Phoney Christians applauding a phoney liberal

Muscat’s exploitation of weakness and his continuing to fan the flames of racism have exposed us as a nation of phoney Christians applauding a phoney progressive liberal and democratic socialist. Our country has been exposed as a horde of egoists

One could easily dismiss the poor show of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat last Tuesday as an attempt at Mintoffian-style brinkmanship that went awry. The idea of pushing back to Libya a number of migrants within less than 24 hours of their having landed in Malta was just a threat - to push the EU into doing something about the annual mass exodus of refugees from the Libyan coast, with a fraction of them ending up in this fair land.

A day after his failed 'attempt' to deport a group of 45 asylum seekers without giving them a chance to apply for protection, Muscat, on Wednesday, said the European Union had to take Malta's immigration burden more seriously and justified his threat by insisting that all he wanted was for Europe "to wake up and smell the coffee". He even tried to glean some kudos from the fact that Malta had observed an interim ruling of the European Court of Human Rights prohibiting the deportation of these migrants. Incidentally, contrary to what many seem to believe, this court is not an EU institution and binds all 47 member states of the Council of Europe, which are contracting parties to the European Convention of Human Rights. The latter has the status of an international treaty. That Malta had to have a ruling from the EHCR to do the right thing is nothing to be proud of.

Even if he was just bluffing, Muscat's tactics are hardly defensible. Using fellow human beings and their future as pawns in some political chess game is not on. We expect respect from others because we are human beings, but this is not a one-way right. There is also a moral obligation for all of us to respect other human beings and their dignity. This obligation was ignored and undermined by Muscat's decision to 'leave all options open' - options that included an illegal and irresponsible pushback.

I am afraid that Muscat's motives are even worse. I think his 'policy' on illegal immigrants is simply a blatant exploitation of one of the worse negative traits in the Maltese psyche - racism. The majority of Maltese people are racist when it comes to their relationship with Africans. There are historical reasons for the racism, but that is no redeeming feature.

What interests Muscat is just his popularity rating, rather than whether he is doing what is right. His apparent bullying tactics against immigration strike the 'right' chord among many Maltese, as was very evident this week. People are applauding Muscat for showing a lack of respect for human dignity. His exploitation of weakness and his continuing to fan the flames of racism have exposed us as a nation of phoney Christians applauding a phoney progressive liberal and democratic socialist. Our country has been exposed as a horde of egoists following an opportunist who uses their blatant racist feelings for populism without principles.

Positions that are inherently wrong remain inherently wrong even if the majority supports them. Lynching is inherently wrong irrespective of the size of the mob that agrees with it.

Refusing to give the chance to immigrants to ask for refugee status is inherently wrong, irrespective of how many Maltese people agree with this stance and irrespective of the increase in Muscat's popularity that it provokes.

I have long realised that for the Maltese, religion is a very superficial attribute with morals and respect for human dignity not figuring in the practice of their so-called religious beliefs. Hypocrisy is the name of the game, and this becomes so evident in episodes such as the events of last Tuesday.

Ironically, Muscat's worst moment had the support of many - all phoney Christians who think loving one's neighbour is the least important tenet of Christianity or who are still ignorant of who their neighbour is. The feeble statement issued by the bishops last Tuesday did not help matters, of course.

When a legal expert - probably of Maltese extraction - asked Jesus, 'Who is my neighbour?', Jesus related the parable of the good Samaritan. It is the story of a man who was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers and left for dead. A priest and a Levite, who happened to be going down the same road, crossed to the other side and ignored him. But a Samaritan took pity on him and helped him. After recounting the story, Jesus asked, "Which of these three do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The legal expert replied, "The one who had mercy on him".

"Go and do likewise", Jesus replied.

The choice of a Samaritan as the protagonist of the story is no coincidence. Samaritans were considered a low class of people by the Jews, since they had intermarried with non-Jews and did not keep all the laws. Therefore, Jews would have nothing to do with them. Tellingly, when the Samaritan helped the injured man, he did not consider the man's race or religion.

The many racists among us, who have no qualms about all kinds of foreigners 'invading our country and taking our jobs', so long as they are not black Africans, try to mask their racism by quoting their fake respect for the law and by faking patriotism. The two who ignored the good Samaritan were full of respect for the law and to Jewish traditions. Patriotism, after all, 'is the last refuge of the scoundrel', as Samuel Johnson once put it.

In the run-up to the election, Muscat sold himself as a progressive liberal heading a national movement that lured the support of people from different parts of the political spectrum (with his Malta tagħna lkoll slogan) but without in any way compromising the basic tenets of the Labour Party. He said this movement encompassed liberals and progressives, who would be respected and fulfil their dream of Malta as a modern European state with him heading the government. What Muscat did last Tuesday exposed the phoney nature of his claim. He has now, unashamedly and misguidedly, compromised his political beliefs for the sake of gaining some points in the popularity stakes. In so doing, he has unwittingly supported and abetted the obnoxious racism of the majority of the Maltese people.

I wonder what Martin Schultz and all the others in the Party of European Socialists now think of Joseph Muscat. His actions this week make him a more comfortable partner and colleague of the European right: the Austrian Freedom Party, the Greek party Golden Dawn of Nikolaos Michaloliakos, the Italian Lega Nord of Umberto Bossi and Roberto Maroni and the UK Independence Party of Nigel Farage. The populist attraction to these right-wingers has the same magnetic qualities as Joseph Muscat's silly portrayal of himself leading the Maltese by defending their homeland against the black invasion.

Muscat might have scored some populist points with the local prejudiced mob this week but, internationally, his ideological outlook is in tatters.

Maybe you are the phoney one.
We all remember the racist PN against the Arabs especially Libyans. Today they have gone through a 360 degrees? Pn diehards, Net News and PN newspapers plus the notorious blogger and her gang- practice a political apartheid against Labourites, yet their heart bleeds for the illegal immigrants? Wait till these start to live at Sliema and then we will see where their bleeding would take them! Political refugees should be given all the help and solidarity; the others,who throw papers away because they have something to hide and are not bona fide refugees should be repatriated to where they came from. We have no space,time, money for illegal immigrants.
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Mil-hafna kummenti vojta li jidhru hawn jidher car li l-verita' twegga..Min jibda sentenza " ....jien mhux razzist, imma......! generalment huwa razzist
All I can say about the authot of this article "Hypocrit Christian insulting his country"
Better a phoney Christiana than a lying one. Who said tha Busietta Gardens is only 1 storey high? I rest my case
I am amazed that the Prime Minister saw fit to appoint this PN bureaucratic discard on any board. This appointment will come back to bite the PM in the ass. Now this rejected Member of Parliament & Incompetent Minister has turned his attention and whatever Christian values he possesses towards the illegal immigrants that are infesting this island. One must acknowledge that these Christian values are quickly forgotten when your business depends on outright slavery and cheap labor. No matter how much money the EU is prepared to offer Malta because Malta is not for sale and has room only for the Maltese and their dependents. Malta cannot be sold to accommodate regimes and undemocratic governments ruled by fanatical terrorist religious organizations. There is not enough money in the EU to buy the damage that the influx of illegal immigrants is inflicting upon Maltese society and the burden of future commitments if they are allowed to remain here.
ps Not populist but popular. Seems that his popularity is getting on the nerves of all PN diehards.
avatar , , , , , , Enough Mr Falzun?
And this is Australia earlier today not tiny insignificant Malta!
Sir, As I am surprised that my two posts on this subject must have been lost in saber space, something that I find very odd with maltatoday, can I at least wish Mr. Falzon well for his new found guidance. HA!
Why am I not surprised by Mr. Falzon's writing? Because the construction industry is benefitting most from these poor souls! Who is doing the dirtiest and most dangerous jobs in Malta? Who is earning the least for such workj? Is that Christianity Mr. Falzon?
Phoney are all Nationalists, pseudo Gods, and fake Catholics like Michael Falzon. Maltatoday has turned as an anti-government Newspaper. This douchebag of Michael Falzon should be fired from any post he holds for calling our PM who had the balls to take a stand against this illegal invasion something which his Simple Simone and the useless Gonzi failed miserably in.
A populist decision? Hekk tahseb Mr Falzon?
A populist decision? Hekk tahseb Mr Falzon?
Try as you might to promote MALTATODAY as the voice of democracy & transparency in Malta, it is clear that your censorship of numerous comments on this opinion has exposed your paper as another means of muzzling your readers and the real frustrated feelings of the population. Shame on you.
Sur Falzon, jekk ma hareg xejn tajjeb mili gara dan lahhar regward limigrazjoni irregulari, il PRIM MINISTRU ta Malta, qanqal lilek u xi erghba IPPOKRITI bhalek biex forsi lewwel darba fhajitkom haristu lejn il bibja, ghax zgur li inti bli tikteb u kif kont taggixxi meta kont ministru ma konc timxi ma li tajt il Bibja.
As time goes by, one can see that the only thing that went awry is the opinion of this writer who, maybe to his disappointment, is realising that Dr Muscat's strategy and efforts are bringing results in Europe, in Libya and in the Mediterranean. It seems as if the old, abandoned Christian Democracy sometimes makes feeble efforts to cry: I am still here, you know!
Reading this makes you wonder, who’s phoney? Do you not hail from that ‘anti racist’ party that sent 220 Eritreans back to be victimised, tortured and downright murdered a decade ago? Are you not from that same ‘anti racist’ party that in the run up of the last general election produced racists’ billboards of red and blue faces, fanning the flames of racism among the Maltese themselves? Of course these people should be respected and have their dignity respected! But are they getting of that by housing them like chickens in overcrowded cages, as they are at the moment in the detention centres? Do you seriously belief that this relentless invasion of illegal immigration, irrelevant of the colour of the skin, origin or religion, is sustainable? Do you think the burden sharing is fair as it stands and as it has been accepted by your party? And as a devoted Christian, and you have to be to know the bible like that or else you have been to last Sunday’s Mass, either way leads one to conclude that you are a practising Christian, which one are you the Samaritan or the priest, preaching from your high horse? How many of these poor souls are you giving a decent living and housing, to aide with their dignity and respect? Talk of populist columnist and faking morals!
Phoney christians should have been aimed at the developers and some of the employers, because it is them who are encourage the flow of illegal immigrants into the country for the simple reason that they can employ them for long hours and paying them peanuts. The PN is doing a big disservice to the country. The Prime Minister is giving priority to the well being and the security as is his job to do so. The fact the PN is so weak in this regard that it will only increase his "populist" stand towards the problem.
One can modify the text and rename it 'the Christian Democrats that never were' and explore the way the former PN administration handled the question of illegal immigration or using the then popular term of 'klandestini'. Surely our PM cudn't have created this wave of racism in the 120 days since stepping into office. Fact is both our major parties have been and are still using this situation to gain political momentum and the fear they have installed in our nation is being amplified out of all proportions. All of this is a legacy of the Gonzi era even if he would rather pass the goblet of shame to his successor in office.
Simply one of the best articles I've read since arriving here two years ago... not only in its content but also in its impeccable style. Bravo Mr Falzon for saying the truth so bluntly.
U halik mir-religjon Perit. Mhux kulhadd jaf li l-unika religjon ghal hafna nies, Maltin inkluzi huma l-flus? Il-maggoranza tal-Maltin ma jaqblux mieghek u inti suppost taf li dak li jrid il-poplu hu dak li jridu l-Allat -Vox popli vox Dei. Issa gej terga' tqabbez Ir-Religio et patri inti wkoll? U l-hmieg li ghamel il-PN, dak kollu Mqaddes kien allura, allavolja hafna minnhu ma kontx taqbel mieghu int specjalment lejn l-ahhar? Qatt ma tkellimt b'dan il-mod goff kontra l-hmieg tal-PN u issa qieghed tikritika xi haga tajba li ghamel il-PL. Kun kredibli ghal darba.
Tipikament nazzjonalist. Meta tigu daharkom mal-hajt u biex minghalikom tirbhu l-argument izzefnu r-religjon fin-nofs. Sa fejn naf jien il-Kristjanizmu ma jridx divorzju, mhux hekk Falzon? Issa qed tipprova terfa' s-salib u timxi warajh jew? Ipokrita iehor. Ghidilna x'kienet l-opinjoni tieghek meta fl-2002 EFA baghat (mhux ikkunsidra li jibghat bhal Muscat)l-immigranti illegali lejn l-Eritrea?
To who ever censured my first mail I say thank you. I only reiterated an eye for an eye. As I respect the editor final judgement. Can I simply be allowed to say Mr. MF, you are convincing nobody other then yourself if you are. We simple mortals ask where the bloody hell do you stand?
I agree with Falke that these irregular landings have been an Epiphany for many to rediscover their faith and Christian ethics and values. In a sense it is a classic example of our mentality and political hypocrisy. There must be many types such as PN lawyers,political beneficiaries and political priests who suddenly forgot their previous lack of Christian concern with our local under privileged. Whilst I respect the opinion ,even if naive, of those humanists and true liberals who have a track record and principles of open arm welcome the hypocrisy of the other types make me cringe. As I said previously noted there are situations where national concern should be supreme. It is also only possible to find an acceptable solution if all avenues are explored. Persisting in a supine or docile way to seek burden sharing by all EU members simply does not work in real international politics.
I just dont care what you and other bloggers keep repeating without offering a different solution, for me and the majority Dr. Muscat is right on this issue.
What a glorious load of drivel. At last Michael Falzon has exuded his frustration, rancour and vexation towards Joseph Muscat. I do not blame him, being trashed by a margin of 36,000 votes is just awesome impossible to come to terms with. According to Mike Joseph Muscat is a racist because he threatened to send back 54 Libyans back home. Based on the same syllogism what is Fenech Adam a high ranking officer of the Ku Klux Klan since he actually sent back 200 Eritreans back to their homeland knowing that they will face torture. Did Mike write something about this caper? On the same argument Simon Busuttil is a converted racist since he was all in favour of the Italian pushbacks. Now it seems he saw the light. As regards brinkmanship your party does not have what it takes. Brinkmanship needs courage and mettle. Attributes your Party never had it always thrived on deviousness and lies. Anyway you don’t count an iodate. In fact you are becoming just a silly old man just like KMB. What counts is not your nonsense but the fact that today Joseph Muscat has met the Italian PM Letta and talked with the Greek premier Samaras. These two agreed with Joseph Muscat that the immigration problem has to be is serious and has to be addressed sooner rather than later. So for old time sake, UP YOURS MICHAEL FALZON.
Well written, subscribe to every word. Which is why as a long time agnostic I loathe being preached to by my compatriots for not embracing their same "values and beliefs".
I would say then that Edddie Fenech Adami and Tonio Borg were also phoney liberals having built their reputation on rights. Perhaps they are worse since they actually implemented a push back policy on more than one occasion. But of course now it is Labour in government so everything is not only wrong but people come out of crevices to claim the moral high ground. I do not agree with a push back policy under ANY circumtance but please spare me the hypocrisy.
John Mifsud
It's an ill wind that blows no good. This charade has led to Michael Falzon and no less than DCG finding Jesus.
Speaking of egoists you are a good example of one. You foul mouthed gonzipn for your own reasons, accepted a nomination by Joseph Muscat and now you are playing the good Samaritan. Who was the guy who lied about the Busietta gardens and said they are floor high if you look from one side but 6 if from another. Who is the guy who gave the two finger salute to journalists as he was entering PBS, then Xandir Malta (a case of racism of the political kind)? Yes Mr Falzon if anyone can talk of egoism you are quite qualified.
I, suggest that until a long term solution is found to this immigrants problem, the government should initiates an educational exercise to integrate these people by locating an area ( open centre ) at least in each district.
I agree that we are by and large phony Christians, that is why Libya finds no qualms about sending Muslim Africans to overwhelm us and cause division about what is the best way to tackle this undesired problem, until we are squabbling the problem becomes bigger. Our strategic geographical position is both our strength and our weakness, where bigger nations have their overt and covert agendas for us. I also agree that when it comes to the colour of a person’s skin we talk and behave in a xenophobic way and we really need to address these fears (to overcome them) at a national level, starting at schools, all the more so because we also have coloured children who have been adopted by Maltese families, and wounds left unattended tend to grow and fester. PS. The good Samaritan took the wounded victim to an inn, not to his ‘flatlet’ (that would be reserved for ‘paying’ foreign students,) assuming that once his expenses had been paid for and his wounds were healed he would continue his journey to wherever he was going, and not, to expect to find a job at the inn, or that the good Samaritan would call on him again and see if he needed more of his goodness. Even a family relative becomes annoying, to say the least, if they overstay their welcome. First aid yes, imposition by ‘law’ to become an unlawful resident we simply cannot afford irrespective of colour, race or religion, or sexual orientation!
Speaking of egoists you are a good example of one. You foul mouthed gonzipn for your own reasons, accepted a nomination by Joseph Muscat and now you are playing the good Samaritan. Who was the guy who lied about the Busietta gardens and said they are floor high if you look from one side but 6 if from another. Who is the guy who gave the two finger salute to journalists as he was entering PBS, then Xandir Malta (a case of racism of the political kind)? Yes Mr Falzon if anyone can talk of egoism you are quite qualified.
Muscat might have scored some populist points with the local prejudiced mob this week but, internationally, his ideological outlook is in tatters.<<<<<<<
Sorry Mr Falzon, but either I am thick or this a grand socio-philosophic piece worthy of faculty study. Us simpletons ask a simple question ...Can the migrant situation be sustained by Malta alone?....and The last government tried in the nice way AND FAILED MISERABLY to a point where in the Fenech Adami time pushbacks were exercised which resulted in about 200 Eritreans being murdered. So after your piece WHAT IS THE CONCRETE SOLUTION sir?
@ Ant. Vella . Kemm ser iddum tirrepeti l- istess diska ? Hamrina wiccna il Gvern tieghek meta baght lil emigranti l-ERETREA .
Mela qed taghmluli sarima?
I fail to see the point in this piece. Is it really in the interest of Africa to open the borders of Europe as it is proposed here? Or just very shortsighted sentimentalism? Recall that: 1. The conditions of poverty and violence which these immigrants flee are very general in large parts of Africa; millions would want to move today if they could. No way half the African population could be made happy in Europe. 2. Those who come do so whole sustaining criminal networks of human trafickers and these networks would see explosive growth if the proposal was followed 3. And for the same reason, those who come have been able to pay the gangs and are thus likely to be among the more ressourceful, meaning that the "good samaritan" gets to help the richer and drain the African continent of money and stronger people. No, encouraging illegal means of immigration leads to disaster for everyone. Rather advocate controlled immigration under secure transportation and integration conditions, and at a pace where Europe as a whole is able to follow. Being a "good Samaritan" is not to commit suicide. Saying that is ... Hypocracy, a bit refined but...
The commendable stance taken by PM has nothing to do with racism but stands to reason. Whilst respecting the principle of diversity given enough time, the concentration of immigrants will increase until they start demanding the introduction of Sharia law in Malta. I respect the Muslim religion but do not want the secular state in Malta to be threatened as that will change the Malta that I was born in beyond recognition and radically alter our way of life. There are over 20 Arab states but only 1 tiny Malta which over time is being swamped by immigrants.
The commendable stance taken by PM has nothing to do with racism but stands to reason. Whilst respecting the principle of diversity given enough time, the concentration of immigrants will increase until they start demanding the introduction of Sharia law in Malta. I respect the Muslim religion but do not want the secular state in Malta to be threatened as that will change the Malta that I was born in beyond recognition and radically alter our way of life. There are over 20 Arab states but only 1 tiny Malta which over time is being swamped by immigrants.
@bones. I think you have missed the point. Our PM went for a quick fix and brought the ceiling of shame tumbling down on our heads. His is not about addressing the problem but trying to diminish our liabilities in a human tragedy happening in our back yard. This is an attitude befitting a car salesman and not a nation’s head.
It's not just Muscat's which is in tatters (he has blown his own cover). He has brought dishonour to his country and all those against racism (be they PN, PL or AD) are deeply ashamed of the Prime Minister.
What a hypocrite! But then considering your affiliations with the building trade, I guess you want to ensure a nice supply of cheap slave labor. How about turning your devoted Christian values to good use and create a building trust with your business associates to build comfortable living space for these illegal immigrants? I did not think so! Are you talking about phony Christians applauding a phony liberal in charge? Have you forgotten your political background and your political administration that are the cause of all these problems? They say that old soldiers never die, they simply fade away, but here is a case of an old soldier trying to rejuvenate his miserable political career at the expense of his native country.
Mela, sieheb, la qed tikkwota l-Bibbja u l-parabbola tas-samaritan, ghax ma taghmilx bhalu u taghti xi ftit mill-propjeta li ghandek biex jinzammu l-immigrant fiha? Facli hafna li tippriedka, imma meta tigi biex twettaq iebsa.
Perit, are you joking?
You missed the point, JM is trying to adress a long ignored unsustainable problem. In the medium to long run even the irregular migrants will thank him, as a solution may finally be achieved but only if the Europeans treat us fairly as their European brothers.