Trial by jury postponed as Court blames late filings by prosecution

Statement released through Department of Information condemns last-minute filing by Attorney General  

Courts of Justice (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)
Courts of Justice (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)

A trial by jury scheduled to begin on Monday was postponed due to late filings by the Attorney General, according to a statement issued by the courts through the Department of Information.

In the statement, prosecutors were condemned for having only filed a request to track down foreign witnesses on 9 January, notwithstanding that the date of the trial was set back in September.

It was noted in the statement that it was not clear who the prosecution had intended to summon as a witness in the trial.

Therefore, the trial was being postponed “until the Attorney General is in a position to better declare who it intends to present as a witness in this trial by jury”.

The case pertains to Clive Butler, who had been arrested regarding a seizure of heroin in Germany.