PN accuses Muscat of ‘political frame-up’, Labour hits out at diversion

After PN clears Cachia Caruana of ‘collusion’ accusation, Borg Olivier turns tables onto Labour leader

Paul Borg Olivier (left).
Paul Borg Olivier (left).

Updated at 6:10pm with Labour statement.

The Labour Party has hit back at the Nationalist Party's secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier, for blaming it as a diversion to hide its public infighting.

"GonziPN is tying to blame Labour for its own internal problems, confirming how cut off Lawrence Gonzi and his party are from the reality of families and businesses," the PL said in a statement.

"While GonziPN was stuck in its own internal battles last Thursday and yesterday, Joseph Muscat was attending meetings on Labour's proposals for disability trusts, and members of the Chamber of Commerce."

Paul Borg Olivier today turned the tables onto Labour leader Joseph Muscat after the PN yesterday exonerated its party strategist Richard Cachia Caruana of accusations of collusion by one of its own MPs.

Borg Olivier accused Muscat of having created a personal vendetta against Cachia Caruana and having authored a "political frame-up" against the former permanent representative.

"This has been all an act of manipulation by the Opposition," Borg Olivier said of claims by Labour MPs Karmenu Vella and Joe Mizzi they made in public statements against Cachia Caruana.

The two Labour MPs were called in as witnesses by MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando to substantiate his collusion accusations.

Although they did not testify in yesterday's PN executive meeting, Vella said that Cachia Caruana tried to dissociate himself from questionable decisions taken by the Air Malta board of directors when he served on it, even though he did not register his disagreement; Mizzi on the other hand has been sued for criminal slander by Cachia Caruana after implicating the former ambassador over a botched drugs raid, aboard a yacht carrying friends of his.

Borg Olivier also said the De Marco family will be preparing a statement on claims publicised by Labour media, which featured a recording of Richard Cachia Caruana speaking about his 1994 assassination attempt.

Richard Cachia Caruana suspected that former deputy prime minister Guido de Marco may have fomented resentment against him by the family of Brigadier Maurice Calleja, when the army chief was made to resign his post over his son's drug conviction, the recording revealed.

Paul Borg Olivier set much store in blaming Muscat as the author of what he called "political manipulation", when asked whether he felt comfortable with Pullicino Orlando in the party.

"It is evident that Joseph Muscat was the author of this political manipulation. He stands behind this frame-up, stemming from personal revenge," Borg Olivier said.

While insisting that the whole saga stemmed from the Opposition motion censuring Cachia Caruana, Borg Olivier accused Labour of "manipulating" the situation when Pullicino Orlando presented his case to the Nationalist Party.

The PN's secretary-general refused to implicate Pullicino Orlando's action with those of the PL, insisting that the backbencher had presented his issues to the party.

Asked directly whether Pullicino Orlando had "colluded" with the PL to force the resignation and seek expulsion of Cachia Caruana, Borg Olivier reiterated it was a case of "absolute manipulation" by the PL "seeking opportunities to harm the PN".

Borg Olivier refused to reply when asked by the Labour media whether the PN could accuse Labour of 'political frame-up', considering that former Labour prime minister Alfred Sant had been accused of the same thing during the Mistra saga.

The Prime Minister's chief of communications Gordon Pisani said that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando had been economical with the truth on his involvement in the 2008 rental of his land in Mistra for an open-air disco, which he had initially denied.

Borg Olivier also refused to react to accusations raised by European Commissioner John Dalli against the executive of the party and Dalli's claims that PN and government officials were behind a series of anonymous blogs that attacked him.

During the 25-minute teleconference he gave as part of his testimony on an expulsion charge made against Cachia Caruana, Dalli accused the Nationalist Party's executive committee of having destroyed the party and alienating supporters.

Dalli, a former Nationalist minister in both the Eddie Fenech Adami and Gonzi cabinets, yesterday also revealed he had been the target of "renewed" attacks made against him, and that he would provide the Prime Minister with information on PN and government officials at the source of these alleged attacks.

"Since the executive committee is an internal forum, I limit myself to what has already been stated by the Prime Minister: John Dalli put forward a list of names which he will be passing on to the Prime Minister," Borg Olivier said.

He also rubbished suggestions that a show of hands, as apposed to a secret ballot, would force the MPs to vote against what they really wanted.

It is desperation now. The only debate possible consists only of insults. Bravu GonziPN!
Giovann, kulltant niddubita jekk hux qed nisma hmar jinhaq. ghax li tikteb ma hu xejn hlief entertainment ghall hmir. Jew forsi aktar gamblu jinhaqq hehe.
Paul Borg Olivier ! really some mothers do have them.
Micheal Bonanno
@Giovanni Demartino. Ghalfejn ma tistaqsix lil PP Busuttil, u nkunu nafu min ezatt iffrejmjah? Ghalfejn ma tistaqsiehx min ried ipoggilu hajtu f'periklu meta ftit wara l-mewt ta' Ray Caruana, spicca l-isptar. Kellu jkun Dr. Demarco (RIP) li salvalu hajtu. Ipprova wegibna jekk jghogbok.
Giovann,...Mela qeghed jghaddilek l-inkwiet li qabduk, shabek tal partit.Ilek aktar min gimgha ma tharbex xi haga. Issa ghax il bahar gie kalm ( ghal ftit jiem ta ,ghax dalwaqt jerga jitqalleb ) qeghed terga iddahhaqna ? Min jaf kemm jitmejlu bik tad Dar Centrali, ghax jghejdu li fadal wiehed li miskin qeghed jiprova jiddefendina. Kif ma ghandekx kukki kbar bizzejjed u titkellem fuq il `history `tal PN, f`dawn l-ahhar 4 snin.Ghejdilna per ezempju, kif fil bidu,il PM ma kellux il `guts`u il bocci, li javza f`wicchom lil l-ex Ministri li din id darba ma kienx ser jaghmilhom ministri, imma baghtilhom SMS.Min hemm beda iberraq Giovann, u mela tmur 100 lura.
Kemm huma bhahan! U ghandhom il-vot dawn. Jiena ma nafx x'dahhal Vella fuq il-jott. Fejn naf. Dak ha jghidhulna hu. Jien fejn naf. Naf zgur li kiser il-ligi. Dak ta' l-ajruport li ta pakkett lil xi hadd, dawk kienu voti foloz biex il-PN rebah sitta minn seba' elezzjonijiet. Franco nithassru miskin. Kemm hu fjakk. Skond il-Profs Grech il-pulizija tar-*regim ghamlet investigazzjonio fjakka fuq il-qtil ta' Karen. Jien nista' nahseb ghala. Ara lil min qatel lil Raymond malajr qabduh il-pulizija ghax kien nazzjonalist. imma min qatel lil Karen kien lejburist u allura ma nqabadx. Ma nafx kif nidhol jien ma dak mis-sindku li ghamel citazzjonijiet ec ecc. Spjegali u nwiegbek. Guido ghadek VAVU INT? VAVU. anqas bil-malti ma taf tikteb kif trid tindahal fil-politika? Vavu
As usual follow the leader, New way of how we conduct Politics in this Country that Dr Gonzi promised resulted that I never do anything wrong and all that is wrong gets blamed on the PL Leader. The new way has resulted in Political assassination of any PL Leader. Well for once Alfred Sant has been vindicated re Mistra. Please Dr PBO remember that the same people that you are working with were the same ones that destroyed an other PBO in the past. Fortunately for all those who remember him he was a gentleman.
Sur De martino ghandek xi provi li tnizzel xi kuntrabbandu minn fuq il jott? Ha nfakrek f' xi haga li sa fejn naf jien qatt ma naf li int ktibt fuqha. "Mela darba kien hemm ministru tal PN li dahal f "Arrivals u ha pakkett minn idejn persuna li kienet ghada kief tasal u nqabat fuq is security camera" Ghajdilna xi haga fiq dan il kaz! Nhseb li ghandek aktar fuq ghix timrah!
I cannot understand borg olivier. I believe the labour party had its clues and they tables them in parliament for discussion more democratic and honest than that could not be done. The parliament motion passed with a majority in favour of it and he was asked to resign. Yesterday according to gonzi a sort of discussion took place on the same subject and the majority within the pn executive voted in favour of cachia caruana. Gonzi told us to respect a democratic result. So is borg olivier telling us that parliament votes are not democratic? Remember gonzi did not respect a majority vote by the people in the divorce referendum. Is it now that the pn executive above parliament and electoral decisions???? God please save Malta fron tirrany.
Demartino taf min ghandu jisthi minn Alla dak is-sindku li ghamel uzu hazin mic-cittazzjonijiet. Taf min ghandu jisthi minn Alla min kiddeb sfaccatament inqabad u kellu jhallas Lm2000 multa. Taf min ghandu jisthi min Alla dawk li qerdu lil Karen Grech u dak li hallef li jaf minn kienu u maghhom il-qattiela ta' Raymond Caruana.Jisthi minn Alla dak li beza jghamel libel ghad-diskors li qall fuq zewgt ex-ministri nazzjonalisti. hallina sur DeMartino mela hsiebtu li bil biki imqanzah taghkom ser timpressjonaw?
I cannot understand borg olivier. I believe the labour party had its clues and they tables them in parliament for discussion more democratic and honest than that could not be done. The parliament motion passed with a majority in favour of it and he was asked to resign. Yesterday according to gonzi a sort of discussion took place on the same subject and the majority within the pn executive voted in favour of cachia caruana. Gonzi told us to respect a democratic result. So is borg olivier telling us that parliament votes are not democratic? Remember gonzi did not respect a majority vote by the people in the divorce referendum. Is it now that the pn executive above parliament and electoral decisions???? God please save Malta fron tirrany.
Imma kemm jifilhu jaqaw ghan nejk. Dwar it Demaocos fuq gazzetta ohra qalu li jirriservaw d-dritt ghall-libel.Jekk kellu jillibela lil PL kellu jkun RCC u mhux il-familja Demarco li misshom jittolbu spjegazzjoni minn ghand RCC ghad-diskors li qal. RCC ghadu ma cahadx li dak it-tape huwa falz u llum hemm modi kif tista tipprova dan.
Imma kemm jifilhu jaqaw ghan nejk. Dwar it Demaocos fuq gazzetta ohra qalu li jirriservaw d-dritt ghall-libel.Jekk kellu jillibela lil PL kellu jkun RCC u mhux il-familja Demarco li misshom jittolbu spjegazzjoni minn ghand RCC ghad-diskors li qal. RCC ghadu ma cahadx li dak it-tape huwa falz u llum hemm modi kif tista tipprova dan.
Dehru il bebbux ,avolja ma ghamlietx xita.Ma nafx kif ghad fadal min jappoggja lil partit imfarrak imkisser u umiljat, granfat mas siggu tal poter, gvern sfiducjat ghal aktar min erba darbiet, u jibqa imexxi b`dittatura.Maz zmien kollox ser jinkixfilkhom, diga beda iberraq fuq l-attentat tal RCC....min jaf jekk inkunux nafu x`qallu Zeppi il hafi lil EFA taht il pont ta San Giljan...Staqsu li John Dalli kif ikunu il FRAME UPS.
Dehru il bebbux ,avolja ma ghamlietx xita.Ma nafx kif ghad fadal min jappoggja lil partit imfarrak imkisser u umiljat, granfat mas siggu tal poter, gvern sfiducjat ghal aktar min erba darbiet, u jibqa imexxi b`dittatura.Maz zmien kollox ser jinkixfilkhom, diga beda iberraq fuq l-attentat tal RCC....min jaf jekk inkunux nafu x
Hemm xi email Pawl bi zball? Regaw dahluk fejn iridu taf , ghax Joe Saliba qieghed holiday, la jigi bye bye Pawlu, isserviex ta tapp Pawl, hi, ghax illum ma missekx int , kienu tlieta s'issa JPO, FD u Mugliett, dalwaqt int wara t-tkaxkira u min hemm Segretarju Generali tal Partit bhalissa? Int, u int sejjer titghabba bil mea culpa,mea culpa, ha jwahhlu f'hiek ghax bil hmerijiet li tghid issa l-joker ha naqlawielek.
Imma kemm jifilhu jaqaw ghan nejk. Dwar it Demaocos fuq gazzetta ohra qalu li jirriservaw d-dritt ghall-libel.Jekk kellu jillibela lil PL kellu jkun RCC u mhux il-familja Demarco li misshom jittolbu spjegazzjoni minn ghand RCC ghad-diskors li qal. RCC ghadu ma cahadx li dak it-tape huwa falz u llum hemm modi kif tista tipprova dan.
Ara L-VAVU BEZZIEGH li la jaf jikteb u ANQAS JAF FUQ MIN IKUN QED JIKTEB. vavu! U zgur li l-PN jafu xi jkunu frame ups. Saqsu lil Pietru Pawl, lil Gaffarena u lil certu Axiaq, jidhirli. Imisskom ma tafux kif isiru. U l-vavi l-ohra ma kinux kapaci jaghtu x-xhieda taghhom. CHICKENS. Imma meta dahal l-ghadira bil-jott ma habbilx rasu. U zgur li l-lejburisti ma jafux jisthu minn Alla li halaqhom! Kieku jifthu halqhom fuq xi haga?
Kif tridu li n-nies temminkom xi darba. Kemm thobbu tghidu hrejjef. Beda Gonzi l-bierah u qal li issa kollox sew fil-PN u se jkompli sa l-ahhar tal-legislatura, qisu dawk it-3 deputati li sfiducjawh issa sparixxew. U illum kompla ghaxxaqa Pawlu Borg Olivier. Kull ma gara hu kollu tort ta' Joseph Muscat qalilna. Kemm int buffu Pawl. Haga nghidlek, intom tghidx kemm iddehhiktu b'Joseph Muscat meta qalilkom li se jaghmel terremot fil-politika Maltija. Donnok qed thossu it-thezziz Pawl!
Frame up? If you want to know what frame up is, all you have to do ask John Dalli! How about blaming Joe Muscat for the heath wave we had. Be carefull Pawl li ma jigrilekx bhal ma ghamlu lill George Borg Olivier ghax hemm minn hu kapaci fil PN. No matter how much you try to consider li poplu hu cuc you are too far away from reality! The PN at the moment is like a block of ice melting by the seconds.
Dan il-miskin irid ighid xi haga, le? Galdarba tajjeb biss ghal KAZZATI gieghluh ighid KAZZATA OHRA. Il-baqra milli jkollha ttik!
Tghid dan ic-cuc Malti ghafas xi buttuna ohra bi zball?
Ara stenbah, mela int adek em pawl, ax ma tmurx tahsel hasla sormok u terga tmur torqod, jaqaw hlomt b joseph muscat? kellek bzonn ghandek id dicenza li ghandu hu f subajh iz zhair, biex taparsi tajt xhahaga trid twahhal fih?? ma dana kollu jekk gonzi jinza bil b##t barra triq ir repubblika ukoll jehel joseph. tant ghandkhom ghajra ghall xulxhin li laqas tifilhuh lill joseph u f xhahadd tridu twahhlu. daqsu ragel dak il bicca ta nofs kedda primgonzpngiddieb, mur orqod erga pawl, e bil haqq ibatli e-mail ta ha nigi kanvazzer maghkhom had tuni certifikat....hehe!
Kulhadd jitkellem illum fuq il-frame-ups, jien ilni nikteb fuq il-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Grima u kif sar u minn min u qisu hadd, l-ebda politiku ma jrid jammetti li kien hu,propju hu li suppost iddefendiena. Araw kif sar il-frame-up ta' missieri u ghaliex il-gvern ma jridx jaghatina kumpens. Fuq il-gazzetta ILLUM, fittxu google Karm Grima u Dr. Harry Vassallo biss ghandu s-serjeta bhala gurnalist li jikteb fuq il-verita', pero iddispjacieh hafna li meta kitbu hadd ma cempillu u staqsieh ghal iktar biex jinkixef.
Luke Camilleri
Finally, at last, Joseph Muscat gets the blame! Min qieghed jiprova jithaq b'min ? Din PAPRATA OHRA KLASSIKA MINN TIEGHEK PBO, mhux b'xejn isibuk bhala Pawlu Paprati id-Dar Centrali u hemm l-Assistent tieghek Jean Pierre Debono jigbrok naqra isma li ma ghadhux hiersg ghal-Elezzjoni !
Hallina Pawl..." Frame up " kieku inthom tafu kif ikunu. Mur ghejdha lil xi bahri din, forsi jemmnek.Kieku jien Joseph Muscat diga ftahtlek kawza, halli nara min fejn gibtha din il hrafa.
Qabdu lil Paul Borg Olivier jghid ic-cucati?
iva dawn jafu jisthu min alla li halaqhom dan nies , jekk hu alla li halaqhom fuq kollox
talk to Joh Dalli, Lawrence Gatt, DEMarco family about vendettas Paul.