Claudio Grech discusses his PN candidature in interview with MaltaToday

Former MITA Chairman Claudio Grech reveals his reasons for accepting to become a PN candidate and his expectations for the future of Malta's economy.

Former MITA Chairman Claudio Grech interviewed in tomorrow's MaltaToday sunday edition.
Former MITA Chairman Claudio Grech interviewed in tomorrow's MaltaToday sunday edition.

Claudio Grech has provided the media with some intriguing stories. His heavy-handedness as Gatt’s right hand man. His departure from Austin Gatt to Smart City, leading to further accusations of conflict of interest. His appointment at MITA as Chairman raised questions about his suitability for the post.

Yet on the other hand, not many questioned his capability as a doer and IT guru.

His candidature was an open secret, yet he denied his interest until only recently.

Is he interested in a senior role within the party structures? And if elected as an MP, what does he have to offer?

In an interview in tomorrow's edition of MaltaToday, Claudio Grech emerges from the shadow of Minister Austin Gatt and reveals his vision for Malta.

Read the full interview in tomorrow's edition of MaltaToday.

bniedem li kellu l informazzjoni ta malta kollha fid dwar computer jien ma nafdahx mal pn , im sorry.
I agree with the suggestion that MT starts offering a platform to prospective candidates from both sides with the possibility of being interviewed by MT reporters so that each prospective MP can put across his experience , vision and dedication to serving the people. I am certain that on both sides of the political divide there are many personalities at least as interesting as CG which the readership of the MT should come to know about. Besides voting for the party of your preference it is equally important that the best candidates from each party get elected. The current legislature must be judged as one of the worst in MP quality and one hopes that better persons are elected from both parties in the next one.
Minn chairman tal mita ghal ma gonzidcgpn!! Mil mita u chairman, post sensittiv hafna, tista tkun taf hafna informazzjoni sensittiva. Nispera li ma tintuzax ghal kontra il-partit Laburista....u kontra il-Laburisti.
Suppost F'Malta kella issir Lista ta' dawk li jabbuzaw mit-tfal, ghaliex ma issirx ohra ta' dawk il-Politikanti KORROTTI F'Malta halli kullhadd ikun jaf bihom ukoll u jibza minhom bhal dawk li jabuzzaw mit-tfal?
Oh, he has a vision allright. He is seeing that there might not be so many fat jobs and directorships in the future, so he lining himself up for a backbencher's salary as a back-up.
Jista jghallimna kif taghmel ID cards fake, tinqabad u xorta ikollok il-wicc li ssir head ta Mita,u it-tieni li tohrog ghal inkarigu pubbliku, minghajr misthija ta xejn? Jien,bahnan li jien, ghallimt it-tfal biex ma ikunu dejjem fuq it-triq tas-sewwa.....u f'Malta meritokratika.... baqghu fejn kienu!
Sur Claudio Grech, milli jidher int wiehed mhux biss tal-Klikka imma ukoll wiehed min dawk ta flimkien kollox possibli u ghalina u ghal uliedna. Jekk ikun hemm Gvern tal-Lejber ghandu jinvestiga ghaliex int waqt li kont Chairman tal-MITA saret Security check fuq il-haddiema u dawk li ghamlu xi zball bannali ma baqawx mal-MITA, fil-waqt li int bqajt hemm. Din hija il-Gustizzja li gabet l-Indipendenza u id-demokrazzija li l-Partit tieghek jemmen fiha. Nispera li Socjeta "Gusta" xi darba tiffunzjona.
X'ghandu specjali dan Malta Today? Fejnhom il-kandidati l-ohra?
x'hela ta hin biex taqra fuqu dan.
he is surrounded by a bunch of dumb lawyers - its not difficult to be dubbed an IT guru with that crowd. In the meantime Claudio is a serial screw-up, shamefully putting his own greed ahead of everything else. They have created a Microsoft monopoly and pocketed millions. We are suppose to congratulate them for having spend that money - we are now so fantastically sophisticated. Let's forget that we have sabotaged the educational system in the country to make sure we enforce the monopoly that fills their pockets.
Luke Camilleri
Did he discuss how he became SMART CITY's CEO fresh out of Austin's Gatt Ministry as his P.A.? Did he discuss why the Maltese are still without a SMART chipped state-of-the-art ID Card whilst he is so good at forging ones???? Will former Mita Chairman, forman Minister Austin Gatt's PA , former Smart city CEO be discussing CONFLICTS OF INTEREST????
Nispera li s-sur Claudio Grech se jghidilna xi trid taghmel biex issir wiehed minn tal-klikka u tal-qalba u tax-xibka tal-hazen - jghidilna, per ezempju, lil min trid tkun taf; xi trid taghmel biex lil min tkun taf jiftahlek il-bibien kollha; x'paga u x'honorarium ghandek titlob; l-id ta' min ghandek tbus; kemm ghandu jkun twil ilsienek biex tilghaq lil dawk li tkun trid xi haga minn ghandhom; kif ghandek tahdem minn wara l-kwinti (u mhux bilfors minn wara l-kwinti) biex issir importanti u il-politikanti blu ta' gonzipn ikollhom ibaxxu rashom ghal kull talba tieghek; kif jirnexxilek iddahhal lill-bravu wistin gatt fl-ixkora biex ikollu jaghmel kulma trid .... insomma, affarijiet bhal dawn biex forsi nithajjar naghmel bhalu jien ukoll .... indum narda s-sugu, il-paga, il-beneficcji minn halq il-poplu Malti ghal tant snin u fl-ahhar biex noghgob lil min ikun tani dan kollu ..... nohrog bhala kandidat fl-elezzjoni u bhala clone ta' dak il-bravu ministru mill-belt li jhobb idahhak u li kellu jirrizenja biex imexxi l-kampanja ta' gonzipn ....