WATCH | MCAST students launch racing car prototype
MCAST team Skuderija Dinamika launches racing car prototype to race in competition in Parma, 2016

A group of Mechanical Engineering students at MCAST have launched a prototype of the body and frame of the racing car they designed.
“The racing car will be competing against other cars created by educational entities on a racing track in Parma, Italy in 2016,” team leader Matthew Fenech said.
Fenech explained that the car was a result of the efforts of the team of 18 students from various levels within the school.
“The launch is meant to show the public what students at MCAST are capable of,” Fenech added, explaining that the project had provided students with a unique opportunity to practise some of the theory they’ve learnt in their lessons.
Fenech also said that the project, had been carried out outside of school hours, but that it had helped a few of the students in their studies, with some students even focusing their thesis on it.
“The project started last summer, and we invite and urge other students to join the team and contribute to the project,” Fenech said.
Transport minister Joe Mizzi and Education minister Evarist Bartolo presented their sponsorships for the projects at the launch earlier today, and they pledged that the government would ensure funding for the project as best they could.
Addressing the students, Mizzi explained that he had recently seen a similar project carried out by University of Malta students and that he had seen no difference in the capabilities of the students.
“A project like this gives you a unique opportunity to build team working skills and to use the latest technology, which our industry depends on,” Mizzi said.
Bartolo said that the project was valuable as it presented an opportunity for the students to work together and solve problems together.
“The aim of initiatives like Education Plus falls in line with the project,” he said explaining that spreading the knowledge and expertise of students was at the core of such projects.
MCAST Prinicipal and CEO Stephen Cachia said that the project was a result of a collaboration process between the students themselves and the Directors of the educational facility.
“The project highlights the teaching and practical aspects that can be enjoyed at MCAST,” Cachia said.
MCAST president Silvio De Bono said that such a project showed the public the college’s ambitions to broaden the students’ talents and skills, while at the same time offering them the opportunity to specialize in the future.