[VIDEO] Marine wildlife enthusiast captures fight between two great white sharks on film

Great white shark attacks rival predator in rarely seen footage shot off the coast of the Neptune Islands, South Australia

Marine wildlife enthusiast Russell Gordon has managed to capture on film an attack between two great white sharks.

The ferocious attack was filmed last year but has only been recently posted online.

In the extremely rare piece of footage that has gone viral on the Internet, the two predators are filmed ferociously attacking one another off the coast of the Neptune Islands, South Australia.

It is believed that first shark to attack was fighting for territory.

Gordon was inside a shark cage when he witnessed the scene.

“This incredible footage of a Shark on shark attack was captured during my diving at Neptune Islands, South Australia,” Gordon wrote on his YouTube page.

He explained that the video showed unbelievably rare behaviour in great white sharks which had not been captured previously.

“This video is unique because neither shark has been influenced by bait,” Gordon said.

“Some of you may have viewed other footage of shark on shark attacks but these are purely accidental incidences because the two sharks strike at the bait line and inadvertently hit each other.

“I hope people find this video interesting and it contributes to understanding the complex behaviours of this wonderful and important species.”