BirdLife lambasts Roderick Galdes for promoting bird-trapping event
BirdLife Malta calls on environment authority to state position on bird-trapping event taking place at a nature reserve

The individual who is politically responsible from animal rights shouldn’t be promoting bird-trapping events, BirdLife Malta said today.
Parliamentary secretary Roderick Galdes was photographed by the Department of Information at a launch of an event promoting the trapping of birds, being held tomorrow. BirdLife decried the “unacceptable” move.
“Bird trapping activities have no link whatsoever with animal rights. This event goes against the values of love for nature, preservation and conservation, and to have the person representing animal rights in Malta’s Government launching this event, simply shows where his priorities are,” the bird enthusiasts said.
BirdLife Malta reminded that Galdes had organised an activity with taxidermists last year, promoting the killing and stuffing of birds.
“On that occasion he stood alongside two people found guilty of the illegal possession of protected birds including birds of prey.
“Now, Galdes is standing side by side with a person found guilty of being in possession of 20 carcasses of protected birds, mainly birds of prey.
“Rather than distancing himself from those who do not respect our environment and conservation laws, Galdes opts to organise events with them.”
BirdLife said this dented Galdes’s credibility when stating that he is fighting illegalities in relation to nature laws.
“While tomorrow’s event at Buskett could also be considered as illegal since it will be organised in a nature reserve which is a Natura 2000 site, thus prohibiting people to be in possession of birds, BirdLife Malta is requesting clarification from the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) on its position on this event.”
BirdLife Malta went on to call on the Prime Minister to stand by his words following the spring hunting referendum, that he will lead a more “environmentally-conscious government”.