‘I feel liberated, pity I didn’t quit before’ - Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando says he quit after it became more than clear that Austin Gatt and Richard Cachia Caruana “poisoned the spirit” within the Nationalist Party.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando on One TV this morning.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando on One TV this morning.

After formally quitting the Nationalist parliamentary group, MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando this morning explained that from now, he expects Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to consult him on all matters which are not related to the PN's 2008 electoral programme.

"I remain, and still feel a Nationalist," Pullicino Orlando said on One TV's breakfast programme, adding that he felt "liberated" to have decided to quit the parliamentary group.

"The PN has crumbled," Pullicino Orlando said, adding that even European Commissioner John Dalli has explained this to the party, and was like him, victimised by the same party.

"There is something wrong," he said, adding that he could not take a situation anymore where Richard Cachia Caruana and Austin Gatt had "hijacked the party" to the extent that "they killed the spirit within the party."

He stressed that he feels more than liberated to have quit the PN. "Looking back, I feel I should have taken this decision a long time ago."

Pullicino Orlando hit out at the Prime Minister's communications' chief Gordon Pisani for having produced a transcript of a private telephone call he had on the eve of the 2008 election.

"It is alarming to know that I was being set-up, and knowing that my private phone calls were being recorded is outrageous," Pullicino Orlando said, adding that although he has nothing to contest about about the content of the call, "it was telling of how the party was working."

Qualifying his motives to his resignation from the PN, Pullicino Orlando said that he was shocked to hear that Cachia Caruana was told that he had no need to produce any witnesses to defend himself, and hit out at Austin Gatt, who alleged that following the 2008 election, he had had insisted for a ministerial post.

"This was a blatant lie, and during the Executive meeting I turned around to all, including Eddie Fenech Adami, that I never had any conversations of the sort," he said.

What do you mean exactly by "quitting the PN". You have already declared that you will be sucking up to it. Quitting in name only, it seems. Hypocrisy rules, OK!
Nothing sort of long prison sentences for Gonzi. Austin and RCC would ever restore my trust in this country? Shocked at the idea that these 3 and many others should be incarcerated? That is exactly the problem. Once in politics - they have a carte-blanche to commit every crime under the sun without the slightest risk of retribution. Criminals on the level of the worse dictators just disposed off in the Arab Spring uprisings. And were is the Church in all this. Could they show more clearly they they are the Church of the Devil and not of Jesus Christ? The Maltese christian church must be one of the worst churches anywhere on the planet - and it would be hard to find one with more blood and lies on its hands. I guess priests are afraid to speak up lest they are send to Mexico to risk ending up hanging under a bridge. So much for all the crap on martyrs - yes we can see were your martyrs are when its comes down to fighting for justice and honesty.
Dr Lawrence irrid jibqa jissema bhal ZIJUH. Il-wisq mibki Mikiel, dak li farrak il-kattolici ta veru f'Malta. U, in-neputi dak li fadal, L-istorja dejjem tirrepeti ruha.
Hon . Jeffrey Pulicino Orlando feels liberated at last and he said that it was a pity that he didn't quit before . Hon.Jeffrey Pulicino Orlando , if you really feels that way , don't you think that it is opportune that you should liberate the Maltese people from this Government that as you have just said , it is hijacked by Austin Gatt and Richard Cachia Caruana ?
Luke Camilleri
What is most serious , is TO WHAT END Austin Gatt goes even pledging to take an oath on JPO being offered a ministerial post with Eddie fenech Adami and even Dr. Lawrence Gonzi stating otherwise! IS THERE NO LAW AGAINST SUCH PUBLIC DECLARATIONS BY PUBLIC OFFICERS? If there isn't there should be and Mr. Speaker should declare himself! To what level of Politics is GonziPn / PN sinking? SHAME!
Sirtu qiskom il-pappagalli tas-super 1
"pity I didn’t quit before" and so say all of us as Franco didn't have the guts. Go on Franco do the same for Malta's sake.
Dr Lawrence Gonzi sill does not know what has hit him; so much wasted time, wasted resources, wasted opportunities for tiny Malta. We have been through this comedy since November, and by the heck of it, although moribond,Dr Gonzi still wants to play 'business as usual'. What a disgrace; do we deserve all this from the party that professes itself to b a cut above the rest? Resign please and leave us in peace.
Malta taht "Dittatura ala Ewropeja Faxxista"??? Jekk xi darba kelli dubju li ta GONZIPN hu affiljat mal partit FAXXISTA TALJAN, issa nehhejtu zgur.
Malta taht "Dittatura ala Ewropeja Faxxista"??? Jekk xi darba kelli dubju li ta GONZIPN hu affiljat mal partit FAXXISTA TALJAN, issa nehhejtu zgur.
Aghmilt l-ahjar ghazla JPO. Allura inti gejt elett fuq zewg distretti u haddiehor (RCC) minn wara l-kwinti, ghax jibza jiffaccja l-elettorat, irid jghid lil kullhadd x'ghandu jaghmel u kif ghandu jahsibha. Ghal Gatt ma nghidu xejn izjed, dak kulhadd jaf x'hinu. JPO nahseb li daqs il-kumplament tal-poplu jixtieq ikun jaf min huma l-ismijiet li John Dalli ghadda lil Prim Ministru fuq l-alleggat 'character assasination' ta' Dalli. Issa nistennew lis-Sur Gordon Pisani jaghtina d-dettalji kollha, ghax nahseb li ghandu script taghhom, mhux hekk.
Will real Prime Minister-the non-elected RCC, and his self-appointed Vice-Prime Minister Austin Gatt please resign? You have failed miserably; politics its not about your inflated egos; its supposed to be about people.
Ahseb u ara mela jekk tkun Laburist, x'jaghmlulek!!!
Why Quit? as you said you will still back the government so in reality you are still backing AG and RCC as they are still in the party. Makes no sense.