Dalli berates Metsola and Casa over rule of law vote on Bulgaria
Labour MEP accuses Roberta Metsola and David Casa of hypocrisy in support of Bulgarian government's backsliding on rule of law

MEP Miriam Dalli and MP Ian Castaldi Paris have taken PN MEPs Roberta Metsola and David Casa to task for not supporting the condemnation of the state of the rule of law in Bulgaria because of Boris Borissov’s alliance with the EPP.
The Maltese MEPs from two different groupings traded barbs on Saturday.
In a press conference on Saturday held together with MP Ian Castaldi Paris, Labour MEP Miriam Dalli lashed out at Metsola and Casa, saying that while the two PN MEPs were happy to criticise Malta and vote in favour of European Parliament motions criticising it on rule of law issues, they had then backed the Bulgarian government when it faced similar EP criticism.
"Hypocrisy is unacceptable and if PN MEPs believe in democracy and rule of law, they should clearly show that they believe in these things everywhere and for all countries," Dalli said. "So far we've seen them criticise and vote against Malta but then defend and vote in favour of countries backed by their own political grouping."
“This is something that hurts the country," Castaldi Paris said, adding that he was "proud to be Maltese" in contrast to PN Leader Bernard Grech's statement that he was embarrased to say he was Maltese when abroad.
But the PN MEPs argued that Labour MEPs had always acted against the interests of the Maltese, as long as they defended their party. “In every circumstance, they voted in favour of the interests of Pilatus Bank, Keith Schembri, Konrad Mizzi, Peter Grech and Joseph Muscat and against those who want Malta’s institutions to work and justice to be served.”
Metsola and Casa said that they would continue to work for the implementation of mechanisms which, they said, would defend people from every country against corruption.