Less red tape at MEPA ‘but not at the expense of accountability’ – Falzon

MEPA launches information campaign aimed at raising awareness on simplification of red tape for both start-ups and established businesses.

Parliamentary secretary for planning Michael Falzon
Parliamentary secretary for planning Michael Falzon

Parliamentary secretary for planning Michael Falzon said the simplification of red tape should not take place at the expense of accountability and that accountability and transparency should be enhanced.

"The drive for the revision of policies and the simplification of administrative procedure still requires requires transparency and accountability," Falzon said.

MEPA has now launched 'Businessense', an information campaign aimed at raising awareness on the simplification of red tape for both start-up and established businesses.

"We are reviewing policies, providing a more efficient service and keeping our word that this is a pro-business administration," Falzon said during a media briefing at Smart City.

MEPA chairman Vince Cassar said the setting up of a new Business Development Unit within the Planning Directorate was providing a more efficient and business-oriented service for applicants who decide to start up or continue to expand their commercial activities.

"We are aware that the country's economy partly depends on MEPA and it's efficiency. It is the economy that ultimately suffers if we don't help alleviate the burdens businesses face," Cassar said.

The first initiative MEPA embarked on was to revise the development permit fees where commercial tariffs were reduced by up to 34%, while a capping for major projects was cut by 50% to half a million euros. To encourage the regeneration of village cores, works associated with rehabilitation of old or scheduled buildings are exempt from having to pay a planning application fee.

A business development unit was set up to replace the old system of commercial development being assessed by different area teams. This new unit gives focus to small and medium enterprises and provides a focal point within MEPA for the commercial sector. A 20% increase increase in applications was registered, surpassing the Authority's expectations.