‘No contact’ between Prime Minister and President Ablea

Office of the Prime Minister confirms Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has not been in contact with President George Abela over the latest political developments.

President George Abela and Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi (File photo)
President George Abela and Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi (File photo)

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has not been in contact with President George Abela. This has been confirmed by the Office of the Prime Minister.

Following the political events of the last few days that has seen MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando formally quitting from the Nationalist parliamentary group, many have asked whether Abela - who is currently away in Peru on voluntary work - should intervene.

But according to the Constitution, the President of the Republic can only intervene in government matters if the Prime Minister suffers a defeat in the House and refuses to either advise dissolution or resign.

Calls for Abela's intervention have been repeatedly raised by backbencher Franco Debono who referred to Section 87 of the constitution.

"Section 87 of the Constitution makes it clear that the Prime Minister should keep the President fully informed over the general conduct of the government and shall furnish the President with such information as he may request with respect to any particular matter relating the government," Debono had told MaltaToday.

Following Debono's statement, MaltaToday contacted the OPM to state whether the Prime Minister has made this move.

"The Prime Minister was not in contact with the President," the OPM's spokesman said.

Isn't it funny how money makes the world go round? When one is young, this maxim is hard to understand and accept. When one grows older, one realises that there is only one GOD worshipped by all men. The higher and mightier that man, the stronger the worship
Is it true what is said, "Charity Begins at Home?"
Ma hemmx ghal fejn jghejdlu ta......Kemm fadal ghal l-elezzjoni ? jekk taqta il vakanzi tas sajf, tal Milied,il budget u il preparazzjoni...jekk taqta dan kollu jibqa gimgha.Pero min qeghed imexxi lil Dr.GonziPN, ghadu ma jafx li sa dak iz zmien kemm ser jinkixfu qohob tal passat, u aktar ser itawwal aktar votanti ser jindunaw bl`inganni li il PN dejjem mexa fuqhom. Ser jindunaw li il PN mu`hiex dak il partit Kristjan Demokratiku kif jipriedkaw. Tistaw issaqsu lil l-Hon. John Dalli.
Is there any need for "contact", when the Pres. can read about these shenanigans through on-line news?
Mhux haga ovvja li ma hu se jkun hemm ebda kuntatt bejn il-president u l-prim ministru dwar is-sitwazzjoni prezenti fil-pajjiz? Wiehed kuntent ikahhal u jizbogh fil-peru .... u l-iehor kuntent jibqa' mkahhal mal-poter f'kastilja u jizbogh stampa sabiha li taqbel lilu ta' sitwazzjoni politika li qed thedded l-istabilita tal-pajjiz ma' kull jum li jghaddi .... imma la huma kuntenti t-tnejn, x'jista' jaghmel cikku l-poplu hlief jistenna !!!!