Partit Demokratiku calls for commissioner for standards in public life

The party said it was the fourth time it was making such a call, insisting it was time for the country’s politicians to be put under greater scrutiny

PD leader Anthony Buttigieg
PD leader Anthony Buttigieg

The Democratic Party has once again called for the appointment of a Commissioner for Standards in Public Life that would see to it that actions by members of parliament are more thoroughly scrutinised.

Addressing a press conference in front the of the law courts this morning, newly elected leader Anthony Buttigieg stressed that despite a new legal framework governing such standards, there was nobody to enforce it.

Insisting that people’s trust in politicians was rapidly plummeting, Buttigieg said the PD was again appealing for a commissioner to be put in place in order to stem disapproval of the actions of some parliamentarians.

Turning to the Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence Act, Buttigieg said the PD agreed with the lowering of the age of consent, but called on authorities to introduce a transition period to allow for proper education to allow people to make the right decisions for themselves.