PN file parliamentary motion demanding Konrad Mizzi appear in front of the Public Accounts Committee
PN expects government to vote for the motion today, so that former minister Konrad Mizzi appears in front of the committee on Wednesday

The Nationalist Party has presented an urgent motion in Parliament calling for a vote demanding MP Konrad Mizzi appear in front of the Public Accounts Committee.
The Nationalist MP and chairman of the public accounts committee Beppe Fenech Adami said Konrad Mizzi’s decision to not appear in front of the Public Accounts Committee is irresponsible. “It is unacceptable that a member of parliament is refusing to answer for his actions to this day. What Konrad mizzi is doing is without precedent".
Former Labour Minister Konrad Mizzi failed twice to appear before parliament’s permanent public accounts committee (PAC), to testify on the Electrogas project. To justify his absence, Mizzi cited parliamentary rules and committee praxis.
“Now the ball is in the government’s court, and it should now move from words to action. We have the opportunity to pass this motion as soon as possible…we expect a vote for today so that tomorrow Konrad Mizzi will be requested to give testimony tomorrow. Robert Abela should have the courage to do so,” said Fenech Adami.
Nationalist MP Karol Aquilina said that the parliament should order Konrad Mizzi to appear in front of the committee. “We expect the Prime Minister Robert Abela and all ministers to put down in writing that Konrad mizzi is to appear in front of the PAC,” said Aquilina.
PN MP Ryan Callus said that it is in everyone’s interest he gives his testimony, as “Mizzi chose not to always procure energy from the cheapest source available”.
Callus said Mizzi’s decision to proceed with the hedging agreement with SOCAR, is reflecting on higher utility bills for everyone.
'Robert Abela should remove all speculation over the general election'
Beppe Fenech Adami said that Robert Abela should not allow for such certainty to prevail over the election. “Everyone out there is wondering whether Robert abela will announce an early election or not.”
“Robert Abela has the responsibility to not let the country on hold. Such speculation is harmful to the economy, especially during such a fragile moment. The last thing the country needs is more instability – Robert Abela should decide and remove the speculation once and for all,” concluded Fenech Adami.