New PBS reporters hollow out Labour newsroom

After exodus of journalists to ministries, PBS now takes in ‘election stragglers’

At the steps of Castille: One TV journalists on the day of Labour's swearing-in
At the steps of Castille: One TV journalists on the day of Labour's swearing-in

After ministers and parliamentary secretaries hoarded most of the Labour Party's experienced journalists at One TV, the newsroom has once again suffered another reduction in numbers with three of its journalists migrating to the Public Broadcasting Services.

Senior journalists Brandon Pisani, Rodney Vassallo and Dorothy Falzon are among the latest journalists to leave the Labour Party's television station.

The trio will be forming part of the state TV's newsroom, having answered a public call earlier in October.

It appears that journalists from Media.Link - the Nationalist Party's media company - also applied for the posts but did not make it.

One newsroom has already suffered an 'exodus' of journalists right after the March 2013 elections when most of its journalists - Charlon Gouder, Reuben Sciberras, Jonathan Attard, Ramona Attard, Anthony David Gatt, Lindsey Gambin, Wendy Borg, Melissa Vella and Glenn Bedingfield - joined various ministers as their communications coordinators.

PBS journalist, and former One TV journalist, Maria Muscat will be taking up the post of communications coordinator in George Vella's ministry of foreign affairs. His former spokesperson, Glenn Bedingfield, is responsible for events' logistics within the Office of the Prime Minister.

Former news manager Matthew Carbone was employed at the Office of the Prime Minister as deputy head of government communications.

Having already been the Labour Party's official spokesperson, Kurt Farrugia was immediately appointed as the government's head of communications. His assistant at the Labour headquarters, Randolph Debattista, joined the private secretariat of deputy prime minister Louis Grech.

Other junior journalists, part-timers and news anchors were employed within the various ministries and entities in different roles.

Yes we get it... all those who support the labour party are not qualified and not suitable for the job!thanks malta today for telling us that we cannot work in public entities just because we are not PN.... the pbs is flooded with nationalists but that is not a problem of caurse! Thank you! Shall I resign from my employment just because I am not a PN supporter? Shall I throw away my qualifications just because I am not a PN supporter?
Ejja fl-ahhar ghax kull darba nahsibni qlibtlu fuq IN-NET kull meta kont nara l'ahbarijiet jew xi program imtellgha mill Kamra ta' l'ahbarijiet tal-PBS! Forsi issa jkun hemm in-naqra BILANC MISTENNI wara ghexieren tas-snin , specjalment meta ghamel ETHNIC CLEANSING fix-Xandir FATHER JOE BEIRUT BORG f'wahda mir-riformi u konsulenzi li kien jiehu ;)
anything wrong with that maltatoday. we all know that journalists at one have gone through all the fire during the nationalist party administrations. we know how they were treated by both the then ministers, the media executives and above all by nationalist party thugs....and they all came out with flying colours. they are able to work out their assignments in all conditions so good luck to them. if they are labour leaning i am sure that this will not hamper their work and the impartiality this work entails. being a labour supporter should not bar you from anything if you have the necessary ability...good luck in your new employment guys........
Rita Pizzuto
Kos hux, jekk tkun bniedem ta' hila, imma Laburist m'ghandekx dritt timla' postijiet bhall-PBS. Qed ninsew kif in-Newsroom tal-PBS kienet/ghada milija b'nies eks NET u Radio 101? F'mohh bhalissa jiguni mill-inqas erbgha: Ketih Demicoli, Xuereb, Bonello, Antoinette (ma nafx kunjom balissa)....u aktar. Dawn biss il-kapaci ghax kienu mill-media nazzjonalista? Jekk min dahal issa b'applikazzjoni mhux kapaci, allura nehhuhom. Imma jekk le... issaportu!
What's the deal ? Many ex-NET journalists ( I have counted at least 3 or 4) ended up with PBS. The article here fails to mention this. Now it's time to balance out the act!
kemm int bravu BUZ, nies b il mentalita tieghek jitfghu lil malta lura ghal medju evu
@ clacil. Sorry imma dawn ghamlu applicazjoni u intazlu. X'hemm hazin. Fejn hi il politica? Trid thgid li One Radio kellu hafna nies tajba fil gurnalizmu jahdmu miehgu.
And those who were discriminated and suffered injustices under the PN Governments are still waiting for justice to be made. Various declarations have been said in the election campaign, including from the Prime Minister and Deputy Leaders. And yet nothing happened so far - 8 months after the election.
@kukkanja-- Why in hell do you listen to Campus FM. It is a total waste of electricity. If you want to listen to something bearable, get yourself a Logitech Squeezebox and listen to internet radio, then you don't have to bother yourself with the local garbage at all.
LEAVE TVM alone! Everytime a government changes doesn't mean we have to change everything! ... PBS was doing fine, it was improving. Why everything runs on politics in Malta, xi dwejjaq ta' pajjiz u nies!! The government is there for everyone and not for the running party and its people only! and Im referring to Everyone not PL biss
Its a good move as there should be a mix of journalists coming from different political parties. As things stand right now PBS is full of Ex Net TV reporters and we all know how objective these are when it comes to reporting: whatever Labour says is bad: PN's angelic! I would go further, perhaps TVM 2 should be 'controlled' by the opposition and so people would hear the other side of the story, though hopefully, they won't have as directors the likes of Norman Vella, Peppi Father Borg or Professor Joe Pirotta! Truly I am fed up with the hypocrisy emanating from Net TV and other faceless PN politicians who never felt any qualms when it came to 'their' biased reporting fro 25 years, and now 'qalbhom' perzuta! Even Campus FM needs a reform: the same people, the same partisan reporting: instead of making you think Campus FM wants you make to vomit! Are Father Borg and Pirotta the only people capable of opening their mouth at the University? Does Campus FM reflect the mediocrity of our university? Perhaps the Rector does not know about the partisan outbursts that listeners have to listen to day out day in? Its like Net or One radio, but at least the political radios are there to brain wash but the University's radio is there to do what exactly: brain wash too?
Bravi ilkoll, ghalhekk il poplu ivvota fl-ahhar elezzjoni ghal bidla.