Union says Selmun Palace redundancies not an option

There are at least two offers for the purchase of Selmun Palace Hotel and ‘mass redundancies’ are not the way forward, the General Workers’ Union says.

Contacted by MaltaToday, General Workers’ Union Hospitality & Foods section head Josef Bugeja said that the GWU could not accept the position adopted by government and Air Malta management that Selmun Palace Hotel is a “failed company”.

“They told us that the tendering process would be issued internationally, that Selmun Palace Hotel is a failed company, and that it would be making its workers redundant,” Bugeja said. “We obviously did not accept and told government to find a new solution.”

Bugeja said other alternatives exist. “We are in contact with companies interested in buying Selmun Palace Hotel as a company – they were only waiting for the tendering to begin.”

Bugeja said the GWU was informed of the meeting between Air Malta and Selmun employees the day before, and immediately issued a directive to not attend the meeting. “I can confirm that no employees attended,” he said.

He argued that Air Malta had no business meeting employees to talk to them about the redundancies when, according to the relevant legal notices, redundancy procedures require a 30-day-peroid during which they are discussed first by the relevant company, employee representatives, and the Director of Employment and Industrial Relations.

“Air Malta claimed that the meeting was intended only to inform the employees, but Air Malta had months during which to inform the employees, but saw it fit to do so even now,” Bugeja said.

Bugeja said that in the months leading up to the surprise redundancy announcement, “we were always constantly informed that the tender would be coming out the next week, or the next day.”

However, he said the government had first said that the Selmun Palace Hotel would be sold through the Lands Department, and then suddenly changed track and said the sale would take place through Air Malta. “We had been asking government to retrain workers and transfer the business, since it was going to sell the company, but government said it did not want to create a precedent.”

He said the GWU is now expecting Noel Vella (Director of Employment and Industrial Relations) to meet to discuss the redundancies. “There are two offers by foreign companies and we will see to it that Air Malta meets with them to discuss the offers,” Bugeja said.

Reacting to news of the redundancy of 58 workers, Labour MP Gavin Gulia said that appointments at top management in Air Malta had taken place without any transparency and accountability. "Was it a decision taken by the board of directors or the new management at the airline?" he asked.

He also asked whether the termination of the Selmun workforce was part of Air Malta's restructuring programme, whether they will be offerred alternative employment or early retirement, and what will the government be doing to safeguard the future of these 58 families.

duncan abela
Perhaps the GWU can tell us what the solution is if redundancies is not an option. If their solution makes economic or political sense let them tell us what it is. The scandal is that the hotel lost 13 million and has been closed for some time whilst workers continued to be pai. Shame on the PN and the finance minister to allow such a situation to persist. It is our taxpayers money paying for such squandring of public monies. Does one know of any hotel where redundant workers have received such privileged treatment. I know a lot of faithful former workers in Qawra hotels which were simply shown the door in particular when hotels were turned into money spinning apartments with hardly any union raising a whimper The solution and clarion call for a true union of all the workers is (1) All workers have to be treated justly and equally (2) Payments for all redundant workers should be generous such as the cassa integrazione model in Italy and France to give them a chance to find alternative employment.
Paul Sammut
What was minister Tonio 'Veru Cuc Malti' Fenech doing while Selmun Palace was bleeding money? Dozing? He cannot blame the employees this time. He is responsible. He must shoulder accountability, pay back and hand over the job to others who are competent to take care of what is left of the country's wealth.
Ghal dawn ma tmisshomx il-kuxjenza! aqraw din: https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/10/chi-non-vota-con-me-gli-faccio-un-culo-cosi/
Minn hemm wara l-kwinti lest biex jahtaf is-Selmun Palace? Kif jista jkun lukanda b'lokalita bhal dik falliet? Kemm hsibtuna mzazen?
Ara l-dak li mhxu ċuċ mAlti malajt tawh €500,000 fis-sena għal tliet snin. Imbagħad huwa stess qabbad tnejn oħra minn sħabu u ma jridux jgħidulna kemm se jitħallsu. U l-ħaddiema jintbagħtu 'l barra. KODARDI
l-aqwa ki hadu 500 euro zieda fil-gimgha. U flus ghall-ombarazz ghandhom, bhal 80 miljun fuq bieb il-belt li ma riedu hadd hlief Gonzi. Yghid lil-dawn kitbilhom qabel l-elezzjoni li mohhom mistrieh,bhal ma kiteb lil ta -airmalta, id-dockyard, lil Go, etc. Zommu wahda f'mohhkom qabel tivvotaw, Tidhak bija darba, int il-hmar. Tidhak bija darbtejn, jien il-hmar