THINK magazine FREE with MaltaToday on Sunday

The fiery new edition delves into solar energy technology, climate change, dementia, ALS, the Maltese language and more

THINK magazine, published quarterly, contains recent news, interviews, opinions, and features on various topics from science to culture, portrayed in a digestible manner for students, academics, and curious readers alike.

The research magazine will now now be distributed for FREE with MaltaToday, and is available to pick up on University of Malta campus.

Each edition carries a unique theme, and issue 22 focuses on fire and heat energy – featuring a talk on solar power generation, a piece explaining heat treatment for improving gears, and an article on international efforts to combat climate change, among many other segments bound to ignite readers’ interest.

But the 70+ page magazine goes beyond physics and climatology. With a number of opinion pieces on topics ranging from domestic violence to the circular economy, as well as a section specifically for students, this edition of THINK magazine truly is on fire.

To top it off, the publication concludes with a handy to-do-list for students on who to follow, what to listen to, read, and watch this month – making it the ideal read for young people looking to expand their horizons.