3,377 new members join General Workers Union in last 11 months

Secretary General Tony Zarb to step down in October 2015

3,377 new members joined the General Workers Union in the past 11 months, according to Secretary General Tony Zarb.

Zarb was speaking at an activity organized by the Pensioners’ Group in the GWU.

The number did not include the hundreds of members in the disciplined corps that are expected to join the Union once the law allowing them union representation comes into force.

Zarb said that such a high rate of new membership confirmed the relevance of unions today. “Membership from every sector is increasing, including pensioners,” he said.

Zarb will step down from his post in October 2015 and will be replaced by Josef Bugeja. “I am convinced that Bugeja will find support from everyone, including the pensioners. Leadership of a union like the GWU is not easy and cannot be done without help,” Zarb said.

“I am honoured to have lead the GWU for the past 16 years.”