Updated | PN Executive president accuses Pullicino Orlando of acting 'in bad faith'

The President of the PN's executive committee Marthese Portelli accuses MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando of 'acting in bad faith'; Pullicino Orlando replies

PN executive president Marthese Portelli
PN executive president Marthese Portelli

The president of the PN executive committee, Marthese Portelli, has accused Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando of "acting in bad faith" because the Zebbug MP did not follow the agreed procedure regarding the hearing of his case against Richard Cachia Caruana.

She was replying to the letter issued this morning by Pullicino Orlando, in which he substained his accusations against Cachia Caruana.

Portelli said instead of following the procedures that Pullicino Orlando agreed with, he "chose to repeat what third parties speculated in the media, without giving the accused the opportunity to defend himself."

The PN's executive president also said that the MP failed to adhere to the agreement to present in writing his detailed accusations against Cachia Caruana by Saturday morning.

She also said that Pullicino Orlando failed to submit a list of witnesses detailing over which charge they would be presented. 

"I want to make it very clear that in failing to abide by the motion of the executive, it is evident that you did not act in bona fide, and instead you chose to only repeat speculation made by third parties in the media."

"You should understand that this behaviour is unacceptable and goes against the agreement to uphold the principles of natural justice in order to grant the accused the right to prepare his defence in the most appropriate way in terms of charges that were clear and defined."

"Therefore, and notwithstanding any other correspondence that you may send to the Executive before the next sitting, I will be referring your shortcomings to the PN's Administrative Council so that it may consider and take whatever decisions are deemed necessary in these circumstances," Portelli said.

In a statement issued shortly after the publication of Portelli's letter, Pullicino Orlando said that he absolutely failed to understand the reasoning behind what Portelli was saying in the letter.

"I felt that I had complied with the request made by the PN Administrative Council by sending the e-mail linking the five witnesses to the relevant accusations yesterday."

The MP added that Portelli asked him "to flesh my accusations out and I was in the process of doing so."

"I referred to a public declaration by Joe Mizzi in relation to Mr. Cachia Caruana with very serious allegations in an attempt at abiding with what you asked for. It is pertinent to note that Mizzi made these allegations forty eight hours ago on a television programme which he was participating in, together with (PN Whip) David Agius."

Pullicino Orlando added "To date, Mr. Cachia Caruana has not replied to these allegations in stark contrast to what he did with regards to the allegations made by Karmenu Vella last Wednesday, which he replied to immediately."

The MP said that since he now feels "uncertain as to what you expect of me I will not send any further details in relation to my other witnesses by e-mail."

Pullicino Orlando said he will substantiate what he said in the meeting to be held on Tuesday in which the MP expects the witnesses to testify as well. "That is the appropriate forum for these matters to be discussed after all."

Aha - Lady Eyebrows strikes again.
Min ivvota kontra dak li xtaq GonziPN gie msejjah "ribell", "traditur" ecc ecc. U min ivvota kontra dak li xtaqet il-maggoranza tal-poplu Malti, x'issejjahlu?
How could the Nationalists produce such illogical legal bile? For sure, this will alienate and escalate the desertion of the unbiased voter. This slimy plan, aimed at hiding their misdemeanours, now is being executed. The fact that JPO went public is anathema to these people. They would just love to keep their Sunday best, fake smile showing, without giving away, the scum boiling inside. The recent goings-on ape the final, desperate actions of cornered rats. It supersedes by far the alleged atrocities carried out by Mintoffians. At least the Mintoffians showed/carried their daggers in their hands. These top 30% share the horrific honour of seizing control of the country's finances via the abduction of the soul and body of the Nationalist party, and will not let their pincer suckers out of the dough. Where are the good old Nationalists? Are they so frail and tried, as to allow the destruction of their party? Will no one wake up and revolt? Will the old Nationalists allow the newcomers to do a Brutus; whilst Labour sits on the fence and watches the massacre of ideals?
Guidocforte --L-imghoddi ghandhom ragun isemmuh ta, ghax l-imghoddi imwahhal mahhom ukoll ta. Min jaf x jafu fuq l-imghoddi certu persuni...heqq..min jaf...
Komplu hawdu ta....Kieku tafu kemm qeghedin tpaxxuna, b`dan il hmieg kollu min partit li dejjem ghajjat u ippriedka id demokrazija KRISTJANA. U fejnhom shabna ,dawk li dejjem ihabbtu fuq sidirhom ghax il P.N safi u pur. Mela marru vakanza jew....Ara ma jigux u jghejdu li ma gara xejn ta...jew isemmu l-imghoddi.
Angele Deguara
What an endless and boring soap opera! I am totally apolitical. But in the present situation, with an ongoing global economic crisis that will most likely only worsen, no country can afford to be led by groups whose sole interest is intent examination of their belly-button!
Ghazieza Marthese Portelli kemm qeda tahseb li JPO u l-bqija tal maltin huma daqshekk cwic bhal ma jhobb jsejhilhom Tonio Fenech bix qeda tghidt lil JPO bix jisustanza dak li se jsemmi nhar tlieta li gej!!!Mhux diga dak summary fuq xix se jakkuzah??Ghalfejn qeda tesigi dankollu jekk il-verita hija wahda.F'dak il-kaz RCC se jsemmi il-verita tieghu u l-akkuzi jaqu hemm.Jew qeda taghmel hekk bix RCC jiprepara nies tieghu halli jekk jati kas lijkun hemm xi evidenza ohra minaha ta dak li se jsemmi JPO,RCC jkun jista juza l-armata kollha ta nies tieghu u jkun jista jlesti u jgib xhida li jaqbzu ghalih ghalkemm jistu jkunu qedin jghidtu l-verita jew le!!Iktar ma jibqaw johorgu dawna dikjarazzjonijiet minaha ta l-ezekuttiv tal PN,iktar johrog car xi zbilanc hemm u kemm RCC huwa parti mil klikka!!Min jaf liema ASSO NELLA MANICA ghandu JPO bix tal pn qedin jghidtulu bix tak li se jghidt nhar tlieta li gej,jghidtu issa!!U zgur ghax abli jista jati kas li lil RCC jaqbduh fuq sieq wahda fuq xi storja li jista jsemmilu JPO u jhammarlu wiccu bil provi u lil partit tieghu!!!Dankollu seta gie evitat billi Lawerence Gonzi ta widen bi serjeta lil deputati tieghu li ilhom snin jghidtulu xi problemi hemm u mhux billi jilhaqhom fl-ufficju tiegghu,jghidtilhom iva,iva ghandkom ragun u mbad qisu xejn mhu xej u jibqa idejh fuq zaqqu!!
One has to feel sorry for Marthese. She has been caught in a most uncomfortable position of being President of the PN executive at a time when a decade of PN sleaze is being exposed for public view. How unfortunately that this lady is being pushed to the front and used as a shield to camouflage the undemocratic administration by which this GONZIPN has operated for the last two terms in office. It is a shame how the bravados of Austin Gatt and the Gang of Richard Cachia Caruana have chosen to dictate to Marthese but are not prepared to step forward and face the consequences. These shenanigans from a syndicate of cabals and their media gangs that has repeatedly accused the MLP administration of acting brutal and undemocratic in years gone by, have become detrimental to the well being of this Maltese nation. Anyone who witnessed the confrontation at the front door in Pieta between the warlords and the rebels has by now concluded how deep the problems are. These actions cannot continue to shame Malta and its politic theatre before the EU and someone ought to step forward and bring it to the attention of the Hague.