Pullicino Orlando 'very satisfied' with urgency on IVF and cohabitation bills

Independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando expressed his satisfaction at the urgency shown by the government on the IVF and cohabitation bills.

Independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said he held a "positive meeting" with justice minister Chris Said on the Cohabitation Bill.

He said that he was "very satisfied" that both the IVF and cohabitation bills are being treated with urgency by the government. 

In a statement issued this afternoon, Pullicino Orlando confirmed that he held a meeting today with Said on the request of Prime Minister and said the two had already discussed a number of points over the phone before the PN Parliamentary Group met up to discuss the subject on 9 July.

"Issues I had raised with Minister Said with regards to the rights of gay couples were put forward and approved during that meeting. A number of other points related to the rights of cohabiting couples in general and gay couples in particular were discussed during today's meeting," Pullicino Orlando said.

"I found Minister Said to be very receptive to the issues I raised.  This should help to make the bill more relevant to the realities of Maltese society in today's world," he added.

Pullicino Orlando said that he had already held discussions about this subject with Minister Said before the summer recess.

"Said assured me that it is  going to be placed on the parliamentary agenda, together with the 'Embryo Protection Bill', as soon as Parliament re-convenes in October," the MP said.

He stressed that the cohabitation bill must "be given the priority it deserves."

Pullicino Orlando reiterated that the IVF bill should guarantee the full protection of human embryos and a cohabitation bill should give "due consideration to the rights of gay couples to be priorities when it comes to the issues Parliament should deal with as soon as we re-convene."  

"I am very satisfied that both these issues are being treated with the urgency they deserve by the Nationalist government," he added.

Pullicino Orlando underlined that he reserved the right to present amendments to both bills, when government presents them in their final version, "at the opportune moment if I feel that it may be necessary."

The MP explained that Said agreed to Pullicino Orlando issuing a press statement after today's meeting. The MP defected from the Nationalist Party and declared himself an independent member of parliament after being condemned and banned from contesting elections on the PN ticket.

In resigning from the PN, Pullicino Orlando pledging to keep working with the Nationalist government for the completion of its electoral mandate.

In his resignation letter, the MP had explained that he expects to be consulted by the Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi should any measure which is not mentioned in the PN's 2008 electoral programme require his support in Parliament.

Pullicino Orlando's resignation came just days after his case for the expulsion of party strategist Richard Cachia Caruana was unanimously voted down by the party executive.

In June, justice minister Chris Said tabled a motion for the bill that will finally bring into law a 1998 electoral pledged to recognise new rights for unmarried couples, both straight and gay.

Among other things, the law is expected to provide civil rights for unmarried couples, which will now be formally recognised by the law if they are part of a durable relationship.

Gay couples are set to have their relationship recognised at law with the government, fulfiling one of the declarations of intent in the Nationalist Party's latest policy document, published last November, which noted that the state "must legislate wherever necessary to establish the rights and responsibilities of such relationships for both heterosexuals and homosexuals".


Zulu77777777nahseb ghandu memorja tajba. Infatti fakkarni meta Joe Attard Kingswell kien ilmenta li taht il-lejber HEKK konna: il-haddiem ilaqqat il-frak meta t-tirann joghgbu jxerred xi ftit! Din mhux jien kont ghedtha, imma J Attard Kingswell li zgur ma kienx nazzjonalist. Illum ingorru ghax jintfielna l-airconditioner. ITLA JOSEPH, ITLA fil-poter halli tnehhielna l-qziez u x-xaham li rabbejna taht il-PN. U ma jkollniex izjed bzonn naghmlu dieta ghax jaghmilhielna hu.
Mela diga taf li ha jkun prim ministru Joseph Muscat? Iz-zaqq il-mimlija tigi ghal ghajna mill-vojta, mhux hekk demartino?? Nimmagina li int nisrani ta veru kif tghid. Mela tiftakara il-parabbola ta Kristu? Dik ta Lazzru li kien jiekol mill frakk li kien jaqa min fuq il-mejda tas sinjuri eh? Imma is sinjur li kein jaghmel ikliet kbar, miet u nizel l-infern, u Lazzru tala il-genna. Beda jitolbu bil-hniena ghal imqar qatra ilma ha jtaffi il-ghatx kbir li kellu, imma Lazzru qallu li hemm boghod kbir jaqsam...tiftakarha demartino?
Well done Dr Geoffey Pullicino Orland we are all deeply endebted to you for your brave attmept to secure a decent fundametal human right which is sadly missing by its absence. Kindly keep up your good work as an independent candidate.
Luke Camilleri
JPO MP Indipendenti kuntent...... u FrancX'imkien nahseb li hemm xo DEBONO MP Nazzjonalista x'inhu? NAHSEB X'IMKIEN HEMM KRIZI TA' IDENTITA ......... specjalment fil-Partit Nazzjonalista!
I think that a historic overview of JPO's relationship with GonziPN is not related to the title of this article.
Igor P. Shuvalov
No wonder that Dr Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is 'very satisfied," taking in consideration that now he has forced the Prime Minister to treat him, to say the least, as a member of his Cabinet, something which has been denied to him for the last four years. And this 'positive meeting' does not seem to have solved all the problems as "he (JPO) reserved the right to present amendments to both bills," which means that the Government may have to accept changes to the bills, even if it does not agree to the same amendments.
@ guvann X` imur jaghmel kastilja meta ser ikollu iqatta xi 35 sena hemm? @ Joe xerri Nahseb naf ghalxiex qed tirreferi.....tup tup!!!
Hi tajba din! Il-PM ta' Malta kollha mhux Joseph Muscat? Allura anki tieghi!
@ Ta martin Possibbli ghadek nazzjonalist ta martin? Ghax anke id-deputati ta gonzlu qed jivvutaw mal Labour issa? Jeww int xi wiehed minn dawk li ghax habib ta gonzlu tawk xi kuntratt x imkien bil qerq u qed tibza li la jitla il- labour fil gvern kollox jinkixef? Dinja zghira u Malta izghar ta martin!!!
Liema hu il- prim ministru tieghek demartino? !!
Nipprezentalkom lil GONZIPN: prim ministru li minghalih li ghandu idejn sodi izda li sab min jghawwighomlu, ikissirhomlu, ifarrakhomlu, jiksirhomlu, jghaddi minn fuqhom ... u taparsi qed jidhak .... u jitbissem .... u jilghabha tal-bravu ... minghalih li hu cowboy .... imma issa zgur li f'inqas minn sena ohra nkunu hlisna minnu u nkunu waddabnih fil-kaxxa tal-istorja ..... u, by the way, fuq l-akkuzi li jixhetlu bl-addocc franco debono ... dak taparsi li ma jafx bihom .... prim ministru ridikolu, buffu, ghajjien u tad-dahk aktar minnu wiehed biss kien hawn ... berlusconi!!! .. jigifieri ma tantx ghandu biex jiftahar !!!!!
il-PRIM MINISTRU Joseph Muscat sakkruh barra wara l-bieb ta' Kastilja u allura ma setax jiehu sehem.
Thank u for keeping up the pressure JPO! All these measures are more than long overdue! Any step in granting any form of recognition is most welcome and desperately needed -- even if only incrementally at first!!! Every day lost is one too many! We should not forget that it was such the case with most countries which started this process -- and now Malta is lagging behind most countries in Europe, plus numerous other countries in the Americas, Australia and Africa! So it is more than high time the parliament here moves ahead immediately!!!
Mela ma wiehed qeghedin nirrangaw, issa ma l-iehor, u l-iehor u l-ohrajn, issa jekk xi hadd iqumlu u ma jaqbilx ?. Kemm gibtuh tajjeb il parlament BUFFUNATA WAHDA. Ara tghejdux li tal lejber ma hallikhox tigvernaw !!! u L-anqas tisthu....
Zack Depasquale
Il-Prim Ministru Dr Pullicino Orlando illum kellu laqgha ma’ GonziPN dwar il-ligijiet li jridu jittressqu dwar L-IVF U L-koabbittazjoni. Huwa mistenni li issa isir laqgha ohra mal-Prim Ministru l-iehor, DR Franco Debono dwar dawn iz-zewg ligijiet. Fil-waqt li l-Prim Ministru Pullicino Orlando huwa sodisfatt hafna dwar l-urgenza li bihom sejjrin jitressqu dawn il-ligijiet mhux l-istess jista jinghad ghal-Prim Ministru l-iehor Franco Debono. Imma kif GonziPN l-anqas jisthu jidhru quddiem in-nies. Gabu l-pajjiz u l-Parlament fis-stat tal-biki u zufjett. Jghidu x’jghidu ma nemminx li l-Parlament sejjer jerga jiftah.Kif GonziPN jippretendu li sejjrin iressqu budget f'dan ix-xenarju?