The rise of liberal Gozo

Vast majority of Gozitans in favour of IVF as survey shows marked increase in support for gay marriages in what was seen as a conservative bastion.

73% of Gozitans support the inclusion of IVF in public healthcare.
73% of Gozitans support the inclusion of IVF in public healthcare.

Do you agree that the state should assist infertile couples by providing IVF in public hospitals?
Yes 72.8
No 5.1
Don’t know 12.1

The picture emerging from a GozoToday survey carried out over the last week among 300 Gozitan residents is a more secular one than previous surveys.

Despite strong opposition to IVF by the Curia, which was relayed to the faithful in a pastoral letter read in all churches in Malta and Gozo, 73% of Gozitans support the inclusion of IVF in public healthcare.

Bishop Mario Grech who still enjoys the trust of 59% of Gozitans had launched a scathing attack on in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), describing it as "a highly abortive" technique.

The survey also provides an insight on gay marriage and the Gozitans' main concerns.

Read the full survey on GozoToday out today

Il-kummenti saru kollha min-nies anonimi. Possibli hawn daqshekk biżgħa ? U min xiex ? Ser jiġu tturufnati Kemmuna ? Jiena naħseb illi min jikkummenta għandu juri ismu ħalli ma joqgħodx jgħaddi kummenti kretini wara l-anonimat. Ħu l-eżempju ta' Falke. Kieku jgħidilna min hu, inkunu nafu aħjar xi jsarraf u x'kontribut qed jagħti lill-kaxxa ta' Malta. Għax bħallikieku l-Maltin biss iħallsu t-taxxi u l-Għawdxin biss jevaduha ! Iddaħħaqniex, man. J. Ellis ([email protected])
@ falk. As if Gozitans do not pay tax and gets crap for it? I think you are one of those Maltese who love Gozo but hate the Gozitans.
@ falk. As if Gozitans do not pay tax and gets crap for it? I think you are one of those Maltese who love Gozo but hate the Gozitans.
KULHADD jitghallem... jekk veru irid, anke poplu li konna nahsbu li ghadu lura. U bir-ragun li konna nahsbu hekk wara kif l-Ghawdxin ivvutaw fir-referendum tad-divorzju. Izda milli jidher qed jaraw id-dawl... fl-ahhar! U aktar ma jkun hemm min ibezza' bil-babaw aktar u aktar Ghawdxin se jifthu ghajnejhom. Qumu minn hemm hutna Ghawdxin. Hallu lil HADD jbellalkhom ir-ross bil-labra.
John Mifsud
The question was whether IVF should be provided by the National Health servive, not whether it should exist at all. As if Gozitans would ever be against anything provided to them free of charge(i.e. paid for by the Maltese taxpayer)!
The Gozitans have woken up finally to the hypocrisy and falsity of the local conservative Roman Catholic church. Il-babaw has eloped!
ta min jaqra l Gozotoday ghax ser ikun fih il-comics!!!!
Ghalxejn ihanbaq Mario - ghax fl-ahhar anke l-Ghawdxin jidhru li issa qed jitghallmu.