Joseph Muscat promises another ‘earthquake’

Urging the country to have faith in his methods, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat promises an 'earthquake' in country's administration.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said he will lead the country with the same courage he showed five years ago when he took over the Labour Party's reigns.

In a throwback to his inaugural speech upon taking over the party in 2008, Muscat said: "I will embark on an earthquake of change in country's administration and I will be proved right once again. I have a clear mandate to change things and that is what will be done."

Speaking on the appointment of television presenter and Nationalist Party supporter Lou Bondi on the national festivities foundation, Muscat said: "I understand the genuine anger shown by Labourites but in five years time we will have a different country with different structures where everybody can work freely and injustices will become a thing of the past."

In reaction to the controversy stirred by Bondi's appointment, with Labourites including MEP Joseph Cuschieri venting their anger online, Muscat said: "During the past five years, I was the one who suffered the brunt of vicious personal attacks. If anyone should feel insulted it is me. However, when I was elected as party leader five years ago, I said I would carry out an earthquake in the party and people did not believe me. I took certain decisions, which were controversial and caused a stir and following recent appointments we are getting the same kind of reaction."

Muscat reassured listeners and urged them to have faith in his methods. "I know what I am doing, as I knew what I was doing five years ago."

He added that the foundation for national festivities includes a wide array of persons from different fields, from historians to DJs "because I really want these feasts to belong to everyone."

He reiterated his longing to see Labourites celebrate Independence Day with Nationalists and vice-versa.

"I believe that next year Nationalists can recognise the importance of Freedom Day achieved by Dom Mintoff. In the same way I want Labourites to recognise the importance, albeit one could have certain reservations, of Gorg Borg Olivier's Independence. I do not want to be accused of not giving the 50th anniversary from Independence its due importance," Muscat said.

Speaking on the Labour Party's One Radio, Muscat defended the controversial appointments which have characterised the first 100 days of the new government.

He said meritocracy should neither exclude Labourites nor Nationalists. "We have to relay and reinforce the message that we are committed to work with everyone."

In reference to Jason Micallef's controversial appointment as chairman of the V18 board, overseeing Valletta's 2018 European Cultural Capital title, Muscat said: "I believe that he will do a good job and I will defend all appointments because I believe that everyone who was appointed will do a good job."

On former Nationalist stalwart John Dalli's forthcoming executive role in health, Muscat described the system as "rotten" and stressed that the previous government had no plans in place but "was simply managing health by crisis."

Insisting that the government is tackling three main areas in health, namely, primary health care, out-of-stock medicines and the emergency department, Muscat said John Dalli's appointment follows the government's resolve to carry out wholesome reforms. "If nothing is done, the system will collapse," Muscat said.  

Muscat said it was health minister Godfrey Farrugia himself who suggested that Dalli should be invited to help the government in the health sector since the former PN minister was the last health minister to lay out a clear roadmap in the health sector.

Muscat also said that his government would be carrying out public consultation meetings for each ministry every six months.

"Our message is clear, we have an open door policy where people can come forward with their criticism and they can freely voice their opinions," Muscat said, adding that the Cabinet of Ministers will also hold meetings outside Castille.

"Every now and then Cabinet meetings will be taken outside Castille and take place in different localities in Local Council or parish halls," he said.


Emmanuel Mallia
Newcomers to the Heath Department are strong supporters that health services should not remain free.
Yeah and what about the illegal immigrants, is anything being done to get rid of them ??? If this keeps going in the same direction yes, ohh yes there will be an earthquake in an about 5 years time. it seems like the lesson given to Alfred Sant has been forgotten. I am one of the lost sheep by the way.
Nothing said about his broken promise of stopping illegal immigrants from entering Maltese territorial waters.
The Next MEP elections in 2014 will be the first real test of the earthquake that is promised. It seems to me that the earthquake will upset all the victory of the 2013 election and will get the PN back with a vengeance on the poor PL supporters who, since 1981 can only hope of getting at the most a fair deal and at worse an even worsening situation. Such was the fate of the PL supporters between 1996 and 1998 and of course thereafter.
Jien m’ghandix problema bil hatriet ta’ nazzjonalisti f’bordijiet tal-gvern. Jien ivvutajt ghal Malta taghna lkoll, ghall-ghaqda nazzjonali u biex wiehed jiehu dak li haqqu, bil kapacitajiet u l-INTERGRITA tieghu u mhux ghat-twemmin tieghu jew ghal min jaf. Jiddispjacini imma Lou Bondi ma jikwalifikax ghal posizzjoni bhal din. Dan ghaliex f’l-elezzjoni ghamel show u iddefenda lil persuna li hlief mibgheda lejn nies ta twemmin laburista ma xandrietx. Dan biex taparsi jaghmilha ta paladin tad-demokrazija, meta kullhadd jaf li dan hadem bla heda biex Malta ma tkunx taghna lkoll imam tkun tan-nazzjonalisti biss. Hemm min allega li semghu jghid li l-labusisti huma scum (hmieg). Dan juza l-kelma mintuffjan biex minghalih jinsulta. Dan wara li fil-programmi li jtellgha hu qatt ma man-nies ta twemmin nazzjonalista kif mexa ma nies ta twemmin laburista. Onorevoli Prim Ministru, ghandek ragun tghid li jekk hawn xi hadd li ghandu jissuppervja huwa int, wara l-attakki li rcievejt personali, u int ghandek id-dritt tahfer li min attakkak personali. Pero f’l-opinjoni tieghi m’ghandekx id-dritt li tahfer f’isem in-nies li tellghuk. Ahna vvutajnielek biex taghqqadna u mhux biex tahtar f’karigi nies li hadmu biex din l-ghaqda ma ssehx. Nispera li jien qed nizbalja u mhux int.
I never knew of any earthquakes that made any good to the place where it happened. On the contrary. It made only damage. With the appointment of Lou Bondi the Maltese people are going to unite? Why don't you appoint DCG now! The people are not waiting for such appointments. The people are waiting for the Commission of Injustices to be set up to remedy the injustices made by Lou Bondi's Government. The appointment of Lou Bondi is nothing less than an insult to honest people and a challenge to labourites.
It is just MORE OF THE SAME. The same people who had arrogance and made us change our voting preferences are still there and doing the same thing if not more. The same people who irritated the vast majority of the people are given appointments. The same civil servants who made their subordinate employees life miserable through sheer arrogance are left doing the same. Go to Government dipartments and entities like Mater Dei and ask what happened in the last 5 years and whats happening now..answer will be same people same attitudes different day!
Yes I agree that all those victimised under the several Nationalist administrations will be given a remedy ; just telling them they have a case will get them nowhere. Hundreds if not thousands are crying for justice!
Even the synonym of another EARTHQUAKE is horrendous!!! Pathetic for somebody who sees himself a some great orator. He also states that HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING!! Well, excuse us lesser mortals but that is no answer to give, as it smacks of total delusional ARROGANCE, so illuminate us with better arguments or road-maps, whatever you like, so answer this: what ARE YOU DOING? and WHY? As I have no recollection of the fact that even things like BONDI will get a payed job on a PL board whilst I have been waiting for 5 YEARS AS A SUPPOSED PRIORITY AS A DISABLED MAN TO GET NY LIFE BACK ANS BE HOUSED!! The PN didn't care and now neither do the PL. The former because I and my family were not the blue eyed types the latter were my party. TILL NOW!!! You will get you EARTHQUAKE next time we vote or not...
carmbald is very correct! It is the unbiased, uncommitted vote that elected Labour and not actual diehard Labourites, although of course these would have voted for their party just as much as GonziPNisti would have voted for theirs. May I remind Joseph Muscat that no one person has a monopoly on good decision making. This Lou Bondi appointment hurt not just Labourites, but all people of goodwill that mistrusted this person (and other venomous GonziPNisti), who so consistently, prior to the last elections tried to feed us rice with a pin.
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the PM`s abilities but this latter Bondi`s appointment is too hard for me to digest and swallow. Labourites like me who never asked favours but voted PL to eredicate corruption deserve better and the least we expect is an apology from Lou !
I strongly believe in the Prime Minister`s abilities, but to put some people like Lou on Boards is too strong for me to swallow and digest. Those labourites like me who never asked for anything but for a change in Govt to erase corruption deserve better !
So Joseph Muscat already decided his way is the only way and the hell with what the people think. The PN lost the election because their leader Lawrence Gonzi went by the same principle. My way or the highway works for a while but not forever. This country is not a third world country anymore and the people's votes and opinions count. This is not a dictatorship and that was proven in the last election. Even the Government in itself is not above the law. Joseph Muscat has a very short five years to prove himself and in politics that is not such a long time. On a personal note, I think that from the comments listed below, Mr Lou Bondi is not the most popular man in all of Malta and Gozo.
Yes De. Muscat, elevate PN opportunists once again and leave the Labourites to rot, wait and dispair yet again. We are doubly wounded by such actions, we suffered open discrimination under the PN. Rest assured they won't return your favour... I will gladly post you the EP election vote next year as i am DISGUSTED. I am losing faith in the overall political establishment, but for the opportunists this is business as usual. It is no good having principles now. Refer to Mr Bondi's bile against Alfred Sant!!! SHAME ON THE PL!
this is ridiculous - muscat should not take all the credit for labour victory we were more than fed up with gonzi and we had no alternative but to vote labour - how about taking some blame for the pns longevity in govt. he never raised his voice for the required change and, disregarding the party"s needs, chose to bide the time. Joseph is very lucky for being at the helm at the right moment. if he thinks that we will take these offences lightly he is mistaken and i am chaRLES BALDACCHINO ID 361547
I had blind faith in JM since the very day he was elected leader of the party. Never have I questioned his methods, because I believed that this young intelligent man really knew what he was doing. However, after yesterday, although I am still pretty sure he knows what he is doing, I have lost faith that what he is doing is for the interest of, or that he actually cares about, those who have been suffering injustice at work for years. I would not have taken this appointment as an insult, had people like me been given what we have promised. However, when I see a PM ignoring the cries of his very own people with the excuse that it's still too son after the election, and then within 100 days given such posts (and what wages, may I ask?) to people like Lou Bondi, the anger and feeling of betrayal come very natural. We, the people are the ones you should listen to, because it our votes that you will be counting on next time around, not Mr. Bondi's. And We, the people are saying that we want justice. You can keep all your Lou Bondis and Co on any board you wish, if that is your vision. But our vision is not only to celebrate Independence Day or Freedom Day side by side (most of us couldn't care less), our vision also includes fair treatment and justice with all those people who have been suffering for years just because we were always behind the LP.
@Haggi..............nobody is (or should be) above the law and that includes journalists who abuse of their post........Mr Bondi represents the darker and obscure side of our media and who for years generated hatred and division beyond belief........IT IS TIME for him to respond for his actions;
We want justice not earthquakes. We want all those that have been victimised over the dark ages of the PN administrations to be re-instated. We don't want any Lous or Dafts to be around us because they have insulted the people for far too long. Malta wants a pragmatist not an idealist - we cannot afford the latter yet again.
avatar now its a frame-up? And being a partiggiano what do you know about justice? Maybe you meant vendetta?
Earthquakes are not promise something that can truly happen in this part of the world. And by the way when they happen they are indiscriminate... there is no blue or red or green or purple. where so ever you shall be death will overtake you.....even though you stand in lofty towers. (Koran ..Chapter 4)
David Bongailas
Pity. I had high hopes for Joseph Muscat but unfortunately the man is yet another idealist who thinks the world is made up of happy children, running bunnies, sun shining and green grass. Many like me voted Labour ( cause I am no suldat ta ll-azzar by the way) because we wanted to see the end of the likes of Bondi being treated like God's gift to Malta. In placing Bondi on some board the PM was hoping to shut the Nationalists up ( yeah right) and instead he is only digging his own grave by alienating the diehards. Possibly forever.
A load of bull.........thank you.
A load of bull.........thank you.
Well done Prim Minister, it seems to me you know what you are doing. This is how you bring people of all colors together to celebrate all Malta's holidays be it 'Festa Hamra jew Festa Kahla. Nahseb il quddiem ikollna Festa Hadra lkoll. Keep up the good work of reconciliation! You are moving in the right direction and time will show you did the right thing! Two thumbs up! david
Maybe before being appointed to this post.....why should he should be not investigated for the frame-up on John Dalli in the Mater Dei procurement case!!!!!!!!!
Mr Prime Minister....this decision should have been preceded by Mr Bondi's arraignment on obstructing the course of justice (08.03.2013 at Bidnija limits of Mosta). Mr Bondi has sowed so much hatred in this country that it shall take generations to heel. His appointment is the travesty of justice.
Sera Mr Prim Minister If I could only say "read my lips"! You managed to create a movement but you shall be destroying THE party. If you could only understand what the PN really means. What a pity. For years I've seen BLUE, for months I went AMBER followed by days seeing red. What next? Green, maybe?
I still have faith in Joseph! ... Yes it is a wonderful dream which I hope we will all work together to make possible to see nationalist and labourites celebrate independence day together! For this and much more I still have faith and hope in Joseph! ... May he remain strong and wise!
I love earthquakes just hope I don`t die in one