Cachia Caruana took civil service’s highest ever salary at €148,000

Outgoing EU permanent representative paid €148,000 in salary and emoluments and another €170,000 for Ixelles apartment, housekeeper and chauffeur.

Advisor, ambassador and also party strategist who predates the Gonzi administration: Richard Cachia Caruana (right) was paid €148,000 for his unique services.
Advisor, ambassador and also party strategist who predates the Gonzi administration: Richard Cachia Caruana (right) was paid €148,000 for his unique services.

Additional reporting by Miriam Dalli.

Malta's permanent representative to the European Union, Richard Cachia Caruana, earned an annual salary of some €148,000 that includes emoluments to top up his civil service salary.

The foreign ministry confirmed information MaltaToday presented it with on Friday, that outgoing permanent representative Richard Cachia Caruana was paid close to €150,000 in salary and global emoluments, apart from expenses for his Ixelles apartment, housekeeping and chauffeur.

Cachia Caruana was paid the top civil service salary and a 10% top-up for a total of over €42,000 a year but also an additional €100,883 in global emoluments that took his salary close to €150,000 a year.

MaltaToday is informed that Cachia Caruana additionally was paid another €96,000 to rent out his duplex apartment over the artificial lakes in the wealthy Ixelles district, in Brussels, as well as another €75,000 for the payment of the outgoing ambassador's housekeeping, a personal driver, and a police escort.

These figures have not been denied by the foreign ministry.

But Borg's statement confirms that Cachia Caruana benefited from the highest public sector salaries ever paid put by the Maltese government - going head to head with such handsomely-paid civil servants like former Central Bank governor Michael C. Bonello (€128,000), Communications Authority chairman Philip Micallef and Malta Environment and Planning Authority chairman Austin Walker (€94,000).

The belated reply from foreign minister Tonio Borg to a parliamentary question by Labour MP Leo Brincat, who first asked for the information in a foreign affairs committee hearing, comes after MaltaToday informed the minister it would be publishing details of Cachia Caruana's salary last Friday.

His replies were sent out to the press this evening after Borg's spokesperson had informed MaltaToday earlier Tuesday morning that this newspaper could expect its replies shortly.

Borg also stated unequivocally that Cachia Caruana's role as permanent representative could not be considered to be on the same level as bilateral postings for ambassadors or similar posts to organisations such as the United Nations. "The permanent representative to the EU leads and coordinates all levels of relations between Malta and the EU."

This explanation justified, Borg said, Cachia Caruana's salary being tagged at the highest grade of the civil service rather than the ambassador's scale 3 salary.

Cachia Caruana also acted as the prime minister's advisor on EU affairs, which salary also covered this aspect of his role, Borg said.

The foreign minister said Cachia Caruana's 10% top-up of €3,818 was "a recognition of him being one of the most experienced individuals in the service of government, having continuously served in the highest of roles even before 1996," Borg said.

But this is nothing compared to the €100,000 in global emoluments which Borg said reflected expenses incurred by all serving ambassadors. Malta employs the formula for emoluments used by the United Nations, save for a 10% deduction.

Borg also confirmed Cachia Caruana's remuneration covered his accommodation, housekeeping and personal chauffeur, but did not disclose their expenses - which MaltaToday is already aware of.

Borg claimed that replacing Cachia Caruana with two persons to take his post would cost an additional €35,000 over the present remuneration.

He was previously paid €115,395 before 2009 increased salaries across the civil service.

Since forcing his resignation from permanent representative to the EU in a motion of censure secured with the vote of government MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, the Labour party has demanded a detailed breakdown of all foreign ministry payments to Richard Cachia Caruana.

Labour MP Leo Brincat, one of the Opposition MPs who grilled Cachia Caruana in the foreign affairs committee on his role in reactivating Malta's participation in Nato's Partnership for Peace, got little joy in a reply from foreign minister Tonio Borg this week to disclose all global emoluments and allowances paid to Cachia Caruana.

Specifically, Brincat asked Borg to disclose the ministry's 'Forms 1' from 2007 onwards to detail the expenses of each ambassador, Cachia Caruana included. Borg however did not provide a copy of the contract of service for Cachia Caruana, and details of the adjustments to his salary over the past six years, and any arrears he received.

On his part, the foreign minister has insisted in directing MPs to a previous reply to a parliamentary question that puts Cachia Caruana's salary at the €38,000 civil service Grade 1 salary, and a 10% top-up. Cachia Caruana takes no performance bonus but he will receive a terminal benefit upon his departure from Brussels, as well as a transitional facility for the next months to assist in his transition from ambassador.

The transitional allowance was introduced by Lawrence Gonzi in 2008 to assist former ministers, and the Opposition leader, in phasing-out their high incomes when returning to their private, professional occupations.

The 'job' description

Also included in Borg's statement was Richard Cachia Caruana's detailed job description, which states that as Malta's permanent representative to the EU, Cachia Caruana's role was to represent Malta at official level in all negotiations that took place within the EU structures with other Member States, the European Commission and members of the European Parliament.

Among other responsibilities to attend various committees of permanent representatives, Cachia Caruana was also responsible for alerting government to any aspect of discussion at EU level that may have policy implications for Malta.

He was also responsible for working with Ministries and other entities to coordinate the required response, including the formal and informal negotiation of such issues with the representatives of the EU or other member states.

But Cachia Caruana was not only Malta's ambassador to the EU, but also adviser to the Prime Minister on EU affairs.

His job description included the responsibility of ensuring that the PM was always appropriately briefed on key strategic issues concerning the EU and that of overseeing the preparation of all position papers, including any analysis required and the recommendations detailing the best course of action to be followed.

His job description entails that Cachia Caruana participates regularly in Cabinet meetings in order to update Cabinet on all EU-related developments on a weekly basis, provide information and advice on any items raised in Cabinet that may have an EU dimension and assist Ministers in coordinating effective follow up to any such items raised.

As the PM's adviser, Cachia Caruana also chaired the inter-ministerial committee for EU affairs and oversaw the functions of the EU Secretariat.

Remember that at least more than half was not taxed at all. And remember also that the positions occupied puts a person in close proximity to business interests needing advice and being consulted by others. Now I wonder if people are allowed to pay donations apart from lis'istrina?
Mark Fenech
Trid tigi ccarata wkoll jekk dawn l-ammonti humiex qabel jew wara li tithallas it-taxxa, ghax forsi l-gvern qieghed ihallas it-taxxa, bhal ma kien jaghmel mal-gvernatur tas-Central Bank.
rajah notwithstanding that the PM and his Ministers do not get peanuts we still ended up with monkeys.
Pay peanuts and you get monkeys!
With all that money (E320,000) you can employ 40 workers on the minimum wage !!! That is how the average wage is arrived at.Let's take 5 workers with the following salaries: 150,000, 94,000, 84,000, 30,000 and 8000.And these are REAL salaries !!. For statistical purposes the average wage is E75,000. Ask the poor worker who is earning 8000 if he is getting anywhere near the 75,000 euro ??. There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Luke Camilleri
Record iehor ghal GonziPN....akbar minn dik zieda ta' €600 u wara imnizzla ghal €500 fil gimgha fuq is-salarju tieghu u ta' madwaru!
Will any MP ask the following PQ pls: What is the remuneration package (salary plus perks) of the members of the secretariat to: the President, the Prime Minister and the Ministers. Guess what we may all be pleasantly surprised.
So is it possible that the fat cat was feeding cake and pudding to the rats amongst him; I mean the rat blogger might have been feeding off him and therefore the reason for all her 'omerta' to scandals pertaining to GonziPN? Is the witch panicking because she will stop receiving her remuneration?
Ahna hadna 1.5 euros zieda u haddiehor jithannzer! Allura il-perks u din ic-cappa kollha hu ta din lilu innifsu? Forsi hemm min jithallas daqshekk biex is-sahhara tal-Bidnija tlaqqat xi haga minn taht? Dan bhal ma qal xi hadd, jirbah is-super Five kull sena! Ghalhekk ma irridtx jinzel minn fuq il-pedestal? Allura, dan bhal Bondi u Peppi kontra is-socjalizmu imma hu l-aktar wiehed li jerda mill-gid socjali u mill-gvern li jigbor it-taxxi mill-gharaq ta gbina? Fejn hi il-konsistenta? Dan barra il-perks li ghandu Brussels u biljetti b'xejn business class ma jmurx iweggha xi murlita? Min jaf x'hemm minn taht ghal maghzula ta GonziPN?
Ma nahsibx li dan li gej hemm ghalfejn ikun iccensurat!!!!!! .......... u allura se nesprimi x-xewqa tieghi li jigi nominat professur jew konsulent mediku li jinghata l-inkarigu mill-"bravu" parlament jew minn gonzipn biex jaghmel testijiet medici halli issa nsiru nafu ezattament jekk is-sur RCC ghandux ERBA', SITTA JEW TMIEN BAJDIET .... aktar minn tnejn zgur li ghandu imma nahseb li issa sar fl-interess nazzjonali li nsiru nafu - nahseb li l-poplu ghandu dritt ghal dan it-taghrif, ragel kapacissmu bhal dak !!!!! forsi bis-sahha tieghu malta tidher fuq il-guiness book of records ta' irgiel ta' certu .... kalibru !!!!!
Ma nahsibx li hafna flus ! jekk wiehed jikkonsidra li mhallas ukoll talli jahdem bi prominenza il kampanja ellettorali tal PN. Isma billi Gonzi tah dan ir-rigal wara dan is- snin kollha ta servizz xi haga hazina ? wara kollox Gvern u partit mhux l istess, lil Austin Gatt mhux l - istess, paga ta' ministru u misluf lil PN ghal kampanja. Din veru demokrazija u ghalekk jahdem il PN ghax jemmen fi principji sodi u valuri morali ta vera'. Ejjew maghna issa waslet l - elezzjoni u ha naqdukhom f' kollox serrhu raskom , lanqas kontijiet mhu ser nibghatu ghalissa.
Stefan Mifsud
Can somebody please explain the difference, in practical and real terms, between being The Permanent Representative of Malta at the EU and, an advisor to the Prime Minister on EU affairs. To my mind it is like saying the Government is employing Doctors but will also be paying them extra for treating people and dishing out prescriptions!!!
Luke Camilleri
Most certainly a UNIQUE package! With 148,000 in salary and emoluments and another €170,000for Ixelles apartment, housekeeper and chauffeur.....the Maltese Tax-Payer was not aware they were supporting ROYALTY!
Il-litanija ta' aggettivi ta' tifhir lil RCC mal-ewwel deher li dan il-kaz se jkun il-"pinnacle" ta' l-indicenza. Minn nahha l-wahda kellek it-twissija ta' Dr Gonzi lil JPO, Mugliett u Debono li min jizbalja jrid IHALLAS ta' eghmilu. U minn nahha l-ohra ghandek lil RCC fejn Dr Gonzi qallu li min jizbalja JITHALLAS. Minn meta l'hawn li min jitkecca ghax ikun zbalja jiehu balla liri? Jekk xejn, RCC imissu jrodd lura l-flus li ha dawn l-ahhar 4 snin. Instab hati ta' zball li sar fl-2008, mhux hekk? Ahfrilhom Mulej, ghax ma jafux x'hinuma jaghmlu.
Maureen Attard
U aħna z-zgħar imħallsin bis-soldi u ma nistux inlaħqu mal-ħajja. Hekk sewwa, min hu mejjet għal-qatra u min hu mejjet fis-sakra. Kulħadd għad jara wiċċ Alla.
mhux bilfors johoda bikbiera li ha jispicca. dan veru qabes fuq il juicy train, u hadiehor jilaq li jipqa.
Tghid RCC gerger ghax ghola il-gas u il-petrol ? U lill dan intuh it-TERMINAL BENEFITS ukoll,ghalhekk iridu jibqghu sa l-ahhar fil-poter biex jerdghu kemm jistaw,u lill poplu l-gharef GONZIPN itieh zieda ta €1.13 fil-gimgha.....possibli il-PN supporters kuntenti b`dawn il-hnizrijiet ?????
U jien ga sejjer St Lukes biex forsi nirranga l karta safra. From what I read he is "Jack of all trades and Mr Knows it all. Then jiegi T.Fenech u jghid li ahna cwiec. But in nanna kienet tghid l cuc minn jghamilna! All I can say to whom it may concern "MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES"!
Darba kien hemm xi hadd li kien qal lil haddiema biex ma jithanzrux..........
U alla jbierek l-gharef Prim li ghandna kull ma sab ghall-haddiem kien biss kontijiet ghoja tal-eletriku ilma u gas u zieda mizera ta €1.16 fil-gimgha. Heqq m'hemmx x'taghmel la l-haddiem kull m'hu Cuc malti. Mela min mejjet fis-sakra u min mejjet ghall-qatra.
X'gharukaza, u x'disgrace ta pajjiz! Vera sirna Ali Baba and the forty thieves; jew hemm aktar minn forty thieves? Gonzi u 'l-bravi' tal-gabinett tieghu inqabdu, bhal ma jghidu l-inglizi' with their pants down'. Dan RCC ma jridtx jikxef sor.u, imma xorta inqabbad jirbah daqs super five kull sena ! jistmahnux biex jibqghu hemm, tirremettix hdura il-sahhara tal-bidnija! Mela dan kien ir-ras ta GonziPN ghax jaqla aktar minn Gonzi; mhux ta b'xejn li GonziPN tfarrak, u tfarrak bhal Imperu Ruman ghax sar egoist, mimli mockery u dekadenti: mimli rghiba! Min jaf xi hmieg ghad jinqala u johrog l'quddiem?
And the PM expects to visit my kitchen? No thanks. Tonio Fenech stay away for I am not interested.
This Civil Servant cost the Maltese taxpayers hundreds of thousands of euros to make up for his lavish lifestyle whilst great percentage of the Maltese people live in poverty. What a shame. If earthly justice is not done I am confident that divine justice will prevail.
Tajba din. Jien Euro 9000 fis-sena ghandi sa issa jekk ma nispiccax nirregistra u Nazzjonalist bl-attributi KONT. Imma go dan il-pajjiz mhux l-annimali kollha huma annimali. Keep it up PN Ghal xiex dhalna fl-EU.