Immigration and the return of European elections

As the European Parliamentary elections come closer, we can expect more sudden appearances of 'European' issues and populist rhetoric.

The Labour government is calling for a stronger degree of solidarity and responsibility sharing by EU institutions and member states on the immigration issue.

On the other hand, the usage of populist rhetoric by the same government, as if Malta was facing some impending migration crisis, is simply not on. This can only act as an incentive for far-right xenophobes to raise their demands in the upcoming European Parliament elections. Or maybe Labour is attempting to court such voters.

If this is the case, I hope that progressive Labour MEP candidates - and, for the matter, candidates of other parties - refuse to participate in such populist electioneering.

Unless they want to fuel the far right sentiment, parties and candidates should put forward viable and socially just proposals which can be negotiated with other governments, and, with political parties with whom they are affiliated. Negotiating skills are essential in this regard.

I appeal to the media to give more prominence to the calls of NGOs to the informed knowledge of experts on migration, and above all to the voices of migrants themselves. Such knowledge is essential for informed policy-making. One should also note that much academic research has been carried out on migration at the University of Malta. Is our Minister for National Security consulting such research?

As the European Parliamentary elections come closer, we can expect more sudden appearances of 'European' issues. We can also expect the increased articulation of populist rhetoric, ranging from crass nationalism to discourse of some heavenly manna which can solve problems in Maltese society. From one fantasy to the other, the spectacle will increasingly gain momentum.

And what does Simon says..... or used to say? Simon says CUT OUT THE HYPOCISY and we say CUT OUT THE HYPOCRICY Simon!
Mr Briguglio, defending your country and people against a massive illegal immigrants is not racism and xenophobia. It is reality.
NGOs means non-governmental organisations, that is, they do not govern. If NGOs want to govern they should form a political party and stand for election. The same goes for academic researchers. In a democracy the will of the people is supreme and it must be followed.
This is not populism but listening to the people. If you look at the general outcry you will note thatthat the concern and anger came right across the politica from extreme left to middle of the roaders to extreme right and is an expression of pure nationalism and love of the country not xenophobia. I have seen the ordinary people treat the irregulars who came before and when I compare their lot with that of irregulars in Spain and Italy I would say we are more than generous. What do expect a PM to do but listen to the heartfelt concern of the people. You were one of those who heavily criticised the PN for not listening to the people on the divorce issue. However like many AD members you have a very selective attitude when it comes to espouse the feelings of ordinary
Dr Michael Briguglio I think you are the same man that said that anybody sitting illegally on public land should be evacuated? Of course you did, but neither Government agreed with you because, if either one of them did such a thing they would have lost a lot of votes. So neither Government wanted to rock the boat as they say. Now this Government wants to do something right to protect the Maltese people and you object to that? Why not ask the people most effected by these illegal immigrants, like Birzebbugia, Marsa, Hal Safi how they feel? Pretty soon most of the towns and villages will be taken over by the illegal immigrants and then you propose to do what? It is very easy for you and everybody else to talk as long as they are not in your back yard. But then it might be too late to do anything about it Dr Briguglio, and that goes for the rest of the supposedly sympathizers. Joseph Muscat might have enough guts to do what the other Government did not. Malta and the Maltese are the priority here Dr.
MALTA U L-MALTIN L'EWWEL FUQ L'AGENDA xejn anqas u xejn aktar! B'liema lenti qedha tahres lejn din is-sitwazzjoni din l'MEP ? Trid thares lejn din is-sitwazzjoni mil-LENTI TAC-CITTADINI MALTIN , ta' uliedhom u tal-futur taghna u ta' uliedna! NATIONAL INTEREST FIRST AND FOREMOST! ~ THIS IS THE WAY FORWARD FOR THE MALTESE ~ Our future is at stake! Xi hadd irrid jibghat messagg li MALTA mhux tapit! Hemm il-futur taghna u ta' uliedna u fuq kollox ta' MALTA fin-nofs li ghandha tibqa tal-Maltin! Sewwa qieghed jghamel il-Prim Ministru u min immur kontrih ma ghandhux l'interess tal-pajjiz imma AGENDA PARTIGGANA!
Pushbacks? Yes, let's push back racism.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
@il-bully The fact that you ended your comment showing support for someone who's for mass ethnic cleansing, violent retribution on political opponents and Holocaust denial, proves Michael Briguglio right. Unless people like Muscat are careful with their words, we risk having people like these getting in public. And believe me it will be ugly, very ugly.
Mr. Michael, Believe me if you like what I am to write or if you do not I do care! To me your very last line say it all. 'From one fantasy to the other, the spectacle will increasingly gain momentum'. If that is how you see it I do not wonder why Alternativa can not move on. I am sick of both parties but I rather do not vote than vote to people with such weird ideas. How can you say fantasy when in reality Muslims are built a Secondary school, when few years ago they were a silent group? don't we have enough non sent from our self elected Christians gospel authorities. Let me make myself clear to you Sir, I do not know Norman Lowell but if he or anyone of his party will come out, he get my vote. This is the one and only way this supposed Union of opportunists learn that we the people have spoken. Of course you still have people like you wonder in wonder fairy land.