Updated | Gonzi accuses Labour of 'playing poker' with people's lives

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says the PN is the "party of substance" while Labour is playing a game of poker with people's lives.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi accused the Labour Party of playing a game of poker with people's lives through its reluctance to reveal its policies.

During a short interview on the PN's radio 101, Gonzi said "In the near future we will turn to the people and ask it to weigh things up. On one side there is the Nationalist Party and its concrete actions and on the other hand Labour's secrecy. Labour is playing a game of poker by shirking its responsibilities. There is no substance in the Labour Party."

He stressed that the electorate will be given the opportunity to choose between Labour who played poker with people's lives and was not capable of coming up with any proposals and the PN, who was constantly coming up with effective solutions.

On the other hand, Gonzi underlined the PN's credentials by claiming, "we are the party of substance."
He explained that in the coming weeks, the party will be strengthening its internal structures and its policies "to maintain our relevance."

 "Unlike Labour which was never capable of creating jobs, but instead promoted protectionism and created military corps for the unemployed, the Nationalist Party will continue offering polices of substance."

Without making a direct reference to elections, Gonzi said the people will soon be called upon to make a judgement, adding that "we have always respected the will of the people" adding that he believed the Maltese are "intelligent people."

He added that his government has captained a ship in stormy waters, but "we have always held our head high and believed in the capabilities of Malta's human resources."

Asked what are the government's priorities in autumn, the PN leader said his government will persist with its efforts to create new jobs, invest in education, strengthen the health system, improve the people's quality of life and move a number of bills in Parliament including the draft bills on IVF and cohabitation.

"We will maintain our efforts to move the country forward," Gonzi insisted.

Gonzi, currently on holiday with his family in Gozo, also spoke on the "encouraging" statistics on tourism.

"We are doing well in tourism thanks to our clear strategy in the sector," he said.

Gonzi cited the restructuring of Air Malta as one of the reasons for the positive results in tourism, which he said are better then the records achieved in 2011.

He added that a delicate balance had to be found between all stakeholders, including Air Malta and low-cost carriers. However, Gonzi noted that all parties involved listened to each other and responded to the situation.

"Results speak for themselves, and unlike past Labour tourism ministers, we do not need to plead with Italy and other neighbouring countries to send tourists over."

On the war of words between the PN and Labour on the government's claims of creating 20,000 jobs, Gonzi said "in the last four years we had around 16,000 new graduates, so if Labour is correct in saying that only 4,000 new jobs were created then we would have thousands of unemployed."

Dear Prime Minister , YOU are the weakest link ......goodbye !!!!
Gonzi is yesterday's man. RCC has officially gone away. Now it is soon Gonzi's turn. Being deeply, perversely catholic, he is now in the mindset of an aspiring saint. The more you flog him, the more he relishes it. Gonzi has to undergo these last months in sufferance and he has to prolong his suffering as much as possible. That way he increases his chances to sainthood (or at least an honourably mention in despatches). That's what you get for putting in power a perversely conservative Catholic relic.
Yes, the Maltese are an intelligent people if they vote for GonziPN but will make a big mistake or were mislead if they vote PL. HAVE YOU ALWAYS RESPECTED THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE ? You promised par idejn sod but failed. You have without doubt lost the moral high ground with continueing to govern without the majority. You can do it but Labour could not, very hipocritical.
It is our fault that we elect such people!!!
"we have always respected the will of the people" "Oh sure you did Mr.Gonzi like voting against the introduction of divorce. He believed the Maltese are "intelligent people , Not cwiec any more Mr Gonzi?
Fil-qosor;IL- PN huwa partit tajjeb u jibqa tajjeb, jekk jinbidel il- kap biss.GonziPN ha jati rebha facli lil JM.U l- PL ghandhom jirringrazjaw lil Gonzi tar - rebha li ha jatihom.
Fil-qosor;IL- PN huwa partit tajjeb u jibqa tajjeb, jekk jinbidel il- kap biss.GonziPN ha jati rebha facli lil JM.U l- PL ghandhom jirringrazjaw lil Gonzi tar - rebha li ha jatihom.
Fil-qosor;IL- PN huwa partit tajjeb u jibqa tajjeb, jekk jinbidel il- kap biss.GonziPN ha jati rebha facli lil JM.U l- PL ghandhom jirringrazjaw lil Gonzi tar - rebha li ha jatihom.
As regards "effective solutions". Yes indeed when Gonzipn HEARTILY voted for the exorbitant increase in the utilities bills while he and his ministers had been enjoying for more than 2 years an increase of 600 euros WEEKLY behind everybody's back. How about that for an ace poker dear Gonzipn. It did not stop there . You may well remember that you gave the people a miserable 1 euro 16 cent increase to add insult to injury.
Dan il-bniedem il-veru ma jafx x'inhi mistħija . Min qed jilgħab il-poker bil-poplu malti , Sur Prim Ministru ? Min jibblaffja bil-wegħedi elettorali u wara jinsa dak kollu li jkun qal ? Min jieħu zieda ta aktar min €600 fil gimgħa min wara dahar il-poplu ? Min jgħid li inħolqu 20,000 impieg gdid tul dawn l-aħħar 4 snin u jiġi imgiddeb minn kulhadd ? Min jiġi titmejjel mil-poplu li qed ibgħati bil-kontijiet tal-enerġija ? Min sur Prim Ministru ? Għadek ma indunajtx li hadd ma għadu jimmnek ? Hallina ngħixu sur giddieb prim .
GonziPN has already played poker with our lives; it has burdened us with 6 billion euros of debt and nothing to show for it... except for a fist full of blue eyed boys billioners!
Proset Dr. Lorenz illum ergajt ilqatta fuq rasa!!! 1. Il-ministeru tas-Sahha dizastru 2. L-energija dizastru 3. Edukazzjoni Dizastru 4. Korruzjoni thossa b'idejk 5. Planning dizastru 6. Ministri Arroganti 7.Partit Mkisser 8. Priministru li jiddeciedi dak li ma' jiddecidiex!!! U hafna aktar B'dawn trid tmur quddiem il-poplu????? Sejjah l-elezzjoni u l-ghatx ghall-proposti u kif ser jahdem il-GVERN tal-PL tkunu tafuh
iktar ma jitkellem iktar jirrabja nies.
Lanqas l-apologisti ta' GonziPN m'ghad ghandhom il-kuragg jiddefendu li jghid Gonzi !
Luke Camilleri
And Gonzi , the King of Bluffers,likes to play SOLITAIRE, either his way or the highway!
What a gull, what a cheek, what shameless bigotry, who spent €80 million on a rooflrss theater, a needles parliament and a hole in the wall instead of investing in new ambulances and medicines that are out of stock? ...... "In the near future we will turn to the people and ask it to weigh things up." ... no need to wait gonz the future is here and you have been measured and weighed and you have been found lacking get the hell out of Castille you have over stayed your welcome.
taf min jilghabu il poker gonzipn?min jgheda bil yellow pages.sewwa qal zurrieq blues..il vera ma tafx tisthi sur ginzipn
taf min jilghabu il poker gonzipn?min jgheda bil yellow pages.sewwa qal zurrieq blues..il vera ma tafx tisthi sur ginzipn
Dr Gonzi Fact .When in 1007 we here in Gozo had a record number of tourists Now come 2012 and we are literally pleading for work and eagerly happy if we get 5 euros per hour No one believes these gimmicks anymore
"the PN, which is constantly coming up with effective solutions". Yeah, like (1) in the energy sector, heavy fuel oil, BWSC, the bills for electricity, gas and water, the Marsa power station, (2) in the Health sector, waiting lists for operation, patients at the emergency department, availability of 'free' pills for those entitled, the quality of the air we breath, of the ambulances we lease, the appointments we give, the beds in the Mater Dei corridors, (3) the Waste Management sector, ask the EU Commission, (4) the Education sector,ask the UE commission, the avoidance of Pisa,the loss of EU scholarships, (5) the Water situation, ask our hydrologists on the pitiful and precarious state of our water table; ask thousands of households whether they can drink our tap water; the and how its is being robbed by a few to the detriment of the thousands; (6) our Environment, the eating up up of thousand of acres of unbuilt land to build new flats when thousands of these are unoccupied, the abuses permitted in ODZ areas, the shameful agreement with the Armier squatters; (7) the quality of the jobs created , ask the EU commissionetc. One could go on till tomorrow; but enough said. But then,perhaps those listed here are the not-so-important issues for the Gonzi government and therefore nor cause for shame.
Poker ghal Dr. Gonzi tfisser= Partit, Oligarkijja, klikkek,Ebda Rizenji, hudu l-ewwel ittra ta kull kelma xi tfisser Poker Dottore ok?
Ikolli nghejd li il PM GonziPN ma ghandux interess li jaqra jew jisma l-ahbarijiet.Mela id dekan tal fakulta ta l-universita Mr. Godfrey Laferla jghejd li kien hemm l-irregulatorjiet fil pozzizjonijiet tal kirurgi. Dr. Mark Vella kirurgu bil bajd li qeghed l-Iskozzja,jghejd li huwa inqabez ghax mhux kemm taf imma lil min taf.Tohrog il MUM thejd li l-ambulanzi qeghedin fi`stat tal biki.Jigi il GonziPN u jghejdilna li il PL, anzi Joseph Muscat qeghed jilghab il poker...Tal biza.
So Labour is playing with people's lives as J.Muscat will not tell him what he is planning. I tought that the state of the ambulances and medics who are not qualified will endager lives surely. As for the extra tourists that are coming,which the prime minister attributed to the restructuring of Air Malta is hogwash. Maybe the prime minister ought to read the foreign press where they are saying that people have had enough of bad weather and are looking for a bit of sunshine.
So Labour is playing with people's lives as J.Muscat will not tell him what he is planning. I tought that the state of the ambulances and medics who are not qualified will endager lives surely. As for the extra tourists that are coming,which the prime minister attributed to the restructuring of Air Malta is hogwash. Maybe the prime minister ought to read the foreign press where they are saying that people have had enough of bad weather and are looking for a bit of sunshine.
Priscilla Darmenia
Gonzi said "in the last four years we had around 16,000 new graduates, so if Labour is correct in saying that only 4,000 new jobs were created then we would have thousands of unemployed." – When is Gonzi going to respect our intelligence and stop taking us for a ride with half truths? How many retired in the last 4 years? In the last 4 years we had a number of people retiring from the age of the baby boom. If we take the average of the baby boom as 10,000 per year and 50% of these were in employment, then there were 20,000 jobs vacated by people retiring and taken up be the graduates he mentioned. – Isthi jekk taf kif.
Possible ad baqa boloh jemnu dawn it tip ta gideb.
Patricia Marsh
Ara veru ma jafx jisthi dan ir-ragel!!!!!!