No answer to extensive PQ over Cachia Caruana salary

Foreign ministry does not table expense claims for Richard Cachia Caruana.

Foreign minister Tonio Borg (left) with Richard Cachia Caruana.
Foreign minister Tonio Borg (left) with Richard Cachia Caruana.

A less than satisfactory reply to Labour MP Leo Brincat's extensive parliamentary question on the salary for Malta's outgoing permanent representative to the EU, has shed little light on the presumed extent of Richard Cachia Caruana's emolument.

The ambassador who had to resign his post following a motion of censure passed by the Opposition and won by the support of a government MP, is paid the highest public sector salary of €38,000 plus 10 per cent, but receives no performance bonus.

Cachia Caruana will receive a terminal benefit as well as a transitional facility for the next months, which is an allowance applicable to all ministers and the Opposition leader.

But Brincat has demanded that the foreign minister Tonio Borg reveals what global emoluments and allowances are paid to Cachia Caruana, what these amounts where for 2011 as well as to table the foreign ministry's 'Forms 1' from 2007 onwards which detail the expenses of each ambassador.

Borg also did not provide Brincat with a copy of the contract of service for Cachia Caruana, and any amendments to the contract, whether his salary was adjusted in the past six years, any arrears he received, and whether he is paid other remunerations for his role as head of the EU secretariat.

Borg has referred Brincat to previous PQs which tag Cachia Caruana's salary to the highest civil service scale.

It's a shame that RCC and PN could not understand that you are either a civil servant or a party official - you cannot be both. RCC would have made an excellent permanent representative if he had focused on that, and likewilse if had chosen to be a PN strategist. But how could a man so intelligent be so naive as to think he could be both? Megalomania?
LA ma jridux jghidu u qed jahbu hemm intiena kbira tinten iktar minn qabar b'eluf ta' mejtin fih. Imma mbaghad xorta nkunu nafu u min qed jahbi dan is-serq minn flus il-poplu issa jkollu jaghti kont ta' ghemilu.
Fired for treason. He betrayed his country and was betrayed by Wikileaks. Don't forget that when you see him next to Gonzi or one of the many Dons of the PN family.
Hemm il-hmieg taht it-tapit ghalhekk il-Ministru Borg ma rrispondiex kollox ghal mistoqsija ta' Leo Brincat. U min jaf x'hemm fuq persunaggi ohra dawk il-Managers, Diretturi etc dawn kollha qed jahalbu lil kaxxa ta' Malta talli haddiehor jahdem ghalihom u huma kemm jiffirmaw xi karta li jpoggulhom fuq l-iskrivanija.
Issa jidher car li kulhadd kien jibza minn dan il- 'bicca ambaxxatur'; anke il-Vici Prim Ministru jidher li qed jibza, u dak li suppost li ahna nafu bi dritt-jigifieri kemm inhallsu taxxi biex inzommu paxxut li-stratigista ta GonziPN u 'bicca ambaxxxatur' dan, Tonio Borg qed jibza jizvellah? Ghala?
Mario Pace
I understand that transitional benefits are given to ministers and leader of the opposition, these being POLITICAL members. We have been hearing that RCC wasn't a POLITICAL appointee but a civil servant. Then i say, since when are transitional payments being given to civil servants as well? Can MT investigate this?
skuzi mhux irrezenja imma tkecca.Hemm differenza
Must run into hundreds of thousands! And that is only what shows?
RCC se jiehu wkoll it-"transitional facility for the next months, which is an allowance applicable to all ministers and the Opposition leader" Mela kien stmat bhala Ministru, allura kellu jgorr il-collective responsability bhal kull ministru iehor mhux hekk. Smajtu Dr Franco Debono, u inti u Lino Spiteri hsibtu li RCC huwa semplici 'public servant', allura ma kellux ikun hemm dik il-mozzjoni kontrih. Bil-litanija ta' aggettivi li sawbu fuqu l-PN - indispensabbli, ambaxxattur permanenti, bravu, kapaci, hassieb kbir ecc. U l-paga tieghu kemm hi? ...this guy doesn't come cheap, I'll tell you.