Former Nationalist MP sheds doubt on creation of new PN role

Deputy leader’s post to be used to accommodate 'pre-chosen' MPs, says Jean-Pierre Farrugia

Jean Pierre Farrugia (right) with Mario de Marco. Photo: James Galea/Mediatoday
Jean Pierre Farrugia (right) with Mario de Marco. Photo: James Galea/Mediatoday

A proposal to create a second, additional deputy leader's post within the Nationalist Party, has come under fire by former Nationalist MP Jean-Pierre Farrugia.

The PN's executive committee yesterday decided to create a new deputy leader's post who would be responsible for party affairs, on the much-criticised model as that employed by the Labour Party.

But in a message posted on his Facebook wall, Farrugia said the PN deputy leader for party affairs should not be an MP, much like Labour's own party deputy leader was not an elected MP.

In what sounded like a veiled barb at deputy leadership contender Beppe Fenech Adami and leadership runner-up Mario de Marco, Farrugia said: "That is how the PN still works. If a person wants a place in the Cabinet he is appointed even if elected through a by-election (Austin Gatt in 1998) and if the prodigal son (filjozz) is hell-bent on becoming deputy leader we create two (posts)," Farrugia said, in the latter example referring to Fenech Adami.

"Who does not change, pays for it Simon!" Farrugia said.

The former MP had taken a stand against the increase in ministerial honoraria but was not re-elected in 2013, something he still claims was down to having been marginalised by a faction supporting former minister Austin Gatt.

Farrugia replied to comments on his Facebook status saying that newly-elected leader Simon Busuttil did not form part of the government leadership "that rode roughshod over people whom I defended, getting eliminated in the process."

But, he continued, it would be "pre-chosen MPs" who will be tasked with the PN's revamp. "Unbelievable! There are so many new faces besides the downtrodden like myself."

The motion for the new deputy leaders' post will be presented to an extraordinary General Council meeting to be held on Sunday. If approved the nominations for the two posts will open the day after on Monday, and elections held on 25 May, the day designated for the original deputy leader's election.

The decision may well accommodate leadership contender Mario de Marco, the former tourism minister who garnered 38% of the vote in the first round of voting for the PN leadership.

Moreover, the creation of a deputy leader for party affairs post could make the role of secretary-general redundant, especially since the PN is also considering the creation of a CEO role for the party's commercial matters.

Emmanuel Mallia
The obscure, hidden, duo at PN are happy now and ready to strike again, because their anointed politicians are or will soon be appointed in the so called leadership, or better, puppets.
In 1989 two MLP officials were expelled from the party and for some time even joined another party. Time passed and both of them were reinstated so much that today one of them is a Deputy Leader for Party Affairs.
Jien bhal Dr. Farrugia nahsibha;biex l-irjus ix-xjuh tal-PN jibqghu izommu idhom (il-Grip)fuq il-partit u ma jinkixifx is-sehem li kellhom fl-irvellijiet tal-15/10/1979 minn partitarji Laburisti u l-frame-up ta' missieri minn l-avukat tghana stess Dr. Guido de Marco billi ipprezenta tlitt certifikati medici foloz kontra l-parir tghana mal- insistenza tal-Kappillan Patri Samuel Chetcuti,se jakkomodaw li uliedhom biex hekk is-sigriet jibqa fil-klikka.Kull avukat li ipprova jiehu l-kas f'idejh, ha promotion ex.Dr. Commodini Cachia li telqithu wara seba xhur. Grazzi ghal Malta Today li nista inwassal il-messagg ta' l-ingustizza li saret maghna, il-familjari ta' Karm Grima.
PN wants to have its Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo. Carry on.....Pieta!
PN wants to have its Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo. Carry on.....Pieta!
A politburo in the making? I am neither a swinger nor any party's hard core voter: The last elections result showed that the Maltese electorate is smarter than the politicians think! An "out-of-the-box" innovative solution approach will be required to swing back close to 50Kvoters who turned their back to the PN: such a broadbased swing by maltese standards must have had very good reasons. Let the game begin: "que le meilleur gagne"!
Hi Jurgen, "Filjozz" is not a prodigal son....."Filjozz" is a godson, when referred to by his "parrinu" (godfather). Within the context of your article, the actual meaning of the word is even more telling than your mistranslated "prodigal son". Chum.
Emmanuel Mallia
It is all pre-arranged, as the election of the leader was ! All the chosen ones, are all anointed by the hidden, very low profile duo at the back helm. They are still active, not to mention the possible involvement of some obscure, brotherhood society !! !!
From one faction to another! I remember the Borg Olivier faction with brothers,relatives ect controlling the party and ministers in the sixtys government then came the Fenech adami clan followed by GonziPN and now SimonPN but judging from the faces behind Simon kollox l-istess baqa!
"Who does not change, pays for it Simon!" Farrugia said."<<>> So right! So da**ed right!
Dr Jean Pierre, int ghandek ragun bhal ma kellek qabel l-elezzjoni. Imma dawn in-nies donnom ma jitghallmu qatt. Min ghand min jiehdu l-pariri? Min ghand min tellifhom elezzjoni u zarma partit. Imma ma hemmx x'taghmel siehbi, erhilhom jghaffgu.
Simon is in his second day in Office and already he is sinking faster than the Titanic. Choosing Simon was just more of the same, a very bad choice with the Clikka regaining control of the PN - we will now have a BUSUPN rather than a GONZIPN but that is all. Nothing will change. Simon will try and copy, the hallmark of GONZIPN and David Agius, but copying will not save the PN from the slide it has embarked upon 5 years ago.