Paris Summit will make poor countries pay for crisis they did not cause – Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth say that the Paris Agreement falls short of adequate plans

Friends of the Earth mentions a number of discrepencies in the Paris Summit
Friends of the Earth mentions a number of discrepencies in the Paris Summit

Friends of the Earth director, Martin Galea De Giovanni said that the Paris Agreement blazes the trail for new policymaking and campaigning but falls short of an adequate plan to turn goals into reality.

He insisted that the Paris climate deal will “require people-power to make politicians live up to their rhetoric. If we're going to avoid warming above 1.5 degrees a lot more needs to be done.”

De Giovanni said that the transformation cannot be based on the goodwill of government but on the power of the people.  

“If people's solutions are embraced universally, and not further held back by decision-makers, nor undermined by corporate incentives, we could together make huge strides along the path to climate-safe societies.”

Friends of the Earth International said that the Paris talks will expect poor countries to pay for a crisis they did not cause. “The finance exists. The political will does not.”