Decision set to be made on Yorgen Fenech’s latest bail request

Decree regarding whether or not Yorgen Fenech, accused of complicity in the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, will be granted bail will be handed in chambers on Wednesday or in coming days

Yorgen Fenech
Yorgen Fenech

A decree regarding whether or not Yorgen Fenech, accused of complicity in the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, will be granted bail will be handed in chambers today or in the coming days.

The Court heard submissions after Fenech, a former businessman, lodged yet another request for bail, arguing that more than 30 months had elapsed since the date of the issuance of the bill of indictment against him.

The Prosecution cited various reasons for its objection to the granting of bail, with Prosecutor Godwin Cini arguing that there existed reasonable fear of tampering with evidence as well as a flight risk.

He stated that it is no secret that Fenech is financially well off and that there was evidence of previous attempts to escape Malta.

Cini also explained that the granting of bail just before the commencement of trial would cause a disturbance.

Defence lawyer Charles Mercieca, on the other hand, argued that Fenech has been arrested for over five years and that various relatives have expressed their willingness to act as guarantors should bail be granted. Mercieca furthermore noted that the Court had all the tools to impose relevant bail conditions, with the arrest of his client no longer being a preventative one at this stage.

AG lawyers Anthony Vella, Godwin Cini and Danika Vella prosecuted.

Lawyers Gianluca Caruana Curran, Charles Mercieca and Marion Camilleri are defence counsel. 

Lawyers Jason Azzopardi and Therese Comodini Cachia appeared parte civile.