Shortlist for National Book Prize and Terramaxka Prize 2018 announced
A total of 40 books - 25 for the National Book Prize 2018 and 15 for the Terramaxka 2018 - have been shortlisted out of a total of 172 entries
The National Book Council has released the National Book Prize 2018 Shortlist for books published in 2017.
The finalists were chosen yesterday during a formal meeting between the Adjudication Board at the NBC premises in Floriana. The selection process started on 11 May, with a total of 172 entries, out of which 40 have been shortlisted – 25 for the NBP 2018 Shortlist and 15 for the Terramaxka 2018 Shortlist.
Two of the shortlisted novels are debut novels by well-known local poets: Ir-rota daret dawra (kważi) sħiħa by Nadia Mifsud and Tħabbat Xtaqtek by Gioele Galea.
The Adjudication Board will now be selecting the winners of the Book Prize for each separate category in both adult literature (National Book Prize) and children’s literature (Terramaxka Prize). The winners of the Terramaxka Prize will be announced on Tuesday 6 November at the official opening of the Malta Book Festival 2018. The winners of the National Book Prize will be announced on 30 November during the award-giving ceremony, which will be held at Auberge de Castille under the patronage of the Prime Minister.
Novels in Maltese and English:
- Ir-rota daret dawra (kważi) sħiħa by Nadia Mifsud (Merlin Publishers)
- Kapitali by Wayne Flask (Merlin Publishers)
- Rokit by Loranne Vella (Merlin Publishers)
- Love in the time of the Inquisition by Lou Drofenik (Horizons)
- It-Tawmaturgu: il-ħmura ta' filgħaxija by Mark Anthony Fenech (Horizons)
- L-Iżvijati by Walid Nabhan (Klabb Kotba Maltin)
- Tħabbat xtaqtek: djarju mill-eremitaġġ by Gioele Galea (Horizons)
- It-Taàr: Distopja, l-ewwel ktieb by John A. Bonello (Serafin Books)
Poetry in Maltese and English:
- Ġenesi: Poeżiji 2007-2016 by Achille Mizzi (Horizons)
- Xewqat tal-passa: Poeżiji 2008-2016 by John P. Portelli (Horizons)
- Erbgħin jum by Antoine Cassar (EDE Books)
General Research :
- Woven Splendour: The Tapestries of the Conventual Church of the Knights of Malta by Cynthia de Giorgio (Midsea Books)
- Birds of the Maltese Islands (Nature Guide Series) by Natalino Fenech (BDL)
- Gozo and the Grand Tour by Thomas Freller (Midsea Books)
- Kaxxa infernali: dizzjunarju tal-logħob tan-nar b'iktar minn 1200 terminu by Carlston Grima (Klabb Kotba Maltin)
- Spiritual Direction with the Divine Milieu: Insights of Pierre Teilhard du Chardin by Mary Anne Sultana
- Curtain Up! by Paul Xuereb (Midsea Books)
Biological and Historiographical Research:
- L-istorja tal-Partit Laburista by Francis Galea (SKS Publishers)
- Ritratti ta' tfuliti by Reno Muscat (Faraxa Publishing)
- ''Kollni kemm jien għalikom'': Il-ħajja mqanqla ta' Mikiel Gonzi u żminjietna (1885-1984) by Louis Cilia (Klabb Kotba Maltin)
- A visual guide to the fortifications of Malta by Stephen C. Spiteri (BDL)
- Minn fomm il-poplu by Guido Lanfranco (Klabb Kotba Maltin)
- Il-Maltin: għemilhom, drawwiethom, ġrajjiethom: L-ewwel volum by Steve Borg (Klabb Kotba Maltin)
- Sal-quċċata tal-Everest by Marco Cremona and Glen Calleja (Merlin Publishers)
- Birżebbuġa...storja u kultura by Conrad D'Amato and Matthew Balzan (Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa)
Original Works: Books for children (Ages 0-7):
- Imeldina u l-uċuħ by Sandra Hili Vassallo (Merlin Publishers)
- Ġanni jżur Londra by Sherise Zammit (Merlin Publishers)
- Is-sinjura Klaws by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)
- Mamà, allura din imħabba? by Moira Scicluna Zahra and Mark Scicluna (Merlin Publishers)
- Dar dida għal Ġużi by Clare Azzopardi and Rachel Portelli (Merlin Publishers)
- Super Nina by Clare Azzopardi and Rachel Portelli (Merlin Publishers)
- We're the New Superheroes by Sabrina Mulligan (Faraxa Publications)
Original Works: Books for children (Ages 8-12)
- Jissokta l-Każ tal-Aħwa ta' Saver u Ludmilla de Molizz by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)
- Il-vjaġġaturi taż-żmien by Simone Spiteri (Merlin Publishers)
- Il-misteru tal-għoġol tad-deheb by Ruth Frendo (Pro Motion)
Original Works: Books for adolescents (Ages 13-16)
- Jarmuk by Stephen Lughermo (Horizons)
- F'xatt id-destin by Ivan De Battista (BDL)
Translation: Books for children (ages 0-7)
- Kukkużejt by Rachel Portelli (Merlin Publishers)
- Babù: il-ħuta-buffu by Clare Azzopardi (Merlin Publishers)
- Magni taż-żmien by Claudia Gauci (Merlin Publishers)
Translation: Books for children (ages 8-12)
- Il-kulleġġ għall-prinċipijiet perfetti by Noel Tanti (Merlin Publishers)