Transgender people to be awarded the right to marry

Government reaches out of court settlement for Joanne Cassar to drop proceedings in European Court of Human Rights.

Civil Liberties minister Helena Dalli (centre) with Attorney General Peter Grech (left) and Joanne Cassar.
Civil Liberties minister Helena Dalli (centre) with Attorney General Peter Grech (left) and Joanne Cassar.

Government has reached an agreement with Joanne Cassar to drop proceedings in the European Court of Human Rights against the Maltese government over her preclusion from marrying.

Cassar was recognised by the state as a woman after gender reassignment, but she was not allowed to marry under Maltese laws.

Civil liberties mininster Helena Dalli said she would present an amendment to Article 8 of the Marriage Act so that people who apply for publication of marriage banns after having their gender reassigned, do not find difficulties from the director of the public registry.

Dalli said the agreement with Cassar was reached after meeting between the Attorney General and her lawyer Dr David Camilleri.

Dalli also said the government will present a Bill regulating the identification of transgender people.

The government will also pay Cassar's legal expenses.



@il_miġnun: Le, dawk tal-ispejjeż li kienet imġegħla tħallas Joanne mill-gvern ta' Malta - taħt l-amministrazzjoni ta' qabel. Kieku baqgħu sejrin bil-każ fil-qorti Ewropea, l-ispejjeż kienu jkunu ħafna ikbar - u aktarx xorta Joanne kienet tirbaħ l-ispejjeż.
Kemm inti Amerikana bi flus il-poplu sinjura Dalli!! Din biex tirrangrazjha ghax ivvutat Labour!!