Restaurateurs rue return of St Julian’s football mega-screen
Owners of local restaurants, residents, and fishermen in St Julian’s Spinola Bay area are up in arms against their local council, claiming the erection of a mega screen on their doorsteps would attract 'football maniacs' who will drive away customers
Owners of local restaurants, residents, and fishermen in St Julian’s Spinola Bay area are up in arms against their local council, claiming the erection of a mega screen on their doorsteps would attract “football maniacs” who will drive away customers, apart from disturbing the peace.
“The fishermen also had to pay to have their boats remove with immediate effect,” one of the restaurateurs told MaltaToday, speaking about a petition objecting to the screening of Euro 2024 matches at Xatt is-Sajjieda.
The business owners insist that the screen will block access to local seafront establishments with noise that will push customers away, leading to a loss of business in the peak season.
“We pay licences, staff, expenses throughout the whole year and we expect to be able to work in the summer without hindrance,” the owner said.
The petitioners claim the events company granted the permit for the mega-screen will also be selling alcohol and beverages without the necessary permits.
The restaurateurs have filed a criminal complaint to the Commissioner of Police, and plan legal action against the St Julian’s council over loss of sales.
“Unlike bars that welcome the tournament in the hope of boosting sales, operators of these dining establishments and hotels are already estimating a decline in revenue. The fact that Spinola Bay hosts some of Malta’s top restaurants, was not considered.
“Xatt is-Sajjieda is no place for rowdy activities that turn the area into an extension of Paceville, attracting lager louts, instead of the upmarket diners that are catered and invested heavily for,” they said. “The mega-screen should be moved to Luxol car park or Manoel Island. Xatt is-Sajjieda should remain the quaint fishermen’s area it was marketed to be and be enjoyed in peace.”
The return of summer football competitions is a regular complaint by business owners in the area who have presented petitions against the mega-screen on Xatt is-Sajjieda, over the last decade and a half.