Mepa says boats to be banned from Gnejna if turtles hatch

The Malta Environment and Planning Authority announces that over the coming three weeks, boats may be prohibited from Gnejna if turtles hatch.

Gnejna Bay has been declared an Emergency Conservation Area.
Gnejna Bay has been declared an Emergency Conservation Area.

The Malta Environment and Planning Authority (Mepa) announced that over the coming three weeks, boat owners may be prohibited from operating vessels within and in the adjacent areas of Gnejna at short notice.

The authority explained that such activities in Gnejna will be prohibited at particular hours when and if the turtles hatch.

In June, Gnejna Bay had been declared an emergency conservation area to ensure that the maximum protection is rendered to the site where a marine turtle laid a number of eggs.

In today's statement, Mepa said the precaution was needed since young turtles swim out at sea right after hatching and risk being killed.

Part of the line designating the swimmers zone is being temporarily removed during this period for the same reason.

Dik il-fekruna storduta li ma kienitx taf x'qed taghmel u biedet il-bajd fil-bajja tal-gnejna tfakkarni f'gonzipn: issa li l-elezzjoni riesqa b'passi mghaggla, gonzipn u l-kabinett u l-famuza xibka ta' hazen ta' madwaru hlief ifaqqsu l-bajd mhux qed jaghmlu dal-ahhar: daqqa jhabbru z-zidiet lil gudikatura (x'wicc tost izzid lil dawk !!!); issa z-zidiet lil pulizija; issa jifthu skola; issa taparsi jhabbru xi ligi gdida; issa xi skema ghad-djar; issa xi amnestija; issa jinawguraw gnien kbir daqs maktur; issa jqassmu c-cejca lil xi erba jitbissmulhom (meta kien iqassam ic-cejca l-labour fis-snin 70 u 80 dak kien hazin pero); issa jiftah bicca triq asfaltata ...... keep on trying to fool us sur gonzipn ..... imma daqt jigrilek bhal dik il-fekruna ... tmur tghodd il-bajd u l-fkieren zghar li minghalik ferhanin bik ... u ssib li kollha harbulek lejn il-labour u int kulma jkun baqaghlek .... li terga' tnaddaf il-gnejna u tiknes ir-ramel minn ma' saqajk ....
Mepa should have banned boats from all beaches ages ago. Mepa or whatever authority is compitent on this issue has been lacking for ages. This country need a super effective costal control. This apart from the benifits it brings on the most prominent issues which have been completly ignored by Government will add immediate positive attitude. Our coasts should be managed from inland and from the sea at all times including winter months. These parts of of our country chould be regarded as parts of our homes. But this mentality is lacking in this banana republic.