‘Gays’ sexual activity does not have a role within society’ – Auxiliary Bishop

Bishop Charles Scicluna insists that parliament has no mandate to implement adoption for gay couples

Auxiliary Bishop Charles Scicluna
Auxiliary Bishop Charles Scicluna

"While the sexual activity of heterosexual couples has a fundamental role in producing future members of the society, that of same-sex couples does not have a role in society as it does not produce offspring," Auxiliary Bishop Charles Scicluna said this evening, on PBS's Dissett where he was quizzed by PBS Head of News Reno Bugeja.

The uncompromising auxiliary bishop was categorical about his displeasure that parliament was not establishing a clear distinction between marriages and civil unions, in its debate on the civil unions bill.

"Currently, the obligations and rights of members within a civil union are barely different from those within a marriage and consequently, parliament needs to clearly distinguish the rights pertinent to a marriage and those to a civil union."

Currently at is second reading in parliament, the Civil Unions Act seeks to regulate civil unions for gay couples and was proposed in the PL electoral manifesto.

Scicluna, who had previously said that equating civil unions with marriage was "illogical" and "deceptive", urged MPs to engage in a thorough debate and reflection before equating civil unions with marriage.

On adoption by same-sex couples, the auxiliary bishop said that since gay people could not "by nature" become parents, consequently they should not be considered as prospective adoptive parents.

The former Vatican sex abuse prosecutor also said the government had no mandate to introduce gay adoption since Labour's electoral manifesto merely proposed civil unions. "Neither the government, nor the opposition said anything about amending the adoption laws, but the PL merely vowed to implement same sex civil unions. Consequently, they do not have the mandate to implement adoption for gay couples."

Asked about the possible discrimination the illegality of same-sex marriage imposed on gays, the auxiliary bishop said this did not amount to discrimination as EU jurisprudence lef it in the hands of the member states to decide on this matter,

One year into his appointment as Auxiliary Bishop, Scicluna described Church-State relatons as being positive, despite being characterised by "clear" disagreements and opposing stands. "The Church respects the autonomy of the government and we respect the government's clear and truthful stance."

"The Prime Minister has acknowledged that the bishops and other members of the church have a right to voice their opinion. The bishops are duty bound to voice their opinion but on the other hand, they must respect the pluralistic and democratic society."

Despite giving the impression that the church does not accept this separation in practice, Scicluna said it was still offering its hand in cooperation.

Asked about the church's opposition to host civil marriages inside Church-owned property, Scicluna said that people married by civil registation should consider the consequences of such marriages. "Civil marriages are not hosted in church establishments as the couples chose to go against the religious teachings... so those couples should instead host their weddings and take their photos elsewhere."

On the citizenship scheme, Scicluna argued that he does not regret entering into the issue.

While insisting that the Maltese citizenship is priceless, Scicluna argued that the Maltese passport should not be sold at a mere €650,000 donation. He instead called for the government to ensure that the Individual Investor Programme stays true to its name and ensure that the beneficiaries are in some way or another tied to Malta not just by their passport.

The Archbishop's curia writes, on 1 December 2013:

"The article entitled "'Gays' sexual activity does not have a role within society' - Auxiliary Bishop'", published on Maltatoday online on Thursday 28th November 2013, gives the gist and not the context, as explained by Bishop Charles J. Scicluna during Thursday's edition of Dissett (TVM).

"During the mentioned programme, Bishop Scicluna appealed to keep the sex life of same sex couples private, and for the State not to demand that same sex couples satisfy the legal requirements of potency and consummation, according to the Marriage Act. The State should not legislate on it except to defend victims of crime. On the other hand, the State imposes certain requirements on heterosexual married couples, as stated in the Marriage Act, because their sexual union is of its very nature potentially procreative."

Abdi D
If sexual activity of same-sex couples does not have a role in society because it does not produce offsprings, would the sexual activity of heterosexual couples who for one reason or another cannot produce offsprings, fall in the same category. Should a couple refrain from any sexual activity when they find they cannot have children? Considering his narrow minded views on marriage, surely one cannot take him seriously on any other complex political issue.
Gay sexual activity does not have a role in society then read bbc news investigation of the role of the gay priests in the vatican curia and the power they have to control society. Naturally the last thing he wants is to share this power. Society just wants to be free the time of the inquisition are over so stop preaching all this verbal dogma to us.
the least said from the Maltese clergy the better for many obvious reasons. wake up and start following the true path of Christ if you want to be ever taken up seriously !!!!!
agree with you kelinu
Yes sexual activity for creativity only!! Keep on living in the dark ages if you wish, the rest of us live reality.
Dear Bishop, I was taught that sex is a basic need, a physiological need. Sex affects one's physical and psychological health status. Thus, ALL sexual activity has a role in society, because society needs healthy citizens. Moreover, if we consider your statement, may I ask you what is the role in society of those who are celibate by choice? What is the role in society of those couples who cannot conceive? I'm sorry but your statement does not reflect God's immense love for us, it only promotes homophobia!
Bring on that questionnaire!
Will anyone let Mons Scicluna know that his boss Pope Francis has moved on from Scicluna's way of thinking?
Who's going to notify him that people - gay or straight - have sex outside of marriage, as well as having sex for pleasure, and that marriage is no longer primarily about inheritance?
Many heterosexual couples-me included- use contraception not to increase future members of society! U kif tridt tindahal f'kollox il-Knisja f'Malta? Snin ilu jekk tuzax kontraceptives; issa fuq il-gays? Daqs il-Papa Frangisku meek u jaghder dan Scicluna! Jien m'iniex gay imma stajt kont! Il-gays ukoll ghadnhom dritt ghall-hajja felici.
so is the celibacy of priests and nuns! useless! and heterosexuals do have sex for other reasons apart from the procreation! and I am not interested and do not give a toss about other people's bed habits. and so should everyone who minds his own f....g business
Joseph Grech
"While the sexual activity of heterosexual couples has a fundamental role in producing future members of the society, that of same-sex couples does not have a role in society as it does not produce offspring," 1) Sexual activity is an evolved trait in the more complex animal species which centres on the development of a sense of reward generated by the chemical changes which result from sexual activity. Sexual activity’s function is to ensure a means of encouraging the procreation of the species in a system where there are natural ecological checks and balances. No species overpopulates for long as their means of sustenance runs out, checking any exuberant population increases. 2) The assertion that sexual activity has a fundamental role in producing future members of society cannot be left open-ended with unbridled population growth and while it is true that for the case of Malta the fertility rate is below the ideal 2.2 per female, this fundamental role does not apply to the World as a whole. 3) The ‘requirement’ to replace members of society who pass away, is superfluous to the sexual activity of homosexual individuals who still presumably carry the same urges to release the chemical changes leading to a sense of reward as any other creature even though that had originally evolved to ensure the survival of the species. The ‘requirement’ is also superfluous to the homosexual’s need to share affection. 4) Offspring should ideally be born within the care of a loving couple. But this happens in an ideal World. Couples break up and the offspring carry the effects of such a break up. Procreation involving single mothers, especially with repeated ‘procreation’, can hardly be classified as a fundamental role to producing future members of society. 5) Though the Church’s teachings traditionally condemned sexual activity which did simultaneously lead to a chance of procreation, this stance has been relaxed as there is a consensus that sexual activity contributes to a loving relationship. It is understandable that with traditional teachings the Church cannot allow homosexual sexual activity but this should not be any different from couples of whatever orientation having sexual activity without procreation. Would the Church condemn a heterosexual couple who cannot have children from experiencing sexual love? Sex without love is found within all sexual orientations. In a World where everyone strives to better his and her standard of living, elevating all the Worlds population to a desirable quality of life, even basic, is simply unsustainable simply because the required resources will not be enough, considering the reality that those who have more than what they need will not suddenly stop
If the church wants to get involved with dealings of the state, maybe it should form a political party. Then we will see if people want to live under short sighted doctrine
David Bongailas
This man is very interested in gay sexual activity. Aren't there more pressing issues for the church to discuss ?
‘Gays' sexual activity does not have a role within society’ – Auxiliary Bishop--- Nor does clerical pedophilia.
What is the Position of Mrg Scicluna on compensation for abused children in the Churches institution? And has it changed since he was in Rome and since he returned to Malta. On the other hand while I agree that Mgr Scicluna voices his or the church concern about, civil unions and marriages also the question of adoption, I do not see that it is ethical to pronounce himself against the Maltese Passport issue as both differ one is a Political issue while the other may be considered as a Theological matter. On the other hand dose Mgr Scicluna agree with the distribution of citizenship schemes that are in existence and have been used prior March 2013?
Mons Scicluna,jiena ma gejtx mistoqsi jekk jiena lilek irridikx jew le.Inti gejt impost fuqna stil fewdalista. nuqqas ta demokrazija mill knisja. Il gvern tieghi jiena gejt mistoqsi jekk irridux u allura huwa leggitimu li jghamel dak li hu ahjar.X'se tghamel int bl-APS,il profit li ghamlet il knisja min fuq il fidili,jew dan mhux dritt taghna li nkunu nafuh.X'se tghamel fuq il kwantita ta sacerdoti gay? allura dawn m'ghandhom rowl fis socjeta? x'se nghamel meta mmur il quddies u jkun qed iqaddes sacerdot mgharuf li huwa gay nitlaq il barra jew incempel lilek? Is sitwazzjoni tal knisja hija ferm ghar mill Mater Dei.Harsu lejn il quddies ta nhar ta hadd u tkun taf. Qrar xejn u tqarbin kju twil. X'se tghamel bil festi? fejnu rapport Gouder? Mons ejja nimxi bil parabbola li nghatu dak li hu ta Cesare u lill Alla dak li hu t'Alla. Il bqija qed tghamlu hafna hsara lill knisja li INT se tibda tindahal fejn mhux suppost. Nerga nghidlek m'ghandek l-ebda dritt titkellem ghalija ghax jien ma ghaziltikx.
Mullah Scicluna should maybe take a reality check. Sexual activity a part and parcel of the human nature - it is also there for mutual pleasure and not only for producing children. Indeed psychologically speaking loving sex makes a human being more balanced and a loving individual. Lack of sex on the other hand makes a person bitter and with an ill-disposition towards other humans. Maybe this is why our bishop misses no opportunity to spread so much hatred and is so pre-occupied with gay sex. He should listen to his own boss the pope and stop the nonsense. Hopefully the vatican will take him back and put him in some archive where he can get fatter and enjoy the company of other so-called 'celibate' men.
The church still thinks we are in the 1960s where the bishop would give an order and everyone would follow. People have minds of their own today. They can do their homework and they need no sermon or pastoral letter to tell them how to think. This was shown clearly in the divorce referendum. Let the gays have a normal life, after all it was God who created them the way they are!!!
It is persons like this bishop that will finally bring down the church. Had he been born a few hundred years earlier he would have made an excellent inquisitor,  torturing and burning at the stake anyone that disagreed with him. It is very curious that he happens to be the former Vatican child abuse prosecutor. With all the child abuse cases that are being discovered and that involved his fellow clergymen I begin to wonder why he was transferred from this post. Surely most victims of these clergymen are not satisfied with the justice they got. What is even worse is that the perception of the people at large is that the church's authorities are doing their best to hide and dismiss these cases instead of helping the victims their colleagues abused.
I applaud the Bishop's courage when all the rest of the West's leaders are eager to surrender every bit of civilization and decency at the behest of organized degeneracy. Lady Gaga, pride paraders, and the rest of the clowns have nothing to be proud of. In a civilized country (like Russia) they would be in prison.