their ballot paper - needs to remember that the wonders of the digital age may catch you out. Info retained on a phone or sent over the mobile phone network is evidence which can be used by the Police. The recordings of the Sliema Council are proof of the risks people take when they act improperly today. The evidence of their attitude is all around, but the proof of the act lies in the technology.
Kollha min pezza wahda inqataw dawn il Gonzis...L-Archisqof Gonzi kien jibghat lil laburisti l-infern min din id dinja....Il PM GonziPN baghat u ghadu jibghat lin nies isaqqu il hass tal Marsa ghax ma jistawx ilahqu mal hajja....u issa harget din il Gonzina, b`dawn il pastazati kollha..Fikhom il hobz ukoll.Min huma il pastazi issa ?
Had Mr Galea’s and Ms Gonzi’s shameful attacks against PL folks been directed against a certain race of people, many organizations including a particular religious order would be up in arms against all this but since the victims happen to be from the PL camp, than they can be considered as “fair game” just like J Muscat’s young children, according to a particular lawyer. What is even more worrying is the fact that our PM, who is very public about his Catholic conscience to the point of quoting and acting on it during his purely secular duties, sees nothing wrong in championing Mr Galea to represent the PN in the coming elections. Our PM had also promised to be more transparent regarding the promotion to key positions but like the income tax reduction, this did not materialize. Is this because that way, the “Evil Klikka” remains free to promote people of a certain colour?
Had Mr Galea’s and Ms Gonzi’s shameful attacks against PL folks been directed against a certain race of people, many organizations including a particular religious order would be up in arms against all this but since the victims happen to be from the PL camp, than they can be considered as “fair game” just like J Muscat’s young children, according to a particular lawyer. What is even more worrying is the fact that our PM, who is very public about his Catholic conscience to the point of quoting and acting on it during his purely secular duties, sees nothing wrong in championing Mr Galea to represent the PN in the coming elections. Our PM had also promised to be more transparent regarding the promotion to key positions but like the income tax reduction, this did not materialize. Is this because that way, the “Evil Klikka” remains free to promote people of a certain colour?
Tinsewx li ta' Dr Gonzi ma jimpurtahom minn xejn u minn hadd. Tal-PN dejjem kienu li jkun hemm ic-crieki tan-nazzjonalisti li nisthajjilhom Lazzru li kultant jaghtuhom xi ftit frak li jaqa' minn fuq il-mejda, ikun hemm ic-crieki ta' gewwa li jkunu ahjar, u jkun hemm ic-crieki ta' gewwa nett li jikkmandaw u jiehdu kwazi kollox huma. Din hija l-istorja eterna tal-PN.
Tghid din id-darba se tinnega li mhux veru qalet hekk? Tghid din id-darba Gonzi l-Prim se jibqa' ma jikkundannahix? Jekk in-nies ta' Tas-Sliema jridu dan it-tip ta' hmieg biex jirrapprezenthom fil-kunsill, ghandom ghazla difficli bejn iz-ziblu Julian Galea u z-zibla Joanna Gonzi. U Dr Gonzi, hallik mill-Mosta u ara li dan it-tip ta' nies jitwarrbu mill-partit darba ghall-dejjem ghax qed jaghmlulek hsara kbira.
"Ifred u Saltan."
Who would have thought that this lady-a Gonzi at that- was capable of such ridiculous management suggestions. She may be good as a doctor, but she has to learn a lot in social intelligence, and secondly she has to get rid of that arrogance and insolence, that could have been brought about by a bad and spoiled upbringing!
Who would have thought that this lady-a Gonzi at that- was capable of such ridiculous management suggestions. She may be good as a doctor, but she has to learn a lot in social intelligence, and secondly she has to get rid of that arrogance and insolence, that could have been brought about by a bad and spoiled upbringing!
iiiiiii x'qalet!! lol..vera spiccajna biex ma ghandiex xnaghmlu biex issa noqghodu nirrekorjaw lill xulxin. juri ukoll li l labour lesti jaghmlu kollox biex jirbhu...
Anette B Cassar
dawn affarijiet li ma jittwemmnux.
Dan kollu huwa frott ta GONZIPN ..dan huwa ir-rizultat tas sistema li haddem gonzi fit-tmexxija. dIN IS-sINDKU IMISSA TISTHI TOHROGfit-triq.Din hija qariba ta gonzi.Din hija politika ta mibgheda imhaddma fis-sistema GONZIPN .
Now she should put her money where her mouth is and sue One News. if she doesn't we'll have to believe that the tapes are authentic.
What a shame.
Kemm tridu affarijiet hziena Alla ibierek lil hutkom Ahwa Maltin,din hija parti mill-istrategija Gonzi PN "Solidarjeta mal-Familji"? L-Assocjacjoni tat-Tobba ma qalet xejn wara li tabiba harget b'din il-hnizrija kollha u tixtieq il-mard lil-huta. Jew fejn tidhol l-politika ahna mhux kollha ahwa ta'l-istess ALLA. What a shame on those who pretend they are the Leaders of this Democratic Civilised Nation. I think your comments should be passed to Amnesty Internation, Human Rights and the EU Elite Club which Gonsi PN boast about.
Zack Depasquale
F'post ohra ghidt li Joanna Gonzi sejjra tibqa mfakkra bhalha l-iktar sindku inkompetenti li qatt kien hemm gewwa tas-Sliema, ghandi zball ridt nghid l-iktar sindku inkompetenti li qatt kien hawn f'Malta