Labour’s humorous billboard campaign strikes again

While the PN are taking their time to finish off the billboards, the Labour Party has intervened quickly to take the mickey out of the rival party.

The latest billboard quickly set up by Labour.
The latest billboard quickly set up by Labour.

The Labour Party has been quick to set up a new billboard in Floriana mocking the PN's empty billboard. The billboards can be seen on the way to Valletta, next to the Portes des Bombes.

While the PN started setting up the billboards last week, it hasn't finished them off, leaving motorists staring at empty space. But Labour, whose billboards campaign has been going on for quite a few months now, intervened quickly to use the situation at their advantage.

Placed exactly near the blue billboard, the Labour billboard points towards the other, with the words "gonzipn - an absent government" [gonzipn - gvern bahh].

Admittedly, though a simple billboard, its effect is resounding.

The PN is still slowly gearing up now, urging party faithful to donate money to the electoral campaign.

According to the latest mailshot signed by the party secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier, the PN was in need of some €200,000 to set up its billboards and further funds to create it TV spots, productions, adverts, leaflets and much more.

Borg Olivier insisted that since election campaigns "cost money", the help of the public is needed to raise the money. "Just to give you an idea of the costs involved - throughout an electoral campaign the cost of our billboards will amount to around €200,000," Borg Olivier says.

The email goes on: "The Malta Labour Party seems to have unlimited funds, with posters and billboards erected all over the island every time they think an election is coming. They are rich whilst we are not."

PBO says the PN needs 200,00 to set up its billboards. Yea, of course. The bulk of the money will be needed to buy votes at election time.
@falzonalfred6- You think that after 4 years of the PN getting things wrong they will get it right in the last few weeks of there legislature??? LOL
Verament tajba din. Ma hemx wisq x'tirrifletti fuq din. Gvern bahh mall-bzonnijiet tal-poplu. Mall-bazuzli gvern ta veru. Qara naqra x'inhuma dehlin mal-Gvern specjalment mill-Ministri l-godda. Pero billboard tjjeb ikun "Haddiema tal-Gver Bahh" u mdawwar bill-vlegeg. Dan ghax ma ssibx wiehed li qed jersaq ghax xoghol u jekk ma trid xi whud jiddikjaraw is-sahra bla ma jersqu l'hemm. Ovjament b'certi perkacci jispiccaw ghad il-foreman li jkunu protetti miz-zewg partiti. Viva l-Grecja.
Good one...
Billboard vojt ukoll qieghed jinkwieta lil tal-PL. Ghax il-PN rama l-billboards qisa saret xi haga kbira f' Malta meta tal-Labour ilhom 3 snin jarmawhom, u kull xahar jivvintaw data gdida tal-elezzjoni!
Billboard vojt ukoll qieghed jinkwieta lil tal-PL. Ghax il-PN rama l-billboards qisa saret xi haga kbira f' Malta meta tal-Labour ilhom 3 snin jarmawhom, u kull xahar jivvintaw data gdida tal-elezzjoni!
Billboard vojt ukoll qieghed jinkwieta lil tal-PL. Ghax il-PN rama l-billboards qisa saret xi haga kbira f' Malta meta tal-Labour ilhom 3 snin jarmawhom, u kull xahar jivvintaw data gdida tal-elezzjoni!
Luke Camilleri
Printing of poster - 20,000 jobs for you by GonziPN for you... 6000 SMART ready for you! ..... but alas someone ( NSO) just burst the bubble!
Last weeks declaration by PBO that gonzipn is poor while PL is rich only reflects badly on Peter Darmanin who was PN/gonzipn's treasurer and who busted his testicles thinking up ways of making money, like the figolli bake and the "donate a liqour bottle" and other strange ways of trying to make a buck. So according to PBO , Peter Darmanin has been found lacking and most probably was made to relinquish his post and not retired as they would have us believe.
jien dejjem nghid..kullhadd irid ipatti ta ghemilu u il poplu sovran,ma jahfira lil hadt,tista tkun bsahhtek kemm poplu jiggudika.ciao gonzipn u j'alla il pl jimxi gust u nadif kif jien nemmen li ser jaghmel
Well done PL. You got the PN with their "pants" down but beware of the saying "he who laughs last laughs best". So keep up your guard.
Gonzipn - Gvern bahh. Gonzipn bahh fejn irrid hu. 600 euro zieda fil-gimgha ma hadhomx il-bahh. Biex ivvota bil-qalb halli joghlew l-kontijiet tad-dawl u ilma ma kienx bahh. Li min ghada joghla il-petrol, mhux il-bahh ghollih l-anqas. Meta baghat ittra ffirmata lil-haddiema tat-Tarzna u ohrajn, qabel l-elezzjoni tal-2008, ma kienitx iffirmata mil-bahh imma min Lawrence Gonzi. Gonzipn kien biss bahh fid-djar tan-nies, u issa qijed jipprova, min ghalih, jigbor lura naghag mitlufa. Ghal xejn jipprova jbezza, li min ma johrog jivvota se jkun ivvota lill-PL, ghax dalwaqt jasal iz-zmien li l-poplu jiggudikak fuq dak li ghamilt, wara kollox kif ghedtlu jaghmel int stess.
Luke Camilleri
: ) Put one up on the road to the Bidnija Witch tower... SHE does need a smile!
Dan juri bic-car li PL huwa aktar partit organizzat. Il PN mifni b inkwiet intern li lanqas bill board ma lestew fil-hin ahseb u ara kemm GONZIPN ghnadu mohh isolvi l-problemi tal-pajjiz.