Franco Debono receives death threat

Nationalist MP Franco Debono reveals that he received death threat as he raised a breach of privilege against finance minister Tonio Fenech.

Franco Debono had said he would not attend the Budget - true to his reputation, Debono had a rethink. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday
Franco Debono had said he would not attend the Budget - true to his reputation, Debono had a rethink. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday

Dissident Nationalist MP Franco Debono raised a breach of privilege against finance minister Tonio Fenech over comments the minister made on National television on Tuesday.

Minutes before the finance minister commenced his budget speech, the MP revealed that he received a death threat and an empty shotgun cartridge with a note saying "If the government goes down, everybody will go down."

Saying that he has gone through martyrdom for the past year, Debono said: "As a democratically elected MP I should have the right and freedom to carry out my duties according to conscience without being intimidated by anyone, including Tonio Fenech."

He demanded a police investigation over this anonymous letter and tabled the evidence in Parliament.

Saying that he was highly offended by Fenech, the Ghaxaq MP explained that on yesterday's edition of Bondiplus on TVM, Fenech attributed the 12-point lead the Labour Party is enjoying in the polls to the actions of Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliett who did not toe the party line in parliament.

Debono also said that he felt offended by the minister's claims that the Parliamentary seat belongs to the party and not the person.

"You cannot sink to a lower ebb then claiming that the Parliamentary seat belongs to the party and not to the person," Debono stressed.


Lill-Onor. Debono nghidlu li tul dawn l-ahhar 33 sena kemm ilni niggieled biex innaddaf isem missieri, Karm Grima, dak li wehel bil-vjolenza tal-15/10/1979,biex ma jinkixfux min kien wara dawn il-kriminali, gie wiehed li qal minn Amnesta Internationa, u urienu dok.; qal li hu hu J.R.G. ufficjal gholi fid dip. ta' l-eduk.(coe' superior tieghi) qal li jafu kemm qed nikteb fuq il-frame-up ta' missieri u insemmi isem ta' persunagg gholi fil-partit u qalli li dan jasal biex se joqtolnu jekk ma nieqafx. Ukoll kelli nitlaq minn teacher ghax promotions kienu maghaluqa ghalija u infurmani E.O. mill-educ: wehel it-tifel tieghi ghax dahhal perit ma hux kwalifikat biex jikkoregi il-finalt tieghu biss, iva biss biex iwahhlu imma indahal ir-rettur u ma sarx hekk; u sal-lum ghadu hemm bhala seconded minn mal-Water Works. Imma ma qtajtx qalbi ghax missjoni biex tagharaf timxi bejn missjoni u impika.
The day that Franco Debono votes against the government will be the same day his political career is over! Let us please get it over and done with!!!
Oh how mistaken I was! I thought that only Labour supports resort to violence or threats!!! At least that is what the Pn has always preached
A member of parliament is elected by the people. Agreed. But I also expect that that member of parliament who got my vote because I believed that he will be giving strength to the party he is member to give his full support to that party, whichever party it is. I that member of parliament is in disagreement with the particular party then I expect him to resign and not continue to represent me. If I am in disagreement with the party I voted for then I have a choice not to vote for that party again. Let us not forget that members of parliament are not representing themselves but the people who elected them there. So in my opinion FD should have resigned long ago and this goes for each member of parliament who feels the same way like FD from whatever side of the spectrum.
'The man dies in all who stay silent in the face of tyranny'. My support for Dr. F. Debono. At the end of the day he remains a member of parliament elected by the people. It is a shame that his own colleagues deride him and give wind to those that are intolerant within the PN. I hope that this is not an indicator of how the nationalist party is going to behave if in opposition.
I guess Fenech spoke after being inspired by the holy virgin. Of all thge arrogant statements ever heard this tops it all. The seat belongs to the people Tonio, not a party. How dare you. On this alone I willnot vote for the PN. I was, up to this point an undecided. I didn't trust any party, but this takes the cherry. I have voted PN in the past. But you have now lost my vote. My choice now is to either vote for the LP (while holding my nose) or do what I have sworn never to do, which is not vote. I hate being in this situation and I blame you Tonio fore placing me in it. Again. Shame, shame shame.
Franco has already challenged Tonio to a debate, but nothing doing. It is easier to read a fairytale to some 68 mildly interested listeners than to have someone show you up for what you really are.
Luke Camilleri
Somebody seems to want that the seat of power be retained..... AT ALL COSTS!
Luke Camilleri
Somebody seems to want that the seat of power be retained..... AT ALL COSTS!
Luke Camilleri
Is-simpatija tieghi ma Franco u spcjalment mal genituri u l-qraba tieghu1 Mhux sew, MHUX SEW!